Tea and Daruma
Daruma san is the father of the Tea Plant in ancient lore.
"When the priest Daruma sat in a cave for nine years meditating, he had to fight sleepiness. He thought: "Because I have eyes, my eyelids fall over them and I start snoozing." So in a bold act he cut off his eyelids to keep awake.
The eyelashes, which he had thrown away, took root and turned into the tea bush to give us this wonderful wakening beverage, as legend knows!。
? Who is Daruma ?

だるま茶 Daruma Cha from Shizuoka
Look at more Daruma Goods
source : tabineko.seesaa.net
Here are my stories so far
..... History of Drinking Tea
..... Photo Gallery, Teapots, Teacups
..... Chami, Chago 茶箕(ちゃみ) /Chago 茶合 Scoops for leaf tea
..... Chatsutsu, chazutsu 茶筒 ― containers for leaf tea
Kenzon Daruma 謙三だるま, 謙三達磨 Doll with tea blossoms
..... Kyusu 急須 ― tea pots
..... Yunomi 湯のみ ― Teacups with Daruma
..... Sencha
..... Guinomi ぐい飲み Tea Cups
..... Tea to win the election in 2005, toosencha 当煎茶
..... ..... Tea Ceremony Saijiki 茶道の歳時記
Reference : Tea and Daruma
茶宝珠だるま Tea Leaf papermachee doll
in the shape of a Jewel

© PHOTO : だるまさん色々
Nyoi Hooju, Wishfulfilling Jewel
如意宝珠, mani hooju 摩尼宝珠.
The Old Tea Road from Yunnan to Lhasa
茶馬古道(ちゃばこどう) Chaba Kodoo
Drink Japan Tea

Advertisement for Japan Tea with Image of Women Picking Tea Leaves, late Meiji - Showa era ~ Color lithograph; ink on card stock, artist unknown.
Printed by Toppan Printing Company (Toppan insatsu kabushiki gaisha), published by
The Japan Tea Central Association.
- source : facebook -

Konbu tea with taste of ume 梅 plum !
daruma ume kobucha
- #darumacha #darumatea #teadaruma
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