Showing posts with label okimono. Show all posts
Showing posts with label okimono. Show all posts


Statues (okimono)


Statues (okimono 置物)

Daruma carrying one sandal
Sekiri Daruma

Statues, seated and standing
Daruma Museum Photos

More Statues in this BLOG


Two white statues
about 7 cm high

Photo from my friend Ishino


Memorial statue made for a special event
to be distributed to the members


Photo from my friend Ishino

From the Year 1982. Nihon Koden Kogyo


statue from the Meiji period

- source : -


Chinese statue

Detail of the face

Photos from Ishino san.


Laquer on wood sculpture of Daruma
Height 22,5 cm

© Shibui / Genuine Japanese Antiques
Pasadena California / New York


Seated Daruma

Eyes inlayed. Size 13 cm
ittobori woodcarving
Maybe from Gyokuzai 玉斎作

Signature of maker


From my friend Ishino


Made from special camphor wood
oogon kuzu 黄金樟
about 46 cm high

This is a special wood gained only from very large trees. It has special whirls and patterns and a sheen of gold.

Detail of the face

source :  Okadakurokawadou


Kutani statue of a standing Daruma


From my friend Ishino


about 17 cm high, made of plastic

From my friend Ishino


Wooden statue, about 27 cm high
the wooden scepter (nyoi) and the belt decoration are rather special

Detail of the face

From my friend Ishino


達磨大師像は最古級 大津の寺院で発見

Maybe oldest Daruma statue found
at a temple in Otsu Town

Wooden statue, maybe from the South/North period. About 43 cm high.


source : 【京都新聞】Kyoto Shinbun, July 2008


Daruma in a little plate

Photo from my friend Ishino


. Fudo Myo-O standing statues .

- 3ryuuzoo #standingstatue -


Tanuki and Daruma


Daruma and the badger Tanuki 狸 たぬき

Quote by Jerry Vegder
Japanese Prints
When Bodhidarma was over 100 years old --- or, at least, that is how I remember it --- he decided to spread his gospel to China. Accounts vary. All accounts vary. One story says that he rode a reed or blade of grass all the way there while standing erect, determined, composed. Other stories said he went by ship and it took over three years. There are numerous paintings of this reed-riding event as 'proof'. Once he arrived in China his message was not well received. In time, he went to a) meditate in a cave or b) before a wall. This meditation lasted for 9 years.

Here again there are several versions of what happened during this period. In one tale Bodhidharma is said to have had difficulty staying awake. In frustration he had his eye-lids cut off and tossed aside. Nine years of such intense concentration took their toll and his arms and legs atrophied to the point of simply dropping off.

This became the origin of the roly-poly Daruma dolls which are so ubiquitous in Japanese culture. Originally they were purchased to ward off diseases such as smallpox, but in time they were metaphorically identified with other aspects of society --- in particular with prostitutes.

In fact, the term 'daruma' became a euphemism for a prostitute based on the principal that like the doll no matter how many times you knocked them down they always came right back up.

Kuniyoshi seems to have set the standard for humorous tanuki images.
Above is a detail of a group of tanuki painting the scrotum of a fellow tanuki in the likeness of Daruma.
Look carefully and you will see the tanuki which is being painted in the center of this picture.

Read a lot more details HERE
© Tanuki Pages


Papermachee Doll from Shiga

© PHOTO : 百達磨


The Japanese Tanuki racoon dog,
Nyctereutes procyonoides, also called badger, is still a familiar sight in rural neighbourhoods. Sometimes families with up to 12 members come to feed in our garden, while the farmer neighburs curse at them for stealing the apples and pears and digging unwanted holes. In former times farmers caught the tanuki for a hot stew in winter (たぬ き汁) and used the fur for brushes.

Next to the fox the Tanuki is seen as a crafty animal with magical powers, but unlike the fearful fox it is quite humorous in its tricks. Maybe the most famous story about a tanuki is the Bunbuku Chagama, where a trapped tanuki is freed by a kind man and pays him back his kindness.


サントリーオールド Suntory Old Whiskey
The father of Japanese Whiskey, Mr. Torii Shinjiro, produced some brands called
TANUKI and DARUMA ダルマやタヌキ.


Temple Yashima-Ji  屋島寺
The 84th Sacred Site of Shikoku

Yashima-ji Temple at the heart of the South Plateau never fails to draw visitors. Spring and autumn bring a surge of tourists, picnickers and, of course, pilgrims.

Originally this temple was founded on the North Plateau in 754, when Priest Ganjin, a Chinese Buddhist missionary on his way from China to Nara, the old capital, landed on this island to start a temple. Now it ecisits there only as a place name, Sengen-do. In 815, it was re-established here on the South Plateau by Kobo Daishi, thus becoming part of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.

The main image, an Eleven-faced Thousand-handed Kannon, 1,200 years old, is an Important Cultural Property. The Main Hall, built in the 14th century, repaired in 1959, is also on Important Cultural Property. The bell in the belfry, made in Kyoto in 1223 and dedicated here for the repose of the defeated Tairas, is another Important Cultural Property. The Temple treasures in the Museum include a folding screen depicting the "Gempei Gassen" battles.

Another popular place is Minoyama Daimyojin Shrine next to the Main Hall, bright with vermilion torii gates. It is dedicated to a legendary bald-headed raccoon dog (tanuki) named Tasaburo 太三郎狸, an attendant pet of Kannon here.

He is said to have made himself the big boss of all the raccoon dogs in Shikoku. He was unrivaled in the arts of magic. He firmly believed he was of noble stock, too, because his former master was a prince of the Taira clan.

Heike tanuki 源平狸 - 起き上がり

On a moonlit night Tasaburo would call together all his fellows on the Island to re-enact the "Gempei Battle" exactly as he had witnessed it, naturally with himself in the starring role. Now Tasaburo is a sort of ubiquitous mascot in Takamatsu.

- The Tale of the Heike (平家物語) -

- Fudo Myo-O 不動明王

source : shared on facebook

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .
. 四国お遍路さん and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王


The Bald-headed Tanuki at Jogan-ji Temple
The Full Story:
source : steve/kagawa

. Jooganji no Hage Tanuki 浄願寺の禿狸
bald Tanuki from temple Jogan-Ji .

with a papermachee figure


source : Toshitoshi Tsukioka

The badger is taking a nap and has forgotten its disguise as a priest. It can also take the shape of a tea kettle. When a monk heats the pot, it will run away as a badger. It is chased in Morin-Ji Temple and put in a box.
Then it takes the shape of a teakettle again.


Bunbuku Chagama 文福茶釜・分福茶釜, Lucky Tea Kettle Story
source : Mark Schumacher and Tanuki Lore

. Temple 茂林寺 Morin-Ji and a fox legend .

bunbuku chagama ni ke ga haeta ぶんぶく茶釜に毛が生えた
the bunbuku tea kettle sprouts hair

. kotowaza 諺 / ことわざ idioms, sayings, proverbs - ABC-List .

ぶんぶく茶釜 bunbuku - clay bell

source :

. otogibanashi dorei おとぎ話の土鈴
clay bells with motives of legends .

. chagama 茶釜と伝説 Legends about tea kettles, water kettles .


having a sip
with his best friend -
summer evening

. My Tanuki from Shikoku


. Tanuki 狸 Badger amulets and Talismans .

. tanuki bayashi 狸囃子 - baka bayashi 馬鹿囃子 .
a sound phenomenon,
one of the Honjo Nana Fushigi 本所七不思議 seven wonders of Honjo in Edo.


Onna Daruma 女達磨 女だるま 女ダルマDaruma as a Woman

Oiran to Daruma 花魁と達磨 <> Daruma and the Courtesans (geisha)

Hyootan, Namazu and Daruma - The Gourd, the Catfish and Daruma  瓢箪、鯰とだるま

innoo 陰嚢(いんのう)
kintama 金玉

Yōkai: Monsters, Giant Catfish, and Symbolic Representation in Popular Culture


In my garden, February 2005

I call this picture:
Five Buddhas and one Tanuki

. Tanuki as KIGO  

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 



Sekiri One Sandal


Daruma carrying one sandal

Sekiri Daruma


THE LEGEND tells that Bodhidharma crossed the Yangtse River on a reed and travelled to northern China. There he settled at the Shaolin Monastery and transmitted the patriarchy to Hui Ko. Soon afterwards Bodhidharma died in 528. A few years after his death, a Chinese official reported that he had encountered Bodhidharma in the mountains of Central Asia.
Bodhidharma was then carrying a staff; a single sandal was hanging from it. He told that he was on his way back to India. When this story reached his Chinese home, fellow monks decided to open Bodhidharma's tomb.
Inside there was only one sandal.

CLICK for more photos
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

The story somehow continues in Japan.
When Shootoku Taishi walked along the village of Kataoka, he met a poor man and gave him a purple cloth. But the man died the next day. When they opened his grave, there was no body found, just the purple cloth folded nicely.

"This must have been Daruma, the Founder of Zen" was the verdict of Shootoku Taishi.
So "It takes a holy man to recognize another holy man!"

. Shotoku Taishi and Daruma


Here you can see him carrying his sandal
and the sutras in his shoulder bag!


Putidamo (chin.), Bodhidaruma (jap.), Indian monk, living i China in VI century and cosiders as foundator of school Ch'an. Halflegendar person and surrounded with many myths. After arriving to China at year 520, he was received by Emperor Wu who had many merrits for Buddhism because of foundating of Buddhist temples and helping to monks.

During talking, emperor asked: which merits do you have? --
Bodhidharma said: "none".
Then the emperor asked:
what is the heart of the Buddhism? He answered:

"Only emptiness -- none sanctity".

After the meeting with emperor, Bodhidharma went to Shaolin monastery, where he spent nine years facing to rock wall. Probably he return to India but before the departure pointed out his successor Huike who is considered as the second patriarch of Ch'an.

The rest is legend in curriculum vitae of Bodhidharma. Therefore this that he swam across the river Yangtse on the leaf of rush, that he invented the tea which grew from his eye-lashes, when he cut them after he fell asleep during the meditation. He discovered the art of fighting Kung-fu. Another version told he was died when he was 150 and he was buried in Mountain Henan. Some his disciple told he met him going with one sandal. When his tomb was dug out, it was found just only one sandal.

Read more about
Emperor Wu and Daruma


source : google images

only one sandal
for the long road to enlightenment -
Daruma on his way


carrying one sandal -
only emptiness

- Shared by Freddy Ben-Arroyo -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013





Silver (gin)



Daruma made from Silver 銀製 達磨

This one comes in various sizes.
It contains 115 g of pure silver. 重量/純銀115g

- 1999-2007.Take-YU -


About 14 cm high. About 290 g heavy. 11 cm round the waist.

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

Only 4 cm high.Weight 31g

Stamp at the bottom

Photos from my friend Ishino.


Two Silver Lucky Charms

Photo from Ishino San
Neckless hanger
from Ishino san

Bracelet hanger



More Daruma from Metal (kanamono 金物)

