Daruma Flounder, Daruma karei ダルマカレイ
Daruma garei
spotted-tail flounder, Largescale flounder
Engyprosopon grandisquama (Temminck)
Long Daruma Flounder ナガダルマカレイ
Up to 10 cm long, lives in the South China Sea.

Daruma flounder with spikes
toge daruma karei トゲダルマカレイ


© www5.airnet.ne.jp/mkon/marinephoto
Daruma Fish

Daruma-haze ダルマハゼ:
redhead goby, Paragobiodon echinocephalus (Ruppell)[ハゼ科].

パンダダルマハゼ Panda Daruma Haze
Paragobiodon lacunicolus
Blackfin Coral Goby

Daruma-okoze [魚]ダルマオコゼ
monkey fish, Erosa erosa (Langsdorf)[カサゴ科].
. Stonefish (okoze) and KIGO

Darumatobi [魚]ダルマトビ:
Seale's flyingfish, Prognichthys sealei Abe[トビウオ科].

Daruma-sabasabatei [貝]ダルマサバサバテイ:
commercial-top, button-shell, Fectus (Rochia) niloticus (Linnaeus)

Daruma-gokai [動]ダルマゴカイ:
Sternaspis scutata (Ranzani) [ダルマゴカイ科の環形動物].
Mebachi / Big-eyed Tuna / 目撥鮪(めばちまぐろ)
It has different names according to the areas: “Daruma shibi” (Mie Prefecture), “Mebuto” (Kyushu). In Tokyo, Shizuoka and Wakayama, it is called “Daruma” when caught a young age.
The best seasons for catching are during the rainy season or the Fall.
This kind of tuna is mainly caught off the shores of Miyagi, Kagoshima, Kochi, Shizuoka, Kanagawa and Hokkaido Prefectures.
© shizuokasushi.wordpress.com

1 comment:
Wow! Thank you, Gabi-san!
I've never seen them before! So unique! Thank you, again! (^0^)
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