Daruma News : SHIKOKU special
だるまNEWS Nr. 18
This edition is a special about Daruma from Shikoku.
The Group Meeting will be in November 2008,
visting Matsuyama and Takamatsu on the first and second.
Back Side
Detail: Hachiman Oki-agari
This is a type of Ikkanbari.
全日本だるま研究会 Zen Nihon Daruma Kenkyu Kai
Zen Nihon Daruma Kenkyuu Kai My Introduction
Some of the Daruma mentioned in the magazine:
Cover page:
(3) Iyo no Okiagari, 伊予の起き上がり、
(4) "light brother and sister", karui kyoodai 軽兄妹、
(7) Nomura Daruma 乃村だるま、
(8) Nagai Daruma 永井だるま
(6) Bishamon Tanuki 毘沙門狸 : Bishamon Badger 毘沙門狸 (the one on the right in line two, almost looking like a monkey face)
Back side:
(16) Tanuki 狸起き上がり、
(17) small Daruma, tsumami okiagari つまみ起き上がり
(I am still trying to locate them online.)
Others mentioned in the magazine
(not yet covered in detail in the Daruma Museum) :
Noda (Nota) no Hime Daruma 野田の姫達磨
Sankawa Daruma 参川だるま
Osaki Bunsendo Daruma 大崎文仙堂
Photos of his dolls
His workshop is close to the famous Ritsurin Park in Takamatsu. He started collecting dolls but later started to make them himself. Some of his dolls are "wedding presents for girls" (yome iri ningyoo 嫁入人形), like a dog cuddeling a Daruma doll (daruma daki ningyoo). Some show a distinct male symbol in gold or silver. But now in 2008 he is too old to continue his work.
Japanese LINK with phots

© PHOTO : kyoudogangu.xii.jp
Wedding Present Dolls
Japanese External LINK
郷土玩具: Dolls from Shikoku
伊予(愛媛県) IYO, now Ehime prefecture
Matsuyama no Kinten Daruma 松山の金天だるま
Dolls with a flat golden head

© PHOTO : kyoudogangu.xii.jp
. Folk Toys from Ehime .
Badger Daruma 狸々だるま

© PHOTO : kyoudogangu.xii.jp
Takuma Daruma Kites 詫間だるま凧

© PHOTO : ~eohashi Kite Pages
Tosa no Tako, Kites from Tosa 土佐の凧
Princess Daruma Kite 土佐和紙凧 姫だるま

© PHOTO : www.orenjiha-to.com/
Uwajima no Daruma 宇和島のだるま
Uwajima Daruma 宇和島だるま

© PHOTO : mumu.ocnk.net
Ikkanbari ... 一閑張・姫だるま
Princess Daruma Dolls from special papermachee, Ikkan type
Matsuyama Princess Daruma / 松山の姫達磨
Ooasahiko and Hakuchoo Daruma
Oasahiko no Okami 大麻比古の大神、Maruasa Daruma 丸麻だるま
Hakuchoo Papermachee Dolls 白鳥張子
Onna Daruma ... Female Daruma from Japan
Sanukibori ― Carving from Sanuki Area in Shikoku
讃岐彫り 四国の金毘羅さん
Konpira san, Kompira San ... 金毘羅参り Kotohira Shrine 琴平宮
Takamatsu Dolls / 高松張子と土人形
Takeda Princess Daruma / 竹田の姫達磨
Yakuri Daruma /Yaguri Daruma 八栗だるま張子
Daruma Doll Museum
Daruma Museum
Other HENRO information in the Daruma Museum
Daruma Pilgrims in Japan, a new Gallery
..... Pilgrimages to Fudoo Temples
Daruma Henro だるま遍路
Daruma Pilgrims in Shikoku --- Walking 88 Temples
..... Circle of Life, Shikoku Pilgrimage
..... Shuin-choo, Nookyoo-Choo, Stamp Books (shuuinchoo)
..... Pilgrim Book Covers, Temples and ARCHERY
..... Senja-Fuda, Name Stickers (senjafuda 千社札)
..... Walking as Healing Exercise
.....Henro, Junpai 遍路、巡拝 <> Pilgrims in Japan
Pilgrim Resouces Pages
(Mark Schumacher)
だるま NEWS Nr. 20
November 2008
A great achievement for the Daruma Kenkyu Group!
With a retrospecrtive of the older editions.
Thanks to all !
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