Tibetan Daruma
American painter of traditional Tibetan (Thangka) paintings

wonderous world -
Tibetan Eyes for my
Daruma san
Daruma Museum Features
Tibet Museum, the Alain Bordier Foundation, Swiss
Tibet チベット <> Padama Sangye: The Daruma Connection
. Buddha's Eyes from Nepal - Svayambunath Pagoda .
a dried lotus leaf
in Tibetan Book of the Dead...
winter dusk
Chen-ou Liu

The Bardo Thodol, commonly known by its Western title, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, was composed by Padmasambhava, an Indian mystic who was believed to introduce Buddhism to Tibet in the 8th century. The text was written down by his student, Yeshe Tsogyal, then buried in the Gampo hills in central Tibet, and later discovered by Karma Lingpa in the 12th century. The Tibetan title literally means "liberation by hearing on the after death plane (Bardo: after death plane, Thodol or Thotrol: liberation by hearing).”
The book is chiefly used as a funerary text, guiding “those who have died as they transition from their former life to a new destination.” Its main contents include “the dzogchen view, meditation instructions, visualizations of deities, liturgies and prayers, lists of mantras, descriptions of the signs of death, and indications of future rebirth, as well as those that are actually concerned with the after-death state.”
For further information, please read . the Forword . to the first English language translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead (translated by Lāma Kazi Dawa-Samdup and compiled and Edited by W. Y. Evans-Wentz).
This edition was a best-seller in the 1960s, and it includes Carl Jung’s a "psychological commentary," in which he writes:
“ The Bardo Thödol [Tibetan Book of the Dead] began by being a 'closed' book, and so it has remained, no matter what kind of commentaries may be written upon it. For it is a book that will only open itself to spiritual understanding, and this is a capacity which no man is born with, but which he can only acquire through special training and special experience. It is good that such to all intents and purposes 'useless' books exist. They are meant for those 'queer folk' who no longer set much store by the uses, aims, and meaning of present-day 'civilisation'."
Tibetan Plateau
faded prayer flags flutter
in the autumn wind
Chen-ou Liu
Liberation Through Hearing or Bardo Thodol
is a funerary text. It is often referred to in the West by the more casual title, Tibetan Book of the Dead, a name which draws a parallel with the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, another funerary text.
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Basically then, the Bardo Thodel describes a distinct sequence of states (bardos) through which the individual passes through between death and rebirth. There are three distinct stages, which are as follows:
The Chikai Bardo (or hChi-kha Bar-do – a number of Tibetan letters are silent) or Intermediate period of the moment of death. This includes the process of dying; and the dissolution of the ele-ments (earth, water, fire, and air) that make up the physical body. During this period one experiences the "Clear Light", one's own innate Buddha-nature. This is therefore a very favourable moment for the attainment of Enlightenment and liberation from the wheel of rebirth.
The Tibetan account of the Chikai Bardo shows striking parallels with the so-called "Near Death Experience" of people who have died, ex-perienced themselves floating out of their bodies, and so on, and then been revived.
source : www.spiritofmaat.com
chikai bardo...
limitless universe before me
no wind, no sun
- Shared by Zaya Nergui, Mongolia, 2013 -
. Haiku in Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, India

. Tibetans in India - my PHOTO ALBUM
mild winter sun -
the Tibetan Buddha
watches over me

Gabi Greve
. Prayer Flags and Haiku
Hi Gabi,
This is a beautiful post; both photo and text. Nice to hear from you.
Thanks for popping in, Princess san!
Buddhist Symbols in Tibetan Culture:
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