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Additions 2007



BACKUP Newsletters 2007

.................................. December 2007

33 Stone Kannon Statues of Hakodate

Ukimido, the floating hall and Matsuo Basho 浮御堂

Narita Train Line Special Service 川崎大師への初詣に

Osaka '70 World Fair - Ōsaka Banpaku (大阪万博) Memorial Dolls

Nakano Clay Dolls 中野土人形

Nachi Black Stone Carvings ... 那智黒のだるま

Doraemon Daruma Dolls (ドラえもん)

Kiyomizu Small Clay Dolls 清水豆人形(京都府)

Kyoto Clay Dolls 京土人形

Dogo : Hime Kitty Daruma, Princess Daruma from Dogo Onsen Matsuyama ひめだるまキティ, 姫だるまキティ

Kodaruma BLOG Collection of Kodaruma San

Kohi Kappu 呉須だるまコーヒー碗皿 Coffee Cup with gosu blue glazing

Orchid "Purple Rain" Daruma

Raku Kichizaemon XV 樂 吉左衛門 Potter of the Raku tradition

Maruyama Okyo Maruyama Ōkyo (1733–1795; 円山 応挙) Painter

Exhibitions in Winter 2007

French Magazine "Daruma"

Wakamiya Hachimangu Mie Papermache Lucky Daruma . 若宮八幡宮の福達磨」(三重)

.................................. November 2007

Naito Meisetsu 内藤鳴雪 Haiku Poet. 1847 - 1926

Korean Ambassadors to Edo Choosen Tsuushin Shi .. 朝鮮通信使

Big Spenders, the 18 Playboys of Edo (juuhachi daitsuu) 十八大通

Kano Eitoku 狩野 永徳(1543 - 1590)

.................................. October 2007

Nio, Deva Kings 仁王 (Nioo, Niou)

Inkan, Hanko 印鑑、判子 <>Personal Name Stamps and Seals

H A I K U about Fudo Myo-O

Bunchin 文鎮 ... paperweight

Park, Kume Island Daruma Park .. 久米島 だるま山公園 Okinawa

Takasaki Town Mascot ... 高崎だるま "たか丸"

TSUBA, 鍔 つば the sword guard some additions

Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川歌麿(1753~1806年)

Meditation, Skillful Meditation

Objects with Daruma ダルマオブジェ. Ishii Tatsuya

Okimono ... Statues with Daruma 置物

Restaurant "Daruma San Ichome" だるまさん一丁目

Obidome ... Belt Buckle 帯留

Garuda Halo of Fudo Myo-O karura-en 迦楼羅焔(かるらえん)

Kannabi, a place of the Gods 神奈備

Fujisan Mt. Fuji 富士山

Gyoran Kannon, Kannon with Fish Basket, 魚籃観音(ぎょらんかんのん)

Katoo (gatoo) Pottery Lamp 瓦燈

Kintaroo, Strong Boy Daruma だるま抱き金太郎

Maekake ... Apron 前掛け

.................................. August 2007

Nishimura Kocho (Nishimura Koochoo) 西村公朝 Master Carver

Renkoo-In, Renkoin 蓮光院初馬寺 Tsu Town

Temple Ishiyamadera / 石山寺

Ikkanbari ... 一閑張・姫だるま Princess Daruma Dolls from special papermachee, Ikkan type

Women's slope (onna-zaka)/ Men's slope (otoko-zaka) 女坂 . 男坂

Jeans, Daruma handpainted on denim material

Nuigurumi ... ぬいぐるみ Stuffed dolls

.................................. July 2007

Hime Daruma 姫だるま Princess Daruma, Introduction

Seals ... シール

Onomichi, a coastal town  尾道

McFarland, Yoshiko McFarland Artist

Kushi 櫛 (くし) Comb

Kin 18金製 18 Carat Gold Daruma

Kanemochi 金持ち(餅)だるま  Rich Man Daruma (Rice Dumplings)

Hirame ひらめ 平目と魚 Flounder and other fish

Cartoons with Daruma

Calligraphy , shodoo 書道

Maso Bosatsu, Senrigan and Junpuji 媽祖菩薩, 千里眼, 順風耳

Kurama Stone, Kurama Ishi 鞍馬石

Grapes Yakushi, Budoo Yakushi 葡萄薬師

.................................. June 2007

Yen Eyes, Dollar Eyes Papermachee Daruma Dolls

Tanuki 狸 ... A Badger posing as Daruma ... and the Tanuki Scrotum, kintama 金玉

Shanghai Fine Jewellery and Art Fair ... SFJAF

Mouse, Computer Mouse and remocon devices ダルマウス

Design, Japanese Design and Daruma

Natto 納豆 ... Fermented Beans

Fabrics, Cloth 布、切れ

Kaeru 蛙 かえる ... The FROG

Fudo Shin, The Immovable Spirit 不動の心

Glass ガラス Tsugaru Glass, Tsugaru Bidoro 津軽びいどろ 瑠璃だるま

Migawari Fudo, the Substitute Fudo みがわり不動、身代わり不動尊

PEACE and Daruma

Color Symbol Daruma カラーだるま

Chrysanthemum . 達磨菊(ダルマギク) . Darumagiku

Gojinjoo Taikoo 御陣乗太鼓面 Drummer Masks

I LOVE DARUMA .. various goods

Kawasaki Kyosen 川崎巨泉(1877-1942) ... 5000 Sketches of Japanese Folk Art

Kawa zaiku 皮細工  Leather Goods : Notebook cover ノートカバー(達磨カービング) notebook cover / Holder for business cards 名刺入れ meishi ire

Koozen-Ji 興禅寺 Daruma Temple Kozen-Ji White Daruma Statue

Noomen 能面 達磨 Noh Mask More about the Noh Theater

Shinsengumi 新選組だるま Papermachee Doll for the Samurai Group "Shinsengumi"

Shita 舌  Daruma sticking out his tounge !

Table, Dharma Table Design

Tibet チベット <> Padama Sangye: The Daruma Connection .. and .. Tibetan Daruma Doll

White Daruma Goods Wedding Daruma 婚礼だるま konrei Daruma and more

Yuzen (yuuzen) und Chiyogami ... 友禅 / 千代紙 Papercraft with Washi Japanese Paper

Yakkyuu 野球 Baseball goods with Daruma

Japanese Prints, Store by Anders Rikardson

Remote Control ... だるまリモコン

Kannon Daruma, Daruma Kannon だるま観音

Acupuncture ... 針灸

Cap Clip だるま キャップクリップマーカー

Chigiri-e .. ちぎり絵 Paintings from torn paper

Iyashi no daruma 癒しのだるま ... Healing Daruma, various forms

Hashi oki ... chopstick rests 箸置き

Maruishi Kaku, a papercraft artist . 円石格

Mimi, Daruma with Ears 達磨の耳 だるまの耳

Mayu Daruma from silk cocoons . 繭だるま / まゆだるま / 繭達磨

Onishi Clay Dolls 尾西のだるま / Okoshi Tsuchi ningyo 起の土人形

Tissue Paper Box チッシュペーパーボックス

Wagashi 和菓子 . Japanese Sweets

Mii-Dera, Mii Temple 三井寺

.................................. May 2007

. . . !!! . . . Latest in the new ARCHIVES

Tairyuu-Ji, Big Dragon Temple 太龍寺

Tofukuji Temple (toofukuji 東福寺) and master gardener Shigemori Mirei 重森三玲

Demukae Fudo Son.出迎え不動明王

E ... 絵 ... Paintings of Daruma

Happuu Fudoo . 八風吹不動

Hoki Bosatsu, Hooki Bosatsu 法起菩薩 ... "Hoodoo Sennin" 法道仙人, Temple Bodaiji 菩提寺, Saint Tokudo 徳道上人

. Maekawa Senpan 前川千帆 . Woodblockprints

A living Daruma, Ono Katsuhiko 大野勝彦

Hell Concepts in Daoism 道教と地獄

Fudoosan <> Real Estate Agents 不動産

Daruma Fudo Doll and Fudo Daruma paintings 達磨不動明王, 不動達磨図

Greeting Cards with DaMo

Hashi, O-Hashi ... Chopsticks お箸 おはし

Hanger for small thingsハンガー

Helmet for motorbikes ヘルメット

Kootsuu anzen (kotsu anzen) ... traffic safety, road safety 交通安全だるま

Mudra, Daruma Mudra meditation position dharma-cakra-pravartana 

Nagoya Obi ... Sash from Nagoya with embroiderie. 名古屋帯

Taka ... Hawk Daruma Doll 鷹だるま

Nyoi Hooju, Wishfulfilling Jewel 如意宝珠, mani hooju 摩尼宝珠

Nyoirin Kannon, Wishfulfilling Kannon如意輪観音
..... Seiryuu Gongen, Dragon Deity Zennyo 清瀧権現

Yonaki Jizo and babies crying at night 夜泣き地蔵

History of Buddha Statues in Japan Deutsch

Shikishi <> 色紙 Decoration Art Board

Shoki (Shooki  鍾馗 しょうき)The Demon Queller

Snacks with Daruma スナック Food

Dog <> 犬

Fire <>火達磨、火だるま

Kaminari Chan ... Little Thunder and Little Daruma

Soccer World Cup <> サッカー ワールドカップ

Otoshi, Daruma Otoshi  だるま落とし だるまおとし

Kusuri, kusuribukuro 薬袋 Medicine Bags

Milk Cartons 牛乳パック

Japonism and Daruma

Stamps, rubber stamps

Shoogatsu ... 正月 New Year Decorations

Uba Gongen 姥権現 ... at Mt. Iidesan 飯豊山. Uba Jizo 姥地蔵.

Mountain hermits, sennin 仙人
..... Three Hermits: plum, chrysanthemum and narcissus

Ajimi Jizo 嘗試地蔵 and Kobo DaishiKoya san

Winnie the Pooh プーさん, プー小熊

.................................. April 2007

Kubizuka, mounds for a severed head 首塚

Inuki Fudo in Tochigi 居貫不動 with many scriptures inside

Yugasan Fudo 由加山厄除不動

Tainai Butsu 胎内佛, 胎内仏Small Statues inside a statue.
..... offerings inside a statue, zoonai noonyuuhin 像内納入品

Making Buddha Statues 仏像作りBasic Information

Tea scoop <> Chami with Daruma Carving 茶箕(ちゃみ)

Cup soup カップラーメン

Piggy Bank (chokin bako  貯金箱)

Strap (ストラップ)

Mickey Mouse Disney and Daruma

Victory Daruma, Examination Daruma / Gookaku Daruma 合格だるま

Onsen Daruma Yu 達磨湯, だるま湯 <> Hot Springs named DARUMA

Kotahouse Daruma Store

Animation アニメ

Haizara 灰皿 <> Ashtray

Kashi bin 菓子ビン <> Glass for cookies

Taihoo Daruma, the big cannon <> 大砲だるま

Jundei Kannon, Juntei Kannon 准胝 観音 Mother of all Buddhas, 准胝仏母(じゅんていぶっぽ)

Seated Fudo Myo-O Rietberg Museum, Zurich

Bishamonten Festival and Daruma Market

Daruma Clock だるま時計

Daruma Stove だるまストーブ

(ゲゲゲの鬼太郎, Ge Ge Ge no Kitarō)

Edo Patterns, share 洒落 Kamawanu, Kikugoro goshi and other puns

Nagaya だるま長屋殺人事件 Row houses in Edo

Kazusa Daruma 下総だるまPapermachee Dolls (see also: Kashiwa Daruma)

Sakushu Kaido, The Old Road of Sakushu 作州街道 With many details on the way !
Kita no Sho Shrine

Izumo Kaido, The Old Road of Izumo 出雲街道 With many details on the way !

Dragon Shopsign, Tsuboi Town

Shugendo: "The Way of the Yamabushi" by Erik Krautbauer

O-Shichi Kannon お七観音 Temple Tanjo-Ji Okayama

Ito 京美糸 <> Silk thread for sewing

Tanabata Daruma 七夕だるま Hiratsuka

.................................. March 2007

Seven Gods of Good Luck as Daruma Dolls 七福神だるま

The Gods of Japan and Haiku (Kami to Hotoke)

Guinomi ぐい飲み Cups, Teacups

Tairyoobata (tairyobata, tairyooki) 大量旗 Ships Flagsfor a bountiful catch

Coca Cola Items and Daruma Advertisement

"Dragon wheel, dragon vehicle" ryuusha 竜車, 竜舎Part of a Pagoda Final Decoration

Walnut (kurumi 胡桃)

Kanji Character AI looking like Daruma漢字のだるま絵

Tiles, Roof Tiles Kawara 瓦 かわら. onigawara 鬼瓦

Hitokotonushi 一言主 "God of One Word" at Katsuragi Mountain, 葛城山の一言主神社

TEE shirts

Telephonecards and Hajima Daruma Market 拝島大師だるま市

Ticket for a bus ride to Takatoo Daruma Market 高遠のだるま市

Darumagama, a kiln in Bizen Tokian 陶器庵 備前焼き

.................................. February 2007

Shiromen Fudo no Taki, a Waterfall

Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples

Kashigata 菓子型 Cake mold of iron


Bon, 盆 a tray

Shunga Daruma 春画だるま Erotic Pose

Sekiri 隻履達磨Daruma carrying one sandal

Robot Dolls ロボコンだるま

Plates with Daruma Design お皿

Mascott Hot Pepper

Tenugui 手ぬぐい Small Hand Towels

Toothpick holder

ゴルフバグ Golf Bag

Gin 銀 Silver Daruma

Designer Daruma by Debi Bender

Fukuyama Bingo Shrine 福山: 備後護国神社
..... with Daruma Votive Tablets (ema)

Anko Daruma of sweet bean paste 餡子だるま , だるまあん

.................................. January 2007

Signboard for Coca Cola

Inoshishi : Papermachee Doll of a Wild Boar for 2007

Card from TV GUIDE magazine

Stone carving small okimono

Keyholder with Kyupi Daruma Doll

Lighter from ZIPPO

Hamburger wrapper Examination Food

Juken Food 受験フーズ  Examination Hell Food, January 2007

Kitsune Daruma, Fox Daruma 狐だるま 狐達磨 From Shibata Town, Niigata.

Pinoccio Daruma ピノッキオ だるま  。。。!!!

Strap with Winebottle. From Carlo Rossi Vinyard, 2006. ..オリジナル ミニだるまストラップ

Salt and Pepper Shaker

Tsumayooji (tsumajoji) 爪楊枝 つまようじ <> Toothpick-holder

Metal Hibachi Brazier

Rope-jumping plastic doll

Train Ticket from Gujoo Hachiman Daruma Market Promotion

Quotes from Bodhidaruma Quotes of Bodhidaruma

CE Mark Daruma for Europa


ALL ... Latest Additions from 2006

..... Latest Additions from 2005 are here:

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

To the Daruma Museum ABC Index

World Kigo Database

Daruma Museum Waitinglist

. . . . . . . . . . . .Daruma Museum Archives since 2007

Daruma Digest January 2005



Cup soup ramen


Cup noodle soup カップラーメン

カップヌードル (Kappu Nūdoru, Cup Noodle)

source : facebook

Cup Noodles (or Cup o' Noodles) is a brand of instant ramen noodle snack manufactured by Nissin, packaged in a styrofoam or hard plastic cup. Other brand names are used in specific countries, most notably the Cup Noodle (not plural) in Japan.

Instant noodles were invented in 1958 by Momofuku Ando, the Taiwanese-born founder of the Japanese food company Nissin. He used Chikin Ramen (Chicken Ramen) as the first instant ramen noodles. In 1970, Nissin formed the subsidiary Nissin Foods (USA) Co. Inc, to sell instant noodles to the United States. Nissin recognized that the bowls traditionally used to package instant noodles were not common in the U.S, so they instead turned to the paper cup; in 1971, they introduced instant ramen packaged in a styrofoam cup. Nissin subsequently introduced this to Japan.

Today, instant noodles in Japan are often sold in styrofoam bowls, sometimes with plastic utensils. Styrofoam bowls are easily portable; they are very convenient for outdoor activities. Styrofoam bowls are also inexpensive, disposable, and light, and thus convenient as an "on-the-go" meal.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !



必勝だるま コムタン風クッパ

Beef noodle soup

Inside are red and white fish paste cakes with the Chinese character for WINNING!

This soup is sold during the examination period until February 2008.

It comes in a set with two others, the beckoning cat and the badger TANUKI.



© / 永谷園



A few years ago, in 2002, my friend Kyoko sent me two cup soups for the New Year in the Kanto area.

I never opened the cups, but here is a look from an external LINK
The red Daruma had a soysauce flavor, the white one was a pork soup.




ベビースターラーメン丸 だるま Baby Star Ramen Maru Daruma
(チキン味) Chicken taste with 桜味玉 little noodle balls

source :

The illustration and letters are all upside-down.
Baby star Ramen Maru chicken at amazon com . . .


Daruma Ramen House 達磨日式拉麵
Restaurant in Hongkong
92E, Tung Lo Wan Road , Tai Hang

Daruma Ramen in Akihabara

hakata daruma tonkotsu ramen 博多だるまラーメン

Kushiro Ramen Daruma 釧路 ラーメン だるま

Red green onion Daruma ramen 赤ネギたるま麺

Ramen Daruma on Facebook


Spring 2012 - ankake Daruma あんかけだるま

This is a pun with

. Gankake 願掛け to make a wish.

kanidashi udon カニだしうどん Udon noodles with crab soup

ebidashi 海老だししおラーメン ramen with shrimp soup

taidashi 鯛だししょうゆラーメン ramen with seabream soup


Food with Daruma / Album

More about FOOD with Daruma

Raamen, Ramen, ラーメン Chinese noodle soup


- #raamen #ramensoup #darumaramen -




Daruma Manjuu 達磨まんじゅう
ダルマまんじゅう / 達磨饅頭
steamed manju buns with Daruma !

From Temple Kawasaki Daishi

DARUMA Sable Cakes from Kawasaki
川崎大師名物 大人気 元祖ダルマサブレー

Kawasaki Daishi Train Line and Daruma

DARUMA Senbei だるませんべい Rice Crackers from Kawasaki

Looking for photos !


Daruma Manju

© PHOTO : jeanne

Sold near Daruma Temple Hoorinji in Kyoto
京都 法輪寺(だるま寺)


A restaurant called
Daruma Manjuu だるま饅頭

It used to be a store to sell only manju, but lately
also selling monja yaki and
okonomiyaki お好み焼き屋

source :  live-happily 風花人


Daruma Manju from Kasai Daruma Market
Hamamatsu, Kasai Kannon
market at January 10, until 9 at night
This is the auspicious day for Kannon Bosatsu.

at temple Fukurai-Ji 福来寺.
People come to pray for good luck and good business in the New Year.
This market has a history of more than 120 years.

Click for more photos !



Daruma Museum



BACKUP - Daruma Food LINKS


Daruma Food LINKS

. WASHOKU - Daruma Food LINKS .

Below is a backup from July 2012.


Akachochin CHOOCHIN, lanterns 提灯とだるま
Ame, dagashi <> Sweets  飴、駄菓子
Anko, sweet bean paste Daruma 餡子だるま , だるまあん

Azuki Daruma 小豆を「達磨」made from Red Beans

Bentoobako ― Lunchbox with Daruma Bentoobako 弁当箱
Bon, 盆 a tray

CHA 茶 The world of TEA and Daruma

Cookies だるまクッキー
Daruma sweets

Cups and Mugs
..... Guinomi ぐい飲み Tea Cups
Cup soup <> カップラーメン Cup Ramen, Cup Raamen
Curry from GLICO グリコカレー / glico カレー職人 Gookaku 合格 to pass the examination

Fukudama Fukudama 迎春福玉 Sweets
Fukutoku Senbei - Waffles for Good Luck from Kanazawa

Gokoku hojo .. 五穀豊穣 (gokoku hoojoo)
Prayers for a Bountiful Harvest of the Five Grains

Hamburger Cotelettes KATSU Daruma Food
..... 合格祈願エビカツバーガー to pass examinations
Hashi, O-Hashi ... Chopsticks お箸 おはし
Hashi oki ... chopstick rests 箸置き

Juken Food 受験フーズ Examination Hell Food, January 2007

Kabocha Daruma as Pumpkinかぼちゃ達磨, かぼちゃだるま
Kagome Food for Exam Students カゴメ 
Kashigata 菓子型 <> Cake Molds from wood
..... Kashigata 菓子型 Cake mold from iron
..... Kashi bin 菓子ビン <> Glass for cookies
Katsuobushi kezuriki かつおぶし削り器 cutter for bonito flakes
Keeki だるまケーキ Cakes decorated with Daruma

Maekake ... Apron 前掛け
Daruma Masamune 達磨正宗 Aged Rice wine
Mito Kōmon .. 水戸黄門 Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀

Nabe ... だるま鍋 ... Cooking pot and restaurant
Natto 納豆 ... Fermented Beans
Noren ... Door Curtains 暖簾 のれん

Pan, Daruma pan だるまパン Daruma bread and
Daruma monaka だるまもなか Daruma wafers

Parfait Daruma ..... パフェだるま Food Art

RESTAURANTS . . . More . . . DARUMA Restaurants

Sable Cakes from Kawasaki 川崎大師名物 大人気 元祖ダルマサブレー
Salt and Pepper Shaker Shio Koshoo Ire . 塩コショウ入れ. 塩胡椒入れ

Sake, Ricewine and Daruma 酒.....
Sakazuki 杯 small cups / 達磨タンブラー . Tumbler Daruma

Sankuro, Dondo Yaki and Spring Fire Ceremonies 三九郎とだるま 
Sara - Plates お皿にだるま
Senbei だるませんべい Rice Crackers
Sencha 煎茶 <> Tea with Daruma see > CHA
Shamoji しゃもじ <> Rice Spoon, Ladle
Snacks with Daruma スナック Food
Soba 蕎麦 そば <> Daruma Eating Buckwheat Noodles
SUSHI . Daruma Sushi だるま 寿司

TABEMONO More about FOOD with Daruma

Taiyaki たい焼き waffle in form of a sea bream
Tamago ... 卵だるま, たまごだるま, タマゴダルマEggs and Daruma

TEA and Daruma : Cha
The world of TEA and Daruma Introduction

Tokkuri ― Drinking Hot Sake with Daruma  徳利とだるま
Tsumayooji (tsumajoji) 爪楊枝 つまようじ <> Toothpicks-holder

Udon Noodles with Daruma 達磨にうどん ウドン

Vinegar Tasters, The three Vinegar Tasters of Chinese Art

Wasabi わさびだるま  Japanese Horseradish called "Daruma"

wine 達磨寺ワイン Darumadera Red Wine

Yunomi ― Drinking Tea with Daruma  湯のみとだるまさん/ Guinomi


Daruma (tags in the WASHOKU BLOG)

Daruma (tags in this DARUMA BLOG)



Digest Newsletter 2008 BACKUP

[ . BACK to TOP . ]


BACKUP .. 2008 ... ONLY

New Articles in the Daruma Museum
Arranged by months in backward order


.................................. June 2008

Mikan ... みかんだるま Orange Daruma

Matsuyama Kinten Daruma ... 松山の金天だるま Matsuyama with a golden head

Tanuki ... 狸々だるま Tanuki from Takamatsu

Uwajima Papermachee Doll 宇和島だるま Uwajima Daruma with Headband

Tosa no Tako ... 土佐の凧 Tosa kites

Takuma no Tako ... 詫間だるま凧
Takuma Daruma kite

LOGO and Daruma Banners

Parfait Daruma ..... パフェだるま Food Art

Daruma News ... だるまNEWS Vol. 18 Magazine of the Study Group
Zen Nihon Daruma Kenkyu Kai 全日本だるま研究会

Konosu Papermachee Dolls 鴻巣達磨Saitama prefecture

Hibuse Daruma ... 火防達磨 Fire and war preventing Daruma. Temple Junshin-Ji

Omodaru, Ayakashikone and Dairoku Tenma O 第六天魔王

Hina ningyo 雛人形, Darumabina だるま雛  Hina Dolls with Daruma

Jooge e ... 上下絵Two-way pictures and faces. Trick pictures, karakuri zuan 江戸からくり図案

Tamago ... 卵だるま, たまごだるま, タマゴダルマEggs and Daruma

Violett and Purple : MURASAKI 紫 Daruma

Kyoto Buddha Statues Workshop 京都仏像工房

Sagemono ... 提げ物
"Things to hang from the belt"

Hikifuda ... 引札 Advertising Prints and circulars

Shrine Tada Jinja ... 多太神社 ... and Matsuo Basho

Toji, Temple Too-Ji 東寺 in Kyoto

Hodai-In, Temple Hoodai-In 鳳台院Kasama. Huge Daruma Statue of 10 meters !

Cho-o-Ji, Temple Choo-Oo-Ji 長翁寺 .. and nearby hill: Daruma Zuka だるま塚
Narumi-Juku of the Tokaido 鳴海宿

Konoe Nobutada 近衛信尹 Painter. 1565 - 1614

Enpuku-Ji, Temple in Yahata. 円福寺 Daruma Temple

Mokugyo Daruma ... 木魚達磨 Fish Gong Daruma

Mori Family of Sculptors 森彫刻所. With a Daruma statue.

相州だるま  Sooshuu Daruma / 相模だるま  Sagami Daruma

Hakuin Ekaku ... 白隠 慧鶴

Shimomura Kanzan ... 下村観山 (1873 – 1930)

Anchin and Kiyohime and the Dragon 安珍・清姫伝説

Altar Scrolls with Fudo Myo-O

.................................. May 2008

Butsudan ... 仏壇 Buddhist Family Altar

Restaurant DARUMA in Durban, South Africa

Uchishiki ... 打敷 Altar Cloth with Dragon Design

Mito Kōmon .. 水戸黄門 Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀

Chisho Daishi Enchin 智證大師 圓珍

Naki Fudo .. Weeping Fudo, Crying Fudo 泣き不動絵巻

Amagoi Fudo Son ... 雨乞い不動 Fudo for Rain Rituals. "Nitta Fure Fudo Son" 新田触不動尊.

Shusse Daruma 出世だるま .. Career with Daruma

Shusse Fudo 出世不動尊
Career with Fudo Myo-O

New Year Arrow (hamaya) 破魔矢 (はまや). Hamayumi 破魔弓 (はまゆみ)

Yonago Temple Town 米子、寺町

Namu Jizo Daibosatsu .. 南無地蔵大菩薩

Mizoguchi (Mizokuchi)  溝口 .. Town in Tottori Prefecture with many ONI Demons

Tokuitsu (Toku-Ichi) Priest Tokuitsu 得一 徳溢 and Yakushi Nyorai in the Aizu Area

Garden (niwa 庭), Park (teien, tei-en 庭園) Japanese Garden, Zen Garden ...

Storehouse, warehouse (kura 蔵, dozoo 土蔵)

Gokoku hojo .. 五穀豊穣 (gokoku hoojoo) Prayers for a Bountiful Harvest of the Five Grains

Sakurai Hanako and her Daruma Bords

Nezumi ねずみだるま ... Mouse Daruma for 2008

Jomo Karuta (Joomoo Karuta) 上毛かるた. A card game from Gunma prefecture

Shoorin-Zan, Daruma-Ji Takasaki ... 高崎少林山 Shorinzan

Ryotan-Ji (Ryootan ji 龍潭寺) Hikone, Shiga pref.

Teien, tei-en .. 日本の庭園 Japanese Gardens

.................................. April 2008

Owls, Daruma, Red and the Edo period 浮世絵のなかの江戸玩具
Book about Edo Toys and Woodblock Prints

Kawanabe Kyosai (Kawanabe Gyoosai, Kyoosai) 河鍋暁斎. Painter, (1831-1889)

Yakushi-Ji Temple, Nara 法相宗大本山薬師寺
National Treasures from Yakushi-Ji Temple / Exhibition

Fukuda, Prime Minister Fukuda福田首相 as a rice cracker character and
more rice cracker, Daruma Senbei だるま煎餅

Temple Daijo-Ji and Jojiri Fudo Myo-O よぢり不動. 醍醐寺

.................................. March 2008

Mokujo (Mokujoo) 目定 . 目定上人. Sulptor of the Edo Period. Mostly Hokkaido

The Old Tea Road from Yunnan to Lhasa
茶馬古道(ちゃばこどう) Chaba Kodoo

Matsushima 松島Japan
.. Fukuura-Jima – Insel Fukuura with Daruma Dolls
... 福浦島とだるま石

Higashiyama Kaii 東山魁夷 (1908-1999)

.................................. February 2008

Daikokuten ... 大黒天 and Tama Daruma Dolls

Murakami Takashi 村上隆 ... the "Warhol of Japan"

Senryobako ... 千両箱 Money boxes with Kokeshi dolls

Utsu no Yama, Mount Utsu, Mt. Utsu ... 宇津の山near Okabe in Shizuoka
Tsuta no Hosomichi 蔦の細道

Shimizu Ryukei (Shimizu Ryuukei) 清水隆慶 Sculptor of Buddha Statues

The Dragon's Gift: The Sacred Arts of BhutanFebruary 2008

Mihara Daruma Tengoku Festival ... だるま天国 「神明市」三原

Pilgrimage to 49 Temples of
Yakushi Nyorai in Western Japan

Hyakutai 達磨百態Daruma Hyakutai in 100 different situations

.................................. January 2008

Toribeno Cemetery in Kyoto Japan 鳥辺野

Butsugai Fusen 物外不遷 ... 1795~1867 Takeda Genkotsu Motsugi

Clipart with Daruma

Hirashimizu Pottery from Yamagata 平清水焼 Heikichi Kiln 平吉窯

Irezumi 刺青 <> Tatoo (Tattoo) Horimono 彫り物

Tatebanko Diorama Toys ... 立版古

Takamatsu Toshitsugu 高松寿嗣 Master of Martial Arts

Juuni Shinshoo 十二神将 Twelve Heavenly Generals, 12 Warrior Generals

Bishamonten 毘沙門天

Kabuki : Narukami Fudo Kitayama Zakura. Ichikawa Danjûrô 雷神不動北山桜 / 市川団十郎

Issa and O-Take Nyorai お竹如来

END of 2008


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Daruma Digest January 2005


