
Triangular Daruma Sankaku



SANKAKU Daruma 三角だるま・三角ダルマ
Triangular, conical Daruma

The Daruma with a sharply pointed head, called “Triangle Daruma” (sankaku Daruma) is a clay doll produced in Northern Japan in the province of Echigo, village of Suibara.(水原)。

The big red one is the Mother, the blue one the Father and the little white one the child.
Thus the Daruma family represents kaka denka かか天下 where mother has the saying to keep the family in harmony.

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This is a real roly-poly doll with a special weight at the bottom.

In 1806, the first generation Imai Denjuuroo started making these dolls in the tradition of clay dolls from - Fushimi - Kyoto with the colors mixed with laquer.

famous Imai Tokujiroo of Suibara in Niigata Prefecture. He passed away when he was almost 100 years old.

The Family Imai is now in the eights generation producing this funny Daruma. It has become a standard present in this area for a wedding and at the birth of a child.

Some of these dolls are now also made in other areas and also of other materials, like paper or wood.
The paining of the face is a simple dot eyes, dot-nose and mouth-line, and is quite humorous.

There are a few varieties of these dolls in the Tohoku region, but their origin seems to be in Aizu Wakamatsu, Fukushima.

Since it is a strong symbol of getting up again (okiagari), it was well loved by the silk farmers, as an amulet to hope the silk worms would "get up" and produce a lot of thread.

Fishermen put it in their boats to "get up" when they were in a difficult position at sea.


新潟の三角だるま From Niigata

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Since the bottom is heavy and the doll stands up allways, it is a good-luck charm for the local fishermen of Niigata, who “want to float a boat in need as fast as possible”, a play with the word “uki-agaru”, to get up, to float.





The famous Zen priest Ryookan (Ryokan) also painted a triangular Daruma.

source : shinzos10.cocolog-nifty.com


by Masaaki.K
source : 風邪のコリドー


Local dolls from Niigata.

On the first picture you can easily recognize our triangular Daruma, one with a simple face and a small one with eyebrows and beard and stripes on the long head. These Daruma are also called “Tsuno-n-gyoo” (Dolls with a horn) or “okorobi” (the falling-down doll).


source : www.asahi-net.or.jp

and with a cat doll from Echigo

source : momoten


Shiori, bookmark with Niigata Daruma

On a page of a collector of bookmarks (shiori) there is also a nice one with our triangular Daruma. It is a woodblockprint with two of our friends.

source : sibainu63/siori-9.


Daruma Monaka だるま最中 Daruma Waffles
in the form of our Sankaku Daruma 三角だるま Triangular Daruma

. Folk Toys from Niigata .

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .

Daruma Museum


- #sankakudaruma #darumasankaku -

Bread (pan)


Daruma Bread だるまパン Daruma pan

© PHOTO : necojitamu.exblog.jp

Sold at the shrine Hoshitsuji Jinja, Daruma festival
川反ダルマまつり Kawabata Daruma festival
Akita 秋田市大町1丁目
on April 12/13

The deity of this shrine protects from fire and catching a cold, and usually on the festival day rain is falling.

北斗七星 the big dipper is ment by the name Hoshitsuji.

A wafer with Daruma だるまもなか Daruma monaka

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monaka manjuu chazuke 最中まんじゅうの茶づけ with Daruma san !


Here is a special omamori talisman from the shrine
The character for STAR 星 is written on the head of Daruma.
Hoshitsuji Daruma 星辻だるま
Hibuse Daruma 火伏せだるま warding off fire

Poster for the festival

Reference : 星辻神社・川反ダルマまつり


Pizza Pan Bread to pass the examination

ピッツァブレッド Pizzabread

source : www.nipponham.co.jp


Pink Daruma Bread
Bread for good luck 縁起パン engi pan

Wonderful Daruma Bread Face

source : www.tincarbell.com

Pan and Yukidaruma pan ゆきだるまパン snowman Daruma bread

Photos of Daruma Pan だるまパン


Daruma Monaka だるま最中 Daruma Waffles

shiawase monaka しあわせもなか Happiness Monaka

Handmade from Takasaki 「高崎だるま手作最中」
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Sankaku Daruma 三角だるま monaka
Triangular conical Daruma

Inside is shiroan, shiro-an (白餡) white anko, made from white kidney beans.

CLICK for triangular Daruma

SANKAKU DARUMA 三角だるま Triangular Daruma

. ふくらすずめ 最中 plump sparrow wafer

Monaka 最中 モナカ wafers, waffles


Hibuse Daruma ... 火防達磨 Fire and war preventing Daruma.

Matsuri, Daruma Matsuri ... だるま祭り ... Daruma Festivals

Star Shrines .. Hoshi Jinja

Food with Daruma





Tenbin scales



Pair of scales 天秤 Tenbin Daruma


Photo from my friend Ishino.

The arm is about 14 cm long, but it comes in different sizes.
From Misaki 美咲 (misaki) company.

An old item for fishermen.



source : hiragoms/syoumen.html

scales of a money changer in Edo

- quote
During Matsuo Basho’s youth, Edo city is in the process of rapid economic growth. In 1672, Basho dared to move to Edo, ambitious to become a haiku master with great popularity. At this time, Basho wrote a haiku praising the prosperity of two Japanese capitals: Edo and Kyoto.

tenbin ya Kyô Edo kakete chiyo no haru

On the giant scales
Kyô and Edo balance
spring of one thousand years
Tr. Natsuishi

In Edo where Basho was residing, a Kabuki actor Danjuro Ichikawa (1660-1704) made his flashy debut in 1673. In 1677, “Edo Suzume”, a guidebook of Edo sites, illustrated by an ukiyo-e painter Moronobu Hishikawa (1618-1694) was published. Commercial wealth and a growing chônin (bourgeois) population gave birth to a lively and gorgeous culture in big cities: Osaka, Kyoto and Edo.
“Tenbin” (scales) in the above haiku suggests money changer’s prosperous activity. So, the haiku shows us that Basho, free from worry and hesitation, was sympathized with the urban atmosphere of Edo under economic and cultural development. Basho’s rhetoric is bold enough to make up “the giant scales” which weighs Kyoto and Edo. His bold rhetoric was directly related to the expanding urbanism of Edo.

. Ban’ya Natsuishi and Matsuo Basho .

Written in 延宝4年, Basho age 33.

During Basho’s youth, Edo city is in the process of rapid economic growth.
In 1672, Basho dared to move to Edo, ambitious to become a haiku master with great popularity. At this time, Basho wrote a haiku praising the prosperity of two Japanese capitals: Edo and Kyoto.

tenbin ya Kyoo Edo kakete chiyo no haru

Kyoto and Edo,
Calmly balanced on a scale,
Forever in spring.

Tr. Yuasa

. - Edo 江戸 the Castle Town - and Basho .


tenbin o hanete omake no jiroogaki

the scales jump
and the price goes down a bit
for Jirogaki persimmons

Andoo 安藤馬城生 Ando san

. jiroogaki次郎柿 Jirogaki persimmons .

sakanaya ya tenbinboo de mon no kaki

the fishmonger -
with his long pole
(hitting) persimmons near the gate

Hara Gesshuu 原月舟 Hara Gesshu


. tenbinboo 天秤棒 pole of a street vendor .
furiuri, furi-uri 振売 peddlers, street vendors




Darumaru Gunma



Darumaru from Gunma

Darumaru is the campaign character to lure tourists to Gunma prefecture.


He carries the symbol for hot springs on his belly.

Darumaruma だるまるま

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

Darumaruma keyholder
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He also comes on Jomo Karuta (Joomoo Karuta)

Takasaki and Gunma Daruma

Takasaki Town Mascot ... 高崎だるま "たか丸"
(his first version)
and Jomo Karuta (Joomoo Karuta)


. Takasaki Daruma Dolls 高崎だるま  

Daruma Museum



Karimaruya shop



Karimaruya Design Daruma

source : かりまる オリジナルグッズ

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Daruma Museum


Every Day is a Good Day


Every Day is a Good Day

nichi nichi kore kōnichi (日々是好日)
nichi nichi kore koonichi
hibi kore koojitsu / kore yoki hi

A Japanese Zen Buddhist proverb at least 300 years old which means "Every day is a good day", or "All days are good days". It has been presented by some Zen masters (notably, Kodo-Sawaki and his disciple Taisen Deshimaru) as a kōan, that is, a statement that appears contradictory to rationality but that can be grasped through intuition.
It was a favorite saying of the avant-garde composer John Cage.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Tag um Tag ist ein guter Tag

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Kōdō, Kodo Sawaki 沢木興道 Sawaki Kodo (1880 - 1965)
- reference : wikipedia -


source : だるまのブログ

Look here for many more beautiful calligraphy pieces.
 The DARUMA BLOG だるまのブログ  


by Takagaki Kohei (Koohei)
高垣康平(たかがき こうへい)
born 1935 in Gifu

source : 大瑠堂

. . . CLICK here for more paintings by Takagaki sensei !


some day some way
in this life or another
every day is a good day

the sound of one foot
after the other

Chibi (Daruma Forum)


. My Fusuma sliding door paintings .   



USB memory



USB Memory USBメモリー
「だるまさんの記憶」The memory of Daruma

© PHOTO : nikkeibp.co.jp

In January 2009, the company アクテブライズ Actbrise in Takasaki Town, Gunma, has launched a new USB memory with 2 GB in the form of a small Daruma sitting right beside your computer.
It is 55 mm high and weighs 30 g.

More Photos and Reference


Daruma Museum



Hamamatsu Market Kokuzo

. Shizuoka Folk Art - 静岡県  .
. Legends about Kokuzo Bosatsu .

Hamamatsu Daruma Market 浜松だるま市

Kokuuzoo, Kokūzō and Daruma Market

At the temple Kokuzo-Ji 虚空蔵寺 (Kokuuzooji)

© PHOTO : guppy.cocolog-wbs.com/nikond300

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A big Daruma


Kokuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokūzō
Akashagarbha Bodhisattva

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Bodhisattva of Wisdom and Memory
Kokūzō is especially important to Japan’s Shingon sect of Esoteric Buddhism (Mikkyō 密教). Kokūzō symbolizes the "vast and boundless" Buddha wisdom that permeates the universe. Believers pray to Kokūzō to grant them wisdom on their quest toward enlightenment. In Japan, people also pray to Kokūzō to improve their memory, technical skills, and artistic talents.

Gumonjihō 求聞持法
Esoteric Rite to Improve One’s Memory
Morning Star Mantra, Kokūzō as the Morning Star

Five Great Kokūzō

Read more HERE
- Buddhist Deities - Mark Schumacher -

. Kokuuzoo Doo 虚空蔵堂 temple hall .
in Muramatsu, Ibaraki 村松


Kokuuzoo Jinja 虚空蔵神社 shrine Kokuzo Jinja
Tono, Iwate

Miyamoricho Tatsusobe, Tono

The date of its foundation is not clear. At the beginning of the steps leading up to the shrine is a stone memorial for mount Gassan 月山の石塔, near the torii gate are more monuments reminding of The Three Mountains of Dewa 出羽三山.
Maybe there was an influence of Tendai or Shingon Buddhism.

There is a saying in the Tendai scriptures, where the celestial elements of Sun, Moon and Stars are mentioned as the beginning and end of our life and wisdom.


Fugen in this shrine is maybe seen as the deity of the star
Kinsei 金星 Venus

At the back of this shrine is mount Dogusoku Yama 胴具足山 (615 m).
Legends of the Abe clan 安倍一族 are many in this region. This clan also revered a shrine dedicated to the stars
星ノ宮神社 Hoshi no Miya Jinja .

source : dostoev.exblog.jp - 遠野の不思議

. Tono Jisha Meguri 遠野寺社巡り 
temples and shrines in Tono, Iwate .

Abe no Sadato 安倍貞任 (1019 – 1062)

- - - - -

There is one more 虚空蔵神社 in Akita, Yuzawa Hot Spring

- Deities in residence
Shin-Oo no Mikoto 神王尊 シンノウノミコト
Kamurogi no Mikoto 神漏岐尊 カムロギノミコト
Kamuromi no Mikoto 神漏美尊 カムロミノミコト

- quote
Kamurogi, Kamuromi
Terms referring generically to male and female ancestral kami (sojin).
Examples can be found in the Shoku Nihongi, Engishiki, norito, Nakatominoyogoto, Hitachinokuni fudoki, Izumonokuni fudoki, Shoku Nihonkōki, and Kogoshūi. Commentators are agreed that the truncated kam means kami, while gi and mi refer, respectively, to male and female, but opinion is divided regarding the significance of the element ro.
Kamo no Mabuchi interpreted kamuro to mean divine king, with the result that he understood the terms as referring to emperor and empress. Motoori Norinaga added the concept of ancestral deity to Mabuchi's interpretation, claiming that the two referred to divine ancestral deities of the emperor and empress. In the most general sense, the deities can be understood as ancestral kami. When the two deities are mentioned individually, they refer respectively to male and female kami, and when mentioned jointly as a pair, they refer to ancestral kami as a whole.

Various suggestions have been made regarding to which specific kami these names might have originally referred. The Kogoshūi claims that the two refer to the kami of begetting, Takamimusuhi and Kamimusuhi, but Kamo no Mabuchi argues that the reference is broader, extending to all imperial ancestral kami. In contrast, Motoori understands the terms to refer to Takamimusuhi and Amaterasu. At present, the terms are believed to refer not to any specific kami, but to different beings in accordance with the context of the historical materials in which the terms are found.
- source : Endō Jun, Kokugakuin 2005


Kokuzo is the last of these 13 deities:

. Jusanbutsu, Juusanbutsu 十三仏
13 Protector Buddhas
Annual Temple Visit for Children
(juusanmairi 十三参り)

. Nine Stars Crest ... 九曜紋 ... Kuyoo Mon  

4 Friday, Kokuuzoo Bosatsu
kinyoosei 金曜星(きんようせい、虚空蔵菩薩)(四緑木星)


kigo for the New Year

. Hatsu Kokuuzoo 初虚空蔵 (はつこくうぞう)
First Kokuzo Ceremony

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Aka-beko, akabeko 赤べこ the red cow

Akabeko is a famous cow amulet in the Aizu region of Japan.
Aka means "red" and beko is Aizu dialect for "cow."

CLICK for more photos The akabeko papier-mache cow is a popular souvenir from Fukushima Prefecture. According to local folklore, in the year 807 A.D., cows were used to haul materials to construct Enzoji 圓蔵寺(えんぞうじ Enzooji) temple in Yanaizu 柳津. The priest Tokuichi Daishi had started the building in 807. Since it is located high above the river, many cows had to be used to haul the boulders up to the site.
(Other legends tell of priest Gyoki as its founder, in 726. Gyoki carved the statue of Kokuzo to pray for peace and prosperity in the land. The side statues of Daikokuten and Bishamonten are said to be made by Kukai.)

When the temple was completed, one particular red cow refused to leave the site. Legend has it that the cow even turned to stone after having given its soul to the Buddha. The townspeople, duly impressed with the cow's loyalty and no doubt its ability to turn itself to stone, made small effigies of the cow, painted them red, and gave them to children as toys. Years later, when a bout of smallpox swept the country, the children who had these akabeko toys didn't get smallpox.

Enjoji holds one of the three famous statues of Kokuzo Bosatsu.
福満虚空蔵尊 Fukuman Kokuzon
Said to have been carved by Kobo Daishi himself.
After he finished the statue, he trew some wood chips in the river Tadami as offerings. Whow and behold, they turned into the delicious dace fish, nurrishing the people.

. Cows and Legends  

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Read more :
. Engimono, little things for good luck 縁起物  

The Kokuzo statue is one of the three famous statues in Japan.

Fukuman Kokuzoson at Enzoji in Yanaizu-machi, Fukushima Prefecture

Yanaizu Fukuchiman Kokuzoson, Tsuyama-cho Yanaizu, Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture

Shokoan Temple in Yanai City, Yamaguchi Prefecture


Hidakaji temple, Daiman Kokuzon
村松山日高寺(大満虚空蔵尊)Ibaragi prefecture

Kiyomizu temple, Noman Kokuzon
千光山清澄寺(能満虚空蔵尊)Chiba prefecture


Kokuuzoo (Aakaashagarbha)
"Mutterschoß des leeren Raums".

Seine Weisheit und Tugend ist so grenzenlos wie der Weltraum. Verkörpert Einheit von Weisheit und Barmherzigkeit.
Entstand aus der Anbetung des Himmels.
Verkörpert die Theorie: Unendliches Glück und unendliche Weisheit sind in der Großen Leere das Gleiche.
In Japan seit dem 8. Jhd. bekannt. Erste Figuren in der Tempyoo-Zeit; als Paar mit Kannon Bosatsu beim Bau des Großen Buddhas im Tempel Toodaiji in Nara. Als Paar mit Jizoo Bosatsu ebenfalls in dieser Zeit häufig gefertigt. Dabei war Jizoo für die Hölle und Kokuuzoo für das Paradies zuständig.

KOKUU bedeutet "unübertroffen" und ZOO bedeutet "alle Schätze austeilen für die bedürftigen Menschen". Er verfügt über alle Schätze und sein Schatzhaus (zoo) ist das ganze All (kokuu). Im esoterischen Buddhismus auch als "Diamant-Schatzhaus" (Kongoozoo) oder "Diamant-Schatz" (Kongoohoo) bezeichnet.
Außerdem Spender besonderer Gedächtniskräfte. Bei dem Ritual zur Verbesserung der Gedächtniskräfte des eso~terischen Buddhismus "Gumonji-hoo" ist Kokuuzoo selbst der Hauptkultgegenstand. Die an ihn glaubenden Priester stellten bald viele Statuen und Bilder von ihm her. Dieses Ritual wurde von Kooboo Daishi besonders gepflegt.
(Im Japanischen heißt "auswendig" lernen: "aus dem Himmel lernen" (sora de oboeru).

Nummer 13 der 13 Buddhas der Totenrituale.
Seit der Edo-Zeit wurden Kinder beim 13. Geburtstag zu Tempeln des Kokuuzoo Bosatsu geführt (juusan mairi). Eigentlich sollte jedes Jahr einer der 13 Buddhas angebetet werden, dadurch verdienten die Tempel in der Edo-Zeit. Aber das wurde den Leuten in der Meiji-Zeit zu viel, so daß nur noch der zusammenfassende Tempelgang am 13. Geburtstag übrigblieb.
. Juusanbutsu 十三仏  

Recht unterschiedliche Formen. Manchmal mit weiblichen Zügen.
Hohe Krone mit fünf Weisheitsbuddhas. In der rechten Hand das Schwert der Lehre, in der linken eine Lotusblüte; manchmal auch eine Sutrarolle oder das wunscherfüllende Juwel.
Sitzende Statuen im halben Lotussitz (Nara-Zeit) oder mit einem Bein über den Sockel hängend (ab Heian-Zeit).

Besondere Statuen:

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Fünf Kokuuzoo Bosatsu (Godai Kokuuzoo Bosatsu)
Entsprechend den fünf Weisheitsbuddhas. 五大虚空蔵
Zur weiten Verbreitung von Tugenden und Hilfen in alle Himmels~richtungen. Vertreibung von Feinden und sichere Geburt.
Seit der Heian-Zeit besonders in der Shingon-Sekte verehrt.

Fünf Bosatsu-Statuen auf fünf Tieren sitzend oder auf einem Lotussockel.
Tiere: in der Mitte: Löwe, im Osten: Elefant, im Süden: Pferd, im Westen: Pfau und im Norden: Garuda-Vogel.
Donnerkeil mit einem oder drei Zacken an einer langen Stange in der linken Hand. Hohe Krone mit den fünf Weisheitsbuddhas.

Mitte: Weiß - Hokkai - Gedatsu - Chie Kokuuzoo
Osten: Gelb - Kongô - Fukutoku - Aikyoo - Fukuchi Kokuuzoo
Süden: Grün - Hôkô - Nôman - Kani Kokuuzoo
West: Rot - Renge - Segan - Nooman Kokuuzoo
Nord: Schwarz - Gôyû (Gôyô) - Muku - Fukutoku Kokuuzoo.

.Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who   

Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie
von japanischen Buddhastatuen

Gabi Greve, 1994


Hamamatsu hariko 浜松張り子 papermachee dolls
Hamamatsu (lit. Pine Tree on the Beach") is a town in western Shizuoka.

They were quite popular since the early Meiji period and many humorous figures were included, like the monkey on a persimmon.
During WW II, most of the wooden forms were lost, but they were re-made soon to continue this special tradition of papermachee dolls.

Futabashi San Workshop 二橋さん

tora hariko 虎張り子 papermachee tiger

Hamamatsu hariko 浜松張り子 papermachee dolls
CLICK for more photos !

. Shizuoka Folk Art - 静岡県  .

#hamamatsudolls #kokuzo #kokuzobosatsu

Daruma Ichi Markets to Sell Daruma / 達磨市

. Legends about Kokuzo Bosatsu .
