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Showing posts sorted by date for query food. Sort by relevance Show all posts


Additions 2009


DARUMA ... Additions 2009

Hoo no Yama 法の山 Mountain of the Buddhist Law Kyoto

Koma 独楽(コマ)spinning top, tops Kreisel

Temple Jinmu-Ji, Fudo Myo-O and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来
(Jimmuji 神武寺) in Zushi Town, Kanagawa prefecture

Marishiten 摩利支天 Marishi Ten

Masamune, Daruma Masamune 達磨正宗 Old Sake rice wine

福だるま(Cotyledon) コチレドン
Daruma Fukumusum だるま福娘 / 達磨福娘 plant

hangonkoo, hankonkoo 反魂香 soul-returning incense
hangontan 反魂丹 Hangontan medicine from Toyama

Hirayama Ikuo 平山郁夫 (1930 - 2009)

Datsueba 奪衣婆 or 脱衣婆 the Old Hag of Hell


Yushima Tenjin 湯島天神 Yushima Tenmangu and Sugaware Michizane

O-Mamori 不動明王 お守り Talismans with Fudo Myo-O

Daruma cookies from Nara

Ike, Daruma Ike だるま池 Ponds named Daruma

Musume Dojoji 娘道成寺 (musume doojiji) Kabuki play and Nakamura Tomijuro

Himiko, Yamataikoku and Yoshinogari 卑弥呼 / 邪馬台国 / 吉野ヶ里 in Saga, Kyushu

Magazine Articles
Japan Illustrated Autumn 1974
週刊 世界百不思議 : 「だるまさん」が招ぶ 開運講座 (Japanese)

Fukuyama Exhibition Summer 2009 「福よこい!だるま大百科」展
広島県福山市 日本郷土玩具博物館

Yufuin Hot Spring and Mount Yufudake 湯布院 / 由布岳 Kyushu

Zen no Tomo 禅の友 magazine of the Soto sect. and Momiji Daruma

Sanpo-Ji Temple 三寳寺 (さんぽうじ 三宝寺) with Daruma mikuji

Bonji Daruma 梵字だるま with sanskrit letters and Bonji Mandala 梵字曼陀羅

Kunisada Chuuji (国定 忠治) (1810-1851) Kunisada Chuji, a Robin Hood of Japan

Maguro だるまマグロ Daruma Maguro Tuna fish named DARUMA

Riizento daruma リーゼントだるま "Regent Daruma" regent hairstyle, pompadur hairstyle

Taiyaki Kanda Daruma (たいやき 神田達磨) waffles in the form of sea bream

Sayama Fudo Temple 不動寺 amd Fudo yaki 不動焼き waffles

The Heart of Enlightenment
Buddhist Art in China
Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Köln

Sue Sarasa Museum 寿恵更紗ミュージアム Kyoto

Kuchi-e くちえ【口絵】 frontispice and the Great Ansei Earthquake Ansei (安政)

Revenge Story of the Soga Brothers (Soga monogatari 曾我物語) and related kigo including Lady Tora (Tora gozen 虎御前)

Chataku 茶托saucer for tea cup and Negoro Laquer ware

Shibata Zeshin 柴田是真 (1806 - 1891)

Meditation in Nature

Dogu (doguu 土偶) clay figurines of the Jomon period

Tatami Daruma 畳だるま made from tatami mat pieces

ukiwa 浮き輪 Swim ring


Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷かぼちゃ pumpkin from Shishigatani, Kyoto

Tokoname yaki 常滑焼 Tokoname pottery

Kyuusu 急須 Kyusu Teapot だるま急須 Daruma Kyusu ダルマ急須

Tabi 足袋 and toe socks 五本指 ソックス

Kanzashi かんざし / 簪 hairpin

Katsuobushi kezuriki かつおぶし削り器 cutter for bonito flakes

Zenringai 禅林街 Temple District in Hirosaki

Nioibukuro 匂い袋 / 匂袋, Fragrance bag, Duftbeutel, Sachet

Toonyuu とうにゅう (豆乳) soy milk with Daruma label

Kyuusu (kyusu) 急須 Small teapots with a handle to poor tea

Furoshiki 風呂敷 Cotton wrappers Hankerchief ハンカチ hankachi and gamakuchi がま口 purse

Wata, Daruma Wata だるまわた Cotton Items momen

Putter cover パターカバー

Bukku kabaa ブックカバー Book cover, book covers and book cover design

Tonbodama, Tombodama (とんぼだま蜻蛉玉) Dragonfly Glass Beads

Hanamaki Tsuchi Ningyoo 花巻人形 Clay dolls from Hanamaki Iwate prefecture

Kurofune monaka 黒船最中 Black Ship wafers and a kyoka poem

Pan, Daruma pan だるまパン Daruma bread and
Daruma monaka だるまもなか Daruma wafers
Hoshitsuji Daruma 星辻だるま "star Daruma"
Hibuse Daruma 火伏せだるま warding off fire
Daruma Festival at Hoshitsuji Shrine in Akita

Sankaku Daruma 三角だるま・三角ダルマ Triangular, conical Daruma

Temple Saihoji 西方寺 and Haiku by Issa Story of UBAZAKURA 姥桜

Tenbin Daruma だるま天秤 pair of scales, for fishermen

Darumaru maskot from Gunma prefecture だるまる and Darumaruma だるまるま

Karimaruya Design Daruma かりまる屋

nichi nichi kore kōnichi (日々是好日) Every Day is a Good Day
hibi kore koojitsu / hibi kore yoki hi

Sono Kara Matsuri 園韓神祭 (そのからかみまつり) Festival for Sonokami and Karakami and the NUE 鵺 mythological beast

Tsugaru Daruma 津軽だるま Utou-bori Daruma 善知鳥彫だるま

Tokachi Daruma 十勝だるま From Stone Hokkaido

Gokayama Daruma 五箇山の達磨 and Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま

Senkyo Daruma 選挙だるま Victory Daruma to win the election 2009 衆院総選挙

Byodo-In and the Phoenix Hall in Uji 平等院,鳳凰堂

Kanei-Ji Temple and Tenkai (Jigen Daishi) 寛永寺(かんえいじ)
and 慈眼大師. Ueno, Tokyo

hoosoo-e 疱瘡絵 prints to protect children from smallpox
. . . . . red prints 赤絵 aka-e

Utagawa Shigenobu 歌川重宣(Hiroshige II 二代歌川広重) and Daruma play prints

Ishikawa ken kinpaku 石川県金箔製品 だるま Daruma with goldfoil from Ishikawa prefecture

Enpitsu 鉛筆 Pencil with Daruma

USB Memory USBメモリー 2 GB of Daruma Memory だるまさんの記憶

Hamamatsu Daruma Market 浜松市の虚空蔵尊とだるま市

Kuroji 黒字の炭だるま .. Black Daruma sumi Daruma 炭だるま charcoal Daruma

Sanada Yukimura 真田幸村 and Shogun Daruma 武将達磨


Daruma Odori だるま踊り Daruma Dance

Daru Chan だるチャン a DARUMA BLOG

Daruma Exhibition at Kawagoe Museum

Karee カレー
, Daruma Curry だるまカレー
with a snowman Daruma from rice

Yakyu Shrine 箭弓神社 and baseball bat ema バット絵馬

Sakamoto Ryoma Daruma Guinomi 坂本竜馬ダルマぐい呑み sake cup from Tosa

Tabemono to gangu 食べ物と玩具 Traditional Dolls and Food
Daruma celebrating a good catch 大漁だるま

Amanatto (amanattoo) 甘納豆 sugar-glazed beans
and Daruma gummi sweets だるまグミ

Togarashi, toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi and more

Matsue Festivals 松江 : Horan Enya Boat Festival ほうらんえんや Hooran Enya and other festivals

Naa-san なーさん

Namaketaroo Daruma Ponpon なまけたろう だるまポンポン The Lazy Taro Daruma Ponpon

Ningyooyaki, ningyoyaki だるま人形焼 "Figure waffles"

Daikon だるま大根 Daruma Daikon radish named Daruma

Shuuban 宗判 temple stamps of identification

Dantsu 段通/緞通 Japanese carpets

Oyatsu お八つ an apple Daruma snack

Tanaka Iichiro 田中偉一郎 Drop-eyed Daruma

Tatoo Teeshirt of Fudo Myo-O

Hoonensai 豊年祭 Festival for a bountiful harvest "Penis Festival", at Tagata Shrine, Aichi prefecture

Botamochi Jizo ぼた餅地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu, Botamochi rice cakes and children

Mawashi, keshoo mawashi 化粧まわし Sumo wrestlers decorated belt of Takamiyama

Shokado Shojo 松花堂昭乗 (Shookadoo Shoojoo (1584 - 1639)) and the Shokado Bento 松花堂弁当

Kukkii だるまクッキーDaruma cookies Daruma sweets だるまやスイーツ

Pan, yukidaruma pan ゆきだるまパン Snowman Daruma as Bread

Kubikiri Jizoo 首切り地蔵 Jizo with his head cut off

Miso, dai daruma miso 大だるまみそ ... a miso paste called BIG DARUMA

Dengakumai, dengaku mai 田楽舞 dance and food

Ika Daruma Ika Surume だるまいか / いかだるま

Tosa Nikki, Tosa Diary by Kin no Tsurayuki ...

Myoga Ginger (myooga) 茗荷 and shrine rituals

Kowloon, The Legend of The Nine Dragons and
Dragon Riding Clouds

Wilson Shieh, modern gongbi painter Hongkong

Tada Toshiko, Potter from Ishikawa

Katsura Rikyu (Katsura rikyuu 桂離宮 ) Imperial Villa in Kyoto

Totoro Daruma トトロだるま / Daruma Totoro 達磨トトロ My Neighbour Totoro

Art DE Daruma Exhibition アートDEだるま展 Tokyo.

NORAKURO DARUMA のらくろだるま and other designer dolls handcrafted by Shin Tsuzuki
Alien Daruma, Kapa Daruma, Mosaic Daruma, Sea lion Daruma, Snowman Daruma, Oni Daruma, Jack O' Daruma (haloween), Kappa Daruma

Jirochoo and Ishimatsu Daruma 次郎長だるま . 石松だるま

Shooshuu 消臭たまご Air Freshener, Air Deodorant

Ondo and Darumamonie ダルマ音頭 / ダルモニーSong and Dance with Daruma

Ashura, Asura (あしゅら) 阿修羅

Yamamoto Kansuke 山本勘助だるま鈴 Clay Bell


ALL ... Latest Additions from 2009

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2008

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2007

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2006

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2005


To the Daruma Museum ABC Index

World Kigo Database

Daruma Museum Waitinglist

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Daruma Museum Archives since 2007





Sanpo-Ji Kyoto


Temple Sanpo-Ji 三寳寺 (さんぽうじ)
Sanpooji 三宝寺 Sanpoji

CLICK for more photos

A Nichiren sect temple founded in December 8 1628.
The statue in the Myoken-do Hall was carved around the middle of the Edo period and the deity it depicts is affectionately known as 'the Myoken of Narutaki.' Chinese quince trees line the approach to the temple while the cherry trees next to the Main Hall are said to have been transplanted from the Imperial Palace. Both quince and cherry trees are well known features of the temple.
On the first Sat and Sun in December, the temple bustles with people who come to take part in the 'Nichirenshu no Daikodaki' or 'Nichiren White Stewing Radish Festival.'
source :

Narutaki no Myoken-san
Matsumoto-cho Narutaki Ukyo-ku


Mikuji - fortune telling slips in a wooden Daruma

source : Copyright (C) 2009 ZauCats


Mikuji Sanpo-Ji Temple

Mikuji backside
Click for enlargement


Cooking Radishes for Nichiren

kigo for mid-winter

CLICK for more photos

This festival is in memorial of Saint Nichiren and Nichiro 日朗上人.
If you eat a piece of the radish stew, you will be protected for the coming year and also not contract palsy 中風封じ祈祷.
Radishes are cooked with tofu from Saga 嵯峨豆腐.

When believers gave this soup to Nichiren, he tasted it and said


The big radish is like a nail of the big Buddha Hall.
It tasts like the sweet dew in the paradise of Tooriten.

There is also cooked rice with yuzu citron flavor, yuzu gohan ゆず御飯, another speciality which Nichiren liked very much and praized highly as food to warm the body.

CLICK for more photos



Japanese HP


Saint Nichiren 日蓮上人
and related KIGO

Bishamonten and the Tooriten paradise とう利天

Myooken Bosatsu 妙見菩薩 Myoken Bosastu

Daikodaki (daikotaki) 大根焚 Cooking large radishes
kigo for mid-winter


Sanpo-Ji in Tokyo, Nerima Ward
Tokyo, Nerima, Shakujiidai

source : Nobuhiro, facebook

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

- quote
Ikefuchi Historical Park
On the south of Shakujii Pond 石神井公園, just behind a little fox shrine, is the much smaller Ikefuchi Historical Park (池淵史跡公園) where shards of pottery were found, believed to be connected to the Shakujii Castle mentioned above. It is due to have a small museum built in it by March 2010.

Just a little east of Ikefuchi Historical Park is Sanpoji Temple, built in 1394 and later moved here.

At the eastern end of Sanpoji Pond, just in front of the site of Shakujii Castle, is where Japan's first 100 meter pool was built, in 1918, for training Japanese swimmers in preparation for the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium. In 1989, the eastern end of the old pool was turned into a "Waterside Observation Park" (水辺観察園) where various rare waterside flora can be seen, and serving as a resource for the full renaturing of the area.
- source :





Taiyaki Daruma Yaki


Taiyaki たい焼き waffle in form of a sea bream

More photos with Taiyaki Daruma

CLICK for more photos

神田のたい焼き屋 達磨

A store in Kanda, Tokyo, with the Name of Daruma
Kanda no Taiyakiya Daruma
Taiyaki Kanda Daruma (たいやき 神田達磨)

Some waffles are sprinkled with sesame seeds.

神田達磨(Kanda Daruma)
2-1 Ogawamachi, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku
Tel: 03-6803-1704



Figure waffles (ningyooyaki 人形焼)

another variety of Daruma Yaki だるま焼き



Waffeln in Form einer Meerbrasse

CLICK for more photos

Diese Waffeln stillen nicht nur den Hunger nach etwas Süßem, sie bringen auch Glück für den Esser, denn das Wortspiel mit TAI (japanischer Name der Meerbrasse) und MEDE TAI (glückverheißend) bringt jedem Glück. Daher fehlen sie auf keinem Festplatz und kleinere Buden verkaufen sie vor vielen Kaufhäusern, besonders in den kalten Monaten.

Eine Waffel aus Weizenmehl, gefüllt mit süßem Bohnenmus oder Vanillecreme – das ist alles. Der Bäcker hat entweder eine getrennte Waffelform für jeden Fisch oder eine Stange mit mehreren Fischformen nebeneinander, die gleichzeitig über das Kohlenfeuer gehalten werden.
Ahnherr ist die Imagawa-Waffel von einem Laden der Edo-Zeit an der Brücke über den Fluß Imagawa im Stadtteil Kanda. Sie wird aus Weizenmehl, Zucker, Eiern und Wasser gemacht und ist einfach nur rund, mit süßem Bohnenmus oder Vanillecreme gefüllt.

Daraus entwickelten sich Waffeln in verschiedenen Tierformen, aber der TAI mit dem glückverheißenden Schwanzwort machte das Rennen.

Im Schwanzteil ist keine Füllung, den soll man am Schluß „zum Ausputzen des Mundes“ verspeisen. Wieder andere meinen, den Schwanz zuerst zu essen erhöhe das Glück bei den nächsten süßen Bissen.
Oder noch anders:
Die Herren beginnen mit dem Kopf, die Damen mit dem Schwanz. ... Japanische Lebensphilosophie!

sea bream waffles, taiyaki 鯛焼き


Fudoo yaki 不動焼き waffle from a Fudo Temple
Fudoyaki, Fudo-Yaki

This is more a kind of dorayaki, round waffle with red bean paste filling.

狭山不動尊 Sayama Fudo Temple 不動寺
It has been founded by Kobo Daishi.
This temple has been patronized by the third shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, in 1632.
It has a lot of important buildings in the precincts.
In the neighbourhood are places which specialize in food with tofu.

In Tokorozawa (所沢市, Tokorozawa-shi), Saitama prefecture.
Sayama green tea is another speciality.

. . . CLICK here for Photos of the temple!



taiyaki o watte gozoo o fukinikeri
I break open
a taiyaki sweet waffle and blow
on its intestines

Nakahara Michio 中原道夫

The freshly baked taiyaki are usually very hot and steam comes out after breaking htem open. People have to fuufuu blow on them for cooling.

is an old term for the intestines, five zoo and six pu, gozoo roppu 五臓六腑.
According to the old Chinese medicine, these are the five full organs (heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys), and the six hollow organs (stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder and reproductive organs).





BACKUP - Daruma Food LINKS


Daruma Food LINKS

. WASHOKU - Daruma Food LINKS .

Below is a backup from July 2012.


Akachochin CHOOCHIN, lanterns 提灯とだるま
Ame, dagashi <> Sweets  飴、駄菓子
Anko, sweet bean paste Daruma 餡子だるま , だるまあん

Azuki Daruma 小豆を「達磨」made from Red Beans

Bentoobako ― Lunchbox with Daruma Bentoobako 弁当箱
Bon, 盆 a tray

CHA 茶 The world of TEA and Daruma

Cookies だるまクッキー
Daruma sweets

Cups and Mugs
..... Guinomi ぐい飲み Tea Cups
Cup soup <> カップラーメン Cup Ramen, Cup Raamen
Curry from GLICO グリコカレー / glico カレー職人 Gookaku 合格 to pass the examination

Fukudama Fukudama 迎春福玉 Sweets
Fukutoku Senbei - Waffles for Good Luck from Kanazawa

Gokoku hojo .. 五穀豊穣 (gokoku hoojoo)
Prayers for a Bountiful Harvest of the Five Grains

Hamburger Cotelettes KATSU Daruma Food
..... 合格祈願エビカツバーガー to pass examinations
Hashi, O-Hashi ... Chopsticks お箸 おはし
Hashi oki ... chopstick rests 箸置き

Juken Food 受験フーズ Examination Hell Food, January 2007

Kabocha Daruma as Pumpkinかぼちゃ達磨, かぼちゃだるま
Kagome Food for Exam Students カゴメ 
Kashigata 菓子型 <> Cake Molds from wood
..... Kashigata 菓子型 Cake mold from iron
..... Kashi bin 菓子ビン <> Glass for cookies
Katsuobushi kezuriki かつおぶし削り器 cutter for bonito flakes
Keeki だるまケーキ Cakes decorated with Daruma

Maekake ... Apron 前掛け
Daruma Masamune 達磨正宗 Aged Rice wine
Mito Kōmon .. 水戸黄門 Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀

Nabe ... だるま鍋 ... Cooking pot and restaurant
Natto 納豆 ... Fermented Beans
Noren ... Door Curtains 暖簾 のれん

Pan, Daruma pan だるまパン Daruma bread and
Daruma monaka だるまもなか Daruma wafers

Parfait Daruma ..... パフェだるま Food Art

RESTAURANTS . . . More . . . DARUMA Restaurants

Sable Cakes from Kawasaki 川崎大師名物 大人気 元祖ダルマサブレー
Salt and Pepper Shaker Shio Koshoo Ire . 塩コショウ入れ. 塩胡椒入れ

Sake, Ricewine and Daruma 酒.....
Sakazuki 杯 small cups / 達磨タンブラー . Tumbler Daruma

Sankuro, Dondo Yaki and Spring Fire Ceremonies 三九郎とだるま 
Sara - Plates お皿にだるま
Senbei だるませんべい Rice Crackers
Sencha 煎茶 <> Tea with Daruma see > CHA
Shamoji しゃもじ <> Rice Spoon, Ladle
Snacks with Daruma スナック Food
Soba 蕎麦 そば <> Daruma Eating Buckwheat Noodles
SUSHI . Daruma Sushi だるま 寿司

TABEMONO More about FOOD with Daruma

Taiyaki たい焼き waffle in form of a sea bream
Tamago ... 卵だるま, たまごだるま, タマゴダルマEggs and Daruma

TEA and Daruma : Cha
The world of TEA and Daruma Introduction

Tokkuri ― Drinking Hot Sake with Daruma  徳利とだるま
Tsumayooji (tsumajoji) 爪楊枝 つまようじ <> Toothpicks-holder

Udon Noodles with Daruma 達磨にうどん ウドン

Vinegar Tasters, The three Vinegar Tasters of Chinese Art

Wasabi わさびだるま  Japanese Horseradish called "Daruma"

wine 達磨寺ワイン Darumadera Red Wine

Yunomi ― Drinking Tea with Daruma  湯のみとだるまさん/ Guinomi


Daruma (tags in the WASHOKU BLOG)

Daruma (tags in this DARUMA BLOG)



Bread (pan)


Daruma Bread だるまパン Daruma pan


Sold at the shrine Hoshitsuji Jinja, Daruma festival
川反ダルマまつり Kawabata Daruma festival
Akita 秋田市大町1丁目
on April 12/13

The deity of this shrine protects from fire and catching a cold, and usually on the festival day rain is falling.

北斗七星 the big dipper is ment by the name Hoshitsuji.

A wafer with Daruma だるまもなか Daruma monaka

CLICK for original LINK

monaka manjuu chazuke 最中まんじゅうの茶づけ with Daruma san !


Here is a special omamori talisman from the shrine
The character for STAR 星 is written on the head of Daruma.
Hoshitsuji Daruma 星辻だるま
Hibuse Daruma 火伏せだるま warding off fire

Poster for the festival

Reference : 星辻神社・川反ダルマまつり


Pizza Pan Bread to pass the examination

ピッツァブレッド Pizzabread

source :


Pink Daruma Bread
Bread for good luck 縁起パン engi pan

Wonderful Daruma Bread Face

source :

Pan and Yukidaruma pan ゆきだるまパン snowman Daruma bread

Photos of Daruma Pan だるまパン


Daruma Monaka だるま最中 Daruma Waffles

shiawase monaka しあわせもなか Happiness Monaka

Handmade from Takasaki 「高崎だるま手作最中」
CLICK for original LINK

Sankaku Daruma 三角だるま monaka
Triangular conical Daruma

Inside is shiroan, shiro-an (白餡) white anko, made from white kidney beans.

CLICK for triangular Daruma

SANKAKU DARUMA 三角だるま Triangular Daruma

. ふくらすずめ 最中 plump sparrow wafer

Monaka 最中 モナカ wafers, waffles


Hibuse Daruma ... 火防達磨 Fire and war preventing Daruma.

Matsuri, Daruma Matsuri ... だるま祭り ... Daruma Festivals

Star Shrines .. Hoshi Jinja

Food with Daruma







Daruma Cookies だるまクッキー

CLICK for more photos

From Gunma


CLICK for original ...

with a lot of almonds

From Darumaya Sweets だるまやスイーツ
Darumaya Confectionery、Yamagata


chibi Daruma チビだるま small Daruma cookies



Two homemade Daruma cookies, one is the red ridinghood

CLICK for original LINK ... wagawagashi


開運だるまクッキー Good Luck Daruma Cookie

CLICK for more photos

CLICK for more photos
CLICK for more Daruma Cookies


CLICK for more images

Daruma Cookies from Nara


- - - MORE delicious Daruma kukkii at TsubameDo
- source : 焼き菓子 つばめどう日記


. Mingei Kukkii みんげいクッキー Mingei Folk Art Cookies .


和べっこう飴 Japanese Bekko Candy

Kitkat - Kit Kat キットカット Daruma


source : .. r/ghibli ...
Totoro Daruma macarons


More FOOD with Daruma ! in the Daruma Museum

Snacks with Daruma スナック Food

Tabemono 食べ物  Food with Daruma / Album


だるまパフェ Daruma parfait


- #food #cookies -




. Fuku no Kami Legends 福の神 .

Fukusuke 福助だるま

CLICK for more photos

He is almost like a god, helping people to make good business.

It is the figure of a man seated on his knees on a cushion, with a big round shaven head.
The origin was a god of good luck (fuku no kami 福の神)
called Kanoo Fukusuke 叶福助 in Edo.
. . . CLICK here for Kano Fukusuke Photos !

Fukusuke would grant a wish (kanoo, kanaeru 叶える) and was popular with the tea shops and courtisans.


Fukusuke would also bring long life and prosperity to a loving couple.

A model was probably the farmer Sataro from Settsu province 摂津国西成郡安部里の佐太郎 in 1802, who did not only live long but was of a small body with a large head (probably from a disease) and often the aim of people's laughter. He went off to Edo for a better life, got caught by a dealer (in human beings) near Odawara and was made a showpiece in a curio show in Kamakura, and later brought to Edo.
A disabled person was a fugu suke ふぐ【不具】, later read as Fukusuke, FUKU being a pun with "good luck".

A certain noble Hatamoto bought Fukusuke from his owner for 30 ryo of gold and gave him to his daughter as a playmate. The new owner family prospered and Fukusuke was able to marry the servant of the home, Risa りさ.
They started a small shop in Nagai-Cho and sold Fukakusa yaki 深草焼 pottery. He even made dolls of his own figure and sold them for good luck items.

Well, that is quite a story of a long, eventfull life of a disabled person!

Click for more photos ... Walton antiques The original might also have been a merchant of Kyoto during the Edo period, who sold cloths.

His ears are quite big (fukumimi).

His wife is O-Fuku (Ofuku お福、O-Tafuku, Otafukuお多福) and his dauther is a Fukumusume 福娘. (but only in the curio shops).

He sits at the entrance of the store and welcomes visitors with a deep bow.

おじぎ福助 ojigi Fukusuke

Gott der Händler. Puppe mit großem Kopf.


Fukusuke from Hirado pottery 福助 平戸

Yabase clay doll, Akita 八橋人形


. Daruma Museum
Fukakusa-yaki 深草焼, Clay Dolls from Fukakusa

CLICK for more photos

To our day, there is a store in Tokyo selling tabi socks with a big toe.
Tsujimoto Fukumatsu established the Fukusuke Tabi company in 1885.

English Reference Fukusuke Tabi

Fukusuke is also the name of a type of chrysanthemum
Fukusukegiku 福助菊
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Fukusuke with a family crest of radishes

Click for more auspicious FUKUSUKE photos !


Fukusuke as a baby
like a Daruma Doll

Daruma Museum : Otafuku, O-Fuku Daruma
お多福だるま、お福達磨, お福だるま

fuufu Fukusuke 夫婦福助 the couple of Fukusuke and his wife
Sendai hariko 仙台張子 papermachee dolls from Sendai

Fukusuke, Daruma and
other auspicious items for the New Year


Fukusuke on a spring horse 春駒持ち福助
© PHOTO : Nakamura Sakuo

© Reference


Fukusuke no o-jigi wa eien ni yuki ga furu

the servile bow of Fukusuke
is with us for ever . . .
it is snowing

鳥居真理子 Torii Mariko (Torii) (1948 - )

. WKD : Gendai . Modern Haiku   


source : zenmaitarow

Fukusuke and O-Tafuku as kokeshi
福助 - お福こけし


fuku no kami 福の神 god of good luck

source :

Maybe the most popular are Ebisu and his companion Daikoku

. Ebisu えびす 恵比寿  .

Hotei, one of the "seven gods of good luck" is another great candidate
. Hotei 布袋 Pu-Tai .

A red Daruma doll is also seen as
"always happy to brind good luck to the family
いつも明 AKAるい 家庭に宿る福の神
. Daruma Dolls in 10 colors / カラーだるま .


ko-bashira ya ono ga yozamu no fuku no kami

small post,
you're my god of luck
this cold fall night

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the eighth month (September) of 1810, when Issa was staying in the city of Edo and in the area just east of Edo. This is a year in which Issa made a vigorous attempt to return to his hometown, where he hoped to establish himself as a self-supporting haikai teacher. At the end of the fifth month, he made a trip from Edo all the way back to his hometown to discuss sharing his inheritance with his brother, but his brother refused, and Issa got no farther than the entranceway of the house left by his father, even though the house was half his. (See the 8/23/2013 post for some other hokku from this period.) After Issa returned to Edo, he was dispirited but even more determined to return to his hometown, a dream he realized in 1813.

The present hokku seems to have a double tone of frustration and resolve. Issa is traveling around and staying at different people's houses, so the post near the house where he is staying tonight is not literally his. He simply chooses it as his god. Autumn is beginning to deepen, and the night is sharply colder tonight, though not yet freezing. The temperature also probably suggests Issa's own sense of his situation at the moment. In Japanese, gods are traditionally referred to as pillars or posts (hashira), presumably because in Japanese shamanism gods were believed to descend down trees when they manifested themselves in this world. Also traditionally, there are seven gods of good luck or good fortune, and so when they are counted individually, they are "seven pillars/posts."

A single god, when counted, is "one pillar/post." Relying on this usage, Issa decides that a nondescript, small post in a street or a garden will be his own god of good luck in this season of increasing cold. It has no tradition, individual name, or special characteristics, but it seems to have continued to stand where it is for some time, and its ability to endure and be a post suggests it is blessed with good fortune. Issa wants to do likewise. I take the hokku to be his address to the post, telling it he respects it and hopes the post will show him how it's been able to be so lucky and endure so long.

The two hokku placed immediately before this hokku in Issa's diary also shed light on Issa's thinking when he wrote this hokku. First the hokku placed two hokku earlier:

tsuyu-tsuyu ni nagasaresou naru hashira kana

surely that post
will be washed away
by the dew

The post seems so weak and fragile that it looks as if it will soon be carried off by the daily and nightly dew, which in comparison seems to be stronger than the post. And then this hokku placed just before the first hokku translated above:

furusato ya kore mo yosamu no nyorai-sama

my hometown --
on a cold fall night
you, too, my Buddha

Issa always prays to Amida as his special Buddha among many Buddhas, but on this cold autumn night he also prays to his hometown as another personal Buddha. This is not an unusual form of worship in Japan, where the souls of ancestors are even now in rural areas often called "Buddhas" or "gods." Issa feels a strong spirit coming from his hometown and from the spirits of his dead father and mother and others, and he vows to maintain his reverence for his hometown on a spiritual level even though his brother and stepmother continue to refuse to meet him. The intensity of Issa's identification with his hometown in this hokku could indicate that the post referred to in two of the three hokku is a post standing near the house left by his father in his hometown.

Since Issa often wrote several hokku a day, the weak post in one hokku and the small post in another are probably the same post, a post that wouldn't appear at first glance to be a prominent candidate for being a god of good luck. But to Issa small, weak things are often very powerful in their own way and worthy of great respect. And if the post stands in front of the house where Issa was born, then it is a very powerful post -- and god -- indeed.

Chris Drake

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


source :

Aizu Fukusuke 会津福助

. Fukushima Folk Toys .
会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu


. Hi no yoojin 火の用心 fire prevention Fukusuke .

WASHOKU - Folk Toys and Food  


. Fuku no Kami Legends 福の神 .

