
Curry Glico examination



Curry for Exams 2010

from GLICO グリコカレー / glico カレー職人

It is examinatin time again. 
There are many food itmes with a Daruma to encuorage students to pass the examinations.

These three types of Curry feature some games on the backside, to help children concentrate.

with three different eyes

01 Daruma curry from GLICO

fiery eyes

02 fire eyes

black eyes

03 black eyes

closed eyes

05 closed eyes


GAMES on the back of the packages

Click for enlargement

04 who is who
Try to find the corresponding Daruma.

06 pictures to compare

07 two pictures END
Try to find the spots which are different !

GLICO Reference


Juken Food 受験フーズ
Examination Hell Food, collection from January 2007

Hamburger Cotelettes KATSU Daruma Food
合格祈願エビカツバーガー to pass examinations

. Gookaku Daruma 合格だるま Examination Daruma  


Daruma Museum



Additions 2009


DARUMA ... Additions 2009

Hoo no Yama 法の山 Mountain of the Buddhist Law Kyoto

Koma 独楽(コマ)spinning top, tops Kreisel

Temple Jinmu-Ji, Fudo Myo-O and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来
(Jimmuji 神武寺) in Zushi Town, Kanagawa prefecture

Marishiten 摩利支天 Marishi Ten

Masamune, Daruma Masamune 達磨正宗 Old Sake rice wine

福だるま(Cotyledon) コチレドン
Daruma Fukumusum だるま福娘 / 達磨福娘 plant

hangonkoo, hankonkoo 反魂香 soul-returning incense
hangontan 反魂丹 Hangontan medicine from Toyama

Hirayama Ikuo 平山郁夫 (1930 - 2009)

Datsueba 奪衣婆 or 脱衣婆 the Old Hag of Hell


Yushima Tenjin 湯島天神 Yushima Tenmangu and Sugaware Michizane

O-Mamori 不動明王 お守り Talismans with Fudo Myo-O

Daruma cookies from Nara

Ike, Daruma Ike だるま池 Ponds named Daruma

Musume Dojoji 娘道成寺 (musume doojiji) Kabuki play and Nakamura Tomijuro

Himiko, Yamataikoku and Yoshinogari 卑弥呼 / 邪馬台国 / 吉野ヶ里 in Saga, Kyushu

Magazine Articles
Japan Illustrated Autumn 1974
週刊 世界百不思議 : 「だるまさん」が招ぶ 開運講座 (Japanese)

Fukuyama Exhibition Summer 2009 「福よこい!だるま大百科」展
広島県福山市 日本郷土玩具博物館

Yufuin Hot Spring and Mount Yufudake 湯布院 / 由布岳 Kyushu

Zen no Tomo 禅の友 magazine of the Soto sect. and Momiji Daruma

Sanpo-Ji Temple 三寳寺 (さんぽうじ 三宝寺) with Daruma mikuji

Bonji Daruma 梵字だるま with sanskrit letters and Bonji Mandala 梵字曼陀羅

Kunisada Chuuji (国定 忠治) (1810-1851) Kunisada Chuji, a Robin Hood of Japan

Maguro だるまマグロ Daruma Maguro Tuna fish named DARUMA

Riizento daruma リーゼントだるま "Regent Daruma" regent hairstyle, pompadur hairstyle

Taiyaki Kanda Daruma (たいやき 神田達磨) waffles in the form of sea bream

Sayama Fudo Temple 不動寺 amd Fudo yaki 不動焼き waffles

The Heart of Enlightenment
Buddhist Art in China
Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Köln

Sue Sarasa Museum 寿恵更紗ミュージアム Kyoto

Kuchi-e くちえ【口絵】 frontispice and the Great Ansei Earthquake Ansei (安政)

Revenge Story of the Soga Brothers (Soga monogatari 曾我物語) and related kigo including Lady Tora (Tora gozen 虎御前)

Chataku 茶托saucer for tea cup and Negoro Laquer ware

Shibata Zeshin 柴田是真 (1806 - 1891)

Meditation in Nature

Dogu (doguu 土偶) clay figurines of the Jomon period

Tatami Daruma 畳だるま made from tatami mat pieces

ukiwa 浮き輪 Swim ring


Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷かぼちゃ pumpkin from Shishigatani, Kyoto

Tokoname yaki 常滑焼 Tokoname pottery

Kyuusu 急須 Kyusu Teapot だるま急須 Daruma Kyusu ダルマ急須

Tabi 足袋 and toe socks 五本指 ソックス

Kanzashi かんざし / 簪 hairpin

Katsuobushi kezuriki かつおぶし削り器 cutter for bonito flakes

Zenringai 禅林街 Temple District in Hirosaki

Nioibukuro 匂い袋 / 匂袋, Fragrance bag, Duftbeutel, Sachet

Toonyuu とうにゅう (豆乳) soy milk with Daruma label

Kyuusu (kyusu) 急須 Small teapots with a handle to poor tea

Furoshiki 風呂敷 Cotton wrappers Hankerchief ハンカチ hankachi and gamakuchi がま口 purse

Wata, Daruma Wata だるまわた Cotton Items momen

Putter cover パターカバー

Bukku kabaa ブックカバー Book cover, book covers and book cover design

Tonbodama, Tombodama (とんぼだま蜻蛉玉) Dragonfly Glass Beads

Hanamaki Tsuchi Ningyoo 花巻人形 Clay dolls from Hanamaki Iwate prefecture

Kurofune monaka 黒船最中 Black Ship wafers and a kyoka poem

Pan, Daruma pan だるまパン Daruma bread and
Daruma monaka だるまもなか Daruma wafers
Hoshitsuji Daruma 星辻だるま "star Daruma"
Hibuse Daruma 火伏せだるま warding off fire
Daruma Festival at Hoshitsuji Shrine in Akita

Sankaku Daruma 三角だるま・三角ダルマ Triangular, conical Daruma

Temple Saihoji 西方寺 and Haiku by Issa Story of UBAZAKURA 姥桜

Tenbin Daruma だるま天秤 pair of scales, for fishermen

Darumaru maskot from Gunma prefecture だるまる and Darumaruma だるまるま

Karimaruya Design Daruma かりまる屋

nichi nichi kore kōnichi (日々是好日) Every Day is a Good Day
hibi kore koojitsu / hibi kore yoki hi

Sono Kara Matsuri 園韓神祭 (そのからかみまつり) Festival for Sonokami and Karakami and the NUE 鵺 mythological beast

Tsugaru Daruma 津軽だるま Utou-bori Daruma 善知鳥彫だるま

Tokachi Daruma 十勝だるま From Stone Hokkaido

Gokayama Daruma 五箇山の達磨 and Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま

Senkyo Daruma 選挙だるま Victory Daruma to win the election 2009 衆院総選挙

Byodo-In and the Phoenix Hall in Uji 平等院,鳳凰堂

Kanei-Ji Temple and Tenkai (Jigen Daishi) 寛永寺(かんえいじ)
and 慈眼大師. Ueno, Tokyo

hoosoo-e 疱瘡絵 prints to protect children from smallpox
. . . . . red prints 赤絵 aka-e

Utagawa Shigenobu 歌川重宣(Hiroshige II 二代歌川広重) and Daruma play prints

Ishikawa ken kinpaku 石川県金箔製品 だるま Daruma with goldfoil from Ishikawa prefecture

Enpitsu 鉛筆 Pencil with Daruma

USB Memory USBメモリー 2 GB of Daruma Memory だるまさんの記憶

Hamamatsu Daruma Market 浜松市の虚空蔵尊とだるま市

Kuroji 黒字の炭だるま .. Black Daruma sumi Daruma 炭だるま charcoal Daruma

Sanada Yukimura 真田幸村 and Shogun Daruma 武将達磨


Daruma Odori だるま踊り Daruma Dance

Daru Chan だるチャン a DARUMA BLOG

Daruma Exhibition at Kawagoe Museum

Karee カレー
, Daruma Curry だるまカレー
with a snowman Daruma from rice

Yakyu Shrine 箭弓神社 and baseball bat ema バット絵馬

Sakamoto Ryoma Daruma Guinomi 坂本竜馬ダルマぐい呑み sake cup from Tosa

Tabemono to gangu 食べ物と玩具 Traditional Dolls and Food
Daruma celebrating a good catch 大漁だるま

Amanatto (amanattoo) 甘納豆 sugar-glazed beans
and Daruma gummi sweets だるまグミ

Togarashi, toogarashi 唐辛子 red hot pepper Shichimi Togarashi and more

Matsue Festivals 松江 : Horan Enya Boat Festival ほうらんえんや Hooran Enya and other festivals

Naa-san なーさん

Namaketaroo Daruma Ponpon なまけたろう だるまポンポン The Lazy Taro Daruma Ponpon

Ningyooyaki, ningyoyaki だるま人形焼 "Figure waffles"

Daikon だるま大根 Daruma Daikon radish named Daruma

Shuuban 宗判 temple stamps of identification

Dantsu 段通/緞通 Japanese carpets

Oyatsu お八つ an apple Daruma snack

Tanaka Iichiro 田中偉一郎 Drop-eyed Daruma

Tatoo Teeshirt of Fudo Myo-O

Hoonensai 豊年祭 Festival for a bountiful harvest "Penis Festival", at Tagata Shrine, Aichi prefecture

Botamochi Jizo ぼた餅地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu, Botamochi rice cakes and children

Mawashi, keshoo mawashi 化粧まわし Sumo wrestlers decorated belt of Takamiyama

Shokado Shojo 松花堂昭乗 (Shookadoo Shoojoo (1584 - 1639)) and the Shokado Bento 松花堂弁当

Kukkii だるまクッキーDaruma cookies Daruma sweets だるまやスイーツ

Pan, yukidaruma pan ゆきだるまパン Snowman Daruma as Bread

Kubikiri Jizoo 首切り地蔵 Jizo with his head cut off

Miso, dai daruma miso 大だるまみそ ... a miso paste called BIG DARUMA

Dengakumai, dengaku mai 田楽舞 dance and food

Ika Daruma Ika Surume だるまいか / いかだるま

Tosa Nikki, Tosa Diary by Kin no Tsurayuki ...

Myoga Ginger (myooga) 茗荷 and shrine rituals

Kowloon, The Legend of The Nine Dragons and
Dragon Riding Clouds

Wilson Shieh, modern gongbi painter Hongkong

Tada Toshiko, Potter from Ishikawa

Katsura Rikyu (Katsura rikyuu 桂離宮 ) Imperial Villa in Kyoto

Totoro Daruma トトロだるま / Daruma Totoro 達磨トトロ My Neighbour Totoro

Art DE Daruma Exhibition アートDEだるま展 Tokyo.

NORAKURO DARUMA のらくろだるま and other designer dolls handcrafted by Shin Tsuzuki
Alien Daruma, Kapa Daruma, Mosaic Daruma, Sea lion Daruma, Snowman Daruma, Oni Daruma, Jack O' Daruma (haloween), Kappa Daruma

Jirochoo and Ishimatsu Daruma 次郎長だるま . 石松だるま

Shooshuu 消臭たまご Air Freshener, Air Deodorant

Ondo and Darumamonie ダルマ音頭 / ダルモニーSong and Dance with Daruma

Ashura, Asura (あしゅら) 阿修羅

Yamamoto Kansuke 山本勘助だるま鈴 Clay Bell


ALL ... Latest Additions from 2009

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2008

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2007

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2006

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2005


To the Daruma Museum ABC Index

World Kigo Database

Daruma Museum Waitinglist

. . . . . . . . . . . . NEW BLOG
Daruma Museum Archives since 2007





Santa Claus


Santa Claus and Daruma San -Merry Christmas!
サンタさんとダルマさん ― クリスマス散歩

I have always wondered what would happen if Daruma meets Santa.
Here is what I overheared the two of them the other day.

CLICK for more photos

Daruma: Greetings to you, my younger brother!

Santa: Hi there, but don't call me in that anonymous Asian way. My name is Saint Nicolaus, but you may call me Claus, as all the others do. I hear you are a saint too?

Daruma: Yes, but here in Japan they don't call me Saint Daruma, they call me "Daruma Daishi", the Great Master. I always envy you since you have to work only once a year. Me, I have to use a lot of little clones to get over the New Year, but even after that I cannot rest. People pray to me for good luck and good business all year round.

Santa: Yea, I have seen your clones, all these little red dolls without arms or legs. You must have been doing some serious meditiation, haven't you, to loose all your limbs in that way. But tell me, why do you dye your beard? You must be almost as old as I am and my beard is all white! And why do you always wear a red robe? Me, if I don't, nobody would recognize me, but YOU?

Well, I come in many colors, forms and shapes, as you might have seen on this BLOG by Gabi san. I may have no arms and legs sometimes, but I am sure proud of my big black beard, I have been taking a lot of Chinese medicine and doing my martial arts exercises every day to keep me young. But I also have no eyelids and eyelashes, haven't you noticed?

Santa: Yes, your eyes are always sooo big and scary! And you drink a lot of tea to keep you awake, that's why you tossed our your eyelashes on the ground to have them grow into tea plants, right?

Daruma: A little miracle once in a while, just to keep me busy during meditation. Just sitting around doing nothing can be pretty boring sometimes, you know. But you, poor fellow, must be getting nuts this season, with all the kids waiting for presents!

Santa: I got my reindeers and my sledge, but Mrs. Santa has been complaining about this old-fashioned transportation lately, she wants a red Mercedes!

Daruma: At least I don't have to worry about that one. Me and my Princess, we always take the Shinkansen, since the streets around Japan are so crowded, we couldn't get anywhere in time even in a Mercedes. Did you know, they call them BENZ here in Japan!

Santa: Yea, the Japanese do many things different than anybody else, don't they! But no more time to muse about our similarities and differences, Big Red Brother. I really must run off, see you next year!

Hey, wait, wait, Santa Claus! You forgot to fill our stockings!

Gabi Greve, December 2002

CLICK for original , musashinoclub.com


. Santa Claus St. Nikolaus, Santa san
kigo for mid-winter

Daruma is one of the best-known Gaijin (外人) foreigner in Japan.
You can learn a little more about him in my introduction :
. Who is Daruma ?  


Now I have a Christmas Medley for you, just to enjoy, while I was looking for the Santa-Daruma connection. If you have any more links, please let me know.

Chad sees a connection between Daruma and Santa. Here are his words:
"I think I like images of Santa for the same reasons I like Darumas. Both images are of mythic figures who combine both joy and sacrifice. The Daruma grants wishes and so does Santa. The Daruma and Santa are examples of folklore simplifying and humanizing religious figures."


Mrs. Santa:
Mrs. Claus came on the scene in 1889. She first appeared in a book entitled "Goody Santa Claus on a Sleigh Ride," by Catherine Lee Bates. (Goody is a contraction for "Goodwife".) And about her busy husband we can learn:
Due to the different time zones and the rotation of the Earth, Santa Claus actually has 31 hours to complete his work, providing he travels East to West.
Reference Mrs. Claus

Here are some impressions of the Japanese New Years events.
Children, of course, also look forward to having a few days off from school and to the promise of giftsムbut not from Santa Claus. He, and Christmas, have already come and gone. This important winter holiday, called "Oshogatsu" (oshoogatsu), is an ancient New Year's celebration, which remains a cornerstone of the Japanese festival calendar.
. The New Year in Japan and Haiku  

If you are more into the tradidional European Christmas, have a look at the annual Chritsmas Market at Nurnberg, Christkindlesmarkt in Nuernberg.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

On a seasonal list of English words for Children we find
Santa Claus and the Snowman (Yuki Daruma).
If you are teaching English in Japan, this list might get you some ideas of FUN English, so I include it here.
On their Flashcard List, you find Santa Claus and Yuki Daruma again.

Christmas at the Japanese Toy Museum
To celebrate the start of the New Year various symbols of happiness and good fortune dear to Japanese were shown in this building. Among the figures selected from the permanent collection of folk toys were the seven lucky gods, including Ebisu (god of wealth) and Daikoku (god of wealth), treasure ships, beckoning cats, and Daruma (roll-over toys of Bodhidharma). Other exhibitions about Christmas on this page include Christmas ornaments, trees and markets from all over the world. We have already visited this lovely museum in the story about Himeji.

CLICK for more photos


by Dr. Albert Cheknaov

Albert wrote about his Haiku experience, Chritsmas shopping and Daruma.
He writes Haiku, but recently found out that Japanese generally do not recognize English speaking Haiku as real ones. They just being polite by letting foreigners entertain themselves with their poetic efforts.
"Well, I decided that I should start writing in Japanese. But as I don't think it will happen very soon, please tolerate me one more time.

Daruma (Haibun)
Recently, while doing my Christmas shopping I found a store selling, among other things, Daruma dolls. Well, of course I've seen them before but there was a note and fortunately enough for me in English. It was saying that if you have a wish you should buy a doll (which looks like a head without body, of somewhat fierce appearance and with white spots in place of the eyes). Then you should paint one eye and wait until your wish comes true. If it does then you should paint another eye (and I don't know, keep it or bring it to a shrine, that's where I saw them before, all having two eyes)? Anyway, sure enough I spotted a one-eyed Daruma doll on a kaishain's desk when I walked past some company's office last night.

Winter morning .....
I lay still for
quite a while
with one eye opened!

- quote : toyota-ti.ac.jp -

Mary Christmas, Albert, as the Japanese say, or maybe marry Christmas! And many more Haiku next year!

- quote facebook -


Daruma as a Snowman   
. Yukidaruma 雪だるま Daruma as a Snowman


Hungarian Daruma

Christmas Gifts

I started this painting like 6 months ago for the longest time it was just a daruma on a piece of wood for Christmas I decided to finish the painting by adding Hungarian (since Laura's family is Hungarian) flower designs inspired by their traditional style of embroidery, Kalocsa.
This seems to be something I have been doing combining Daruma's and western European culture, I hope it isn't too culturally insensitive of me, I just love the design of the Daruma as well as the cultural meaning. Surprisingly I think that the flowers and the daruma work well together and the Kalocsa was a fun style to work in.
source : Eric Royal Arts


source : atsuko blog


Santa Daruma 2020


source : はかた伝統工芸館


Santa Claus, a KIGO

- #santadaruma #darumasanta -


Koma spinning top


Spinning Top 独楽(コマ) koma

Turning round and round, like the four seasons, everything goes well. The spinning top is an auspicious symbol for a good harvest and the well-being of family and business.

I have quite a few spinning Daruma tops in my collection.

Darumakoma だるまこま

CLICK for more and original ... wordfun.net

All kinds of spinning tops from Japan !
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


A top, or spinning top, is a toy that can be spun on an axis, balancing on a point. This motion is produced by holding the axis firmly while pulling a string. An internal weight then rotates, producing an overall circular motion. The top is one of the oldest recognizable toys found on archaeological sites.

Besides toys, tops have also historically been used for gambling and prophecy. Some role-playing gamers still use tops to augment dice in generating randomized results; it is in this case referred to as a spinner. A thumbtack may also be made to spin on the same principles.

Spinning tops are thought to have originated in ancient Egypt about 1000 BC and examples of spinning tops have also been found in Greece dating from around 700 BC.

Japanese tops are considered some of the very best in the world with new and inventive designs coming out each year.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Daruma koma yellow 達磨独楽

Daruma koma red


itobiki Darumakoma 糸引きだるまこま
with a long thread


uranai Oyako Daruma for divination

We often use it to figure out who is doing the dishes after a party !


uranai IROHA koma

The Japanese alphabet I RO HA NI is written.


ategoma 当て独楽(コマ)to divine something
about 10 cm high and 6 cm wide

The numbers 1 to 6 are painted.


ategoma Kokeshi Daruma
当て独楽 (こま)  こけしだるま

and one more kokeshi, with a fierce look

. . . CLICK here for "Spinning Top" Photos !

. uranai 占い fortune telling, divination .
- Introduction -



kigo for late autumn

beigoma (baigoma) べい独楽(べいごま)
spinning tops made from shells

bai mawashi ばい廻し (ばいまわし / 海蠃廻し)

BAI are special conch shells that were used as spinning tops in the Edo period. The conches were opened and the inside filled with wax or lead to make them heavy. They were especially used befor the 9th day of the 9th month of the Chrysanthemum festival. This was not only a toy for children, even grownups enjoyed a game. Later the tops were made of metal. The top of an opponent has to be kicked out of the box or round.
Now these tops are also used during the New Year holidays.
A play of words with BAI, to come back to you manifold. 福が倍にくる

Here are more related KIGO
. Autumn ... Games as Kigo  

kigo for the New Year

koma 独楽 (こま) spinning top
. Things done at the New Year  

sumikitte koma no mawareri fuyu biyori

such clearness
as the top spins around -
fine winter day

Tanaka Fuyuji 田中冬二 (1894 - 1980)
Tr. Gabi Greve


koma ni made utsuru migi-kiki hidari-kiki

it even shows
when spinning tops - right-handed

Takenaka Hekisuishi 竹中碧水史 (1029 - )
Tr. Gabi Greve


koma-uchi no ikinokori mina oi ni keri

even the winners
of spinning top games . . .
all are getting old

Yamanoue Kazuichi 山上和一
Tr. Gabi Greve


kurukuru to koma no yoo ni genki de ne

round and round
like a spinning top -
stay healthy

A New Year haiga, written for a grandchild

Hisae no E-tegami


a top spins -
pattern on the shell
of a snail

Elaine Andre
Joys of Japan, February 2012


. hina matsuri 雛祭り Hina Doll Festival .
Girls Festival, March 3

komabina 独楽雛 hina dolls as spinning tops
so the children could play with them.
They come in small numbers or a full hina display.

source and more hina dolls : edoya/ohinasama


. Saga Folk Art -  佐賀県  - Karatsu .

Karatsu no koma 唐津の独楽
spinning tops from Karatsu

Karatsugoma 唐津独楽

source : My favorite corner
kenkagoma 喧嘩独楽 spinning top for fighting
This is a toy for fighting hard by hitting the other person's top, thrown from above. Therefore it is made from strong local wood マテバシイ mateba shii oak, Pasania edulis Makino.
It is decorated with red, blue and green stripes.
It is similar to the
. Yamegoma 八女独楽 spinning top from Yame .
from Fukuoka.

. kenka-goma けんかごま from Ume 宇目 .

. shii 椎 Shii oak - Castanopsis cuspidata - .


. Miyagi Folk Art - 宮城県   - Osaki .
keibagoma, keiba no koma 競馬ごま "horse-race spinning top”
In the middle is a large spinning top with a long handle. Two smaller tops are spinning on its surface until one is thrown off and out.

and - from Kanagawa, Odawara 小田原
keigagoma are also called
chirachiragoma ちらちらごま "flimmering tops"
since the two or more smaller tips make your eyes flimmer.

- Look at more samples here:
- source : koma/jiten/2-page -


- quote -
Ooyama-koma 大山こま Oyama Spinning Tops
Oyama top is a traditional toy made in the mountain area of Oyama, Isehara City, Kanagawa Pref.

Mt. Oyama has been worshipped by the local people since ancient days. In the middle of Edo period, when the religious faith in Mt. Oyama was at its peak, turners in this area began to make tops as a souvenir for the people who visited to worship Mt. Oyama, using abundant timbers and their traditional skills in turnery.
In Japan, a spinning top is associated with everything going round well, so a top is considered to be a lucky item to bring well-being of a family, success in business, and bumper crops. This simple and massive top with a history of 300 years is one of a few excellent examples of the toy that are still made with traditional skills. Its folkloric colored stripe patterns in harmony with the texture of wood give very homely impression.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -


. Spinning tops from Yubara, Okayama .

. Sumo 相撲  Sumo wrestling dolls .
sumoo koma 相撲コマ spinning tops with Sumo wrestlers


. donkorogoma どんころ独楽 - Introduction
Donkoro spinning top for gambling .

- reference : asahi-net.or.jp/~RP9H-TKHS -

. Bakuchi 博打 Gambling Daruma Dice Holder .


. Tokyo and Edo Folk Art .

Edo koma, Edo-koma 江戸独楽 spinning top from Edo / Tokyo

Three tops of different size are brought to spin on a special tray.
Street performances with spinning tops on a rope, a handfan or a sword blade were also popular in Edo.

kyokugoma, kyoku-goma 曲独楽 acrobatics with spinning tops

CLICK for more photos !

- quote -
Masaaki Hiroi
makes traditional super spinner (kyoku-goma) tops which are used by traditional spinning top jugglers for their professional performances. A very simple top but which needs highly trained craftsman to create the best balance and spinning movement.
- source : edo-spinning-tops-by-masaaki-hiroi -


The 松井源水 Matsui Gensui family from Asakusa

- quote -
Matsui Gensui was a famous top spinner, equilibrist and juggler in Edo.

- wikipedia -

In a later generation the family travelled to Europe, around 1867.

Gensui with his wife Hana, their daughters Mitsu and Saki.
From 1867 onwards he and his family performed travelled all over Europe, sometimes in the company of other artists, performing their astonishing array of tricks.
- source : 19thcenturyphotos.com -

. daidoogei 大道芸 Daidogei street performance in Edo .

. Asakusa 浅草 district in Edo .

komashi 独楽師 making spinning tops
Spinning tops became a well-loved hobby of the grown-ups in Edo since the Genroku period (1688 - 1704). It was also a means of boys to find boy-friends.
. nanshoku、danshoku 男色 homosexuality in Edo .
Since this was becomming too obvious, the Bakufu government banned spinning tops in the year 1701.
The children of Edo were only using beigoma, spinning tops made from shells.
Since 1830 spinning tops from metal were sold.
Making spinning tops of wood was a side-business in Edo. The wood was first roughly cut, then smoothed with a file. After applying some colors it was covered with wax and polished.
Some tops were attached to a rope and used like ヨーヨー Yo-yo.

source : driveplaza.com/special/onihei

They were most popular in Nagasaki and called
tsurigoma 釣り独楽 "fishing spinning tops"
or teguruma, te-guruma 手車 "hand wheel".

source : yamada.sailog.jp/weblog
teguruma uri 手車売り vendor of a "hand wheel" toy

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

. kendama けん玉 cup and ball and Yo-Yo .


. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

And one from Kawagoe, see the comments.


a drunk tiger
on my road to happiness -
this long summer night

An amazing resource of spinning tops of all kinds
by 広井政昭作 Hiroi Masaaki (1935 - )
江戸独楽職人 広井政昭さん / 神奈川県海老名市上今泉1-16-1
- - - - - start exploring from here :
- source : park15.wakwak.com/~eohashi/hiroimokuji-
- even a special about 江戸 カラクリ独楽 Edo Karakuri Koma
- source : eohashi/karakuri -


- #koma #spinningtop #kreisel -


Daruma Sanpo


[ 達磨散歩]

Daruma and Japanese Culture

Taking a walk through Japanese Culture
with Daruma san as our guide.

The AMIE server has taken care of these Daruma files for a long time, but has closed down at the end of 2009.
I have now recovered all the files and add the new LINKS to my BLOG.

Thank you, Amie and Kyobashi san!


On these pages, I will present you information about Daruma san in English. I will try to give you an overview of various topics related to Daruma san. So you can get an understanding of how Daruma san even now influences Japanese art and the lives of Japanese people on an everyday level and learn about folk art, ceramics, festivals and other things as you read along. I am your guide, Gabi Greve, born in Germany, a long-time collector of Daruma artefacts, long-time resident of Japan since 1977 and long-time student of Buddhist art.
Contact me in English, German or Japanese:

Gabi Greve, GokuRakuAn, Okayama, Japan, January 2010


★ A Visit to Konpira San in Shikoku      春の金毘羅さんと達磨さん

★ Daruma-Hunting in Takamatsu Visiting Temples Nagao-ji and Ookubo-ji  

★ Daruma-ji ― A Temple in Nishi Izu      達磨寺:西伊豆の散歩  

★ Hoorin-ji ― The Daruma Temple in Kyoto      
法輪寺 : 京都のだるま寺 ― お寺参  

★ Jindai-ji - A Daruma Market and Sanskrit      
深大寺の達磨市と梵字 ― お寺参り

...................................... ABC index

★ Akubi ― Daruma Yawning  
あくびの達磨 ― 退屈散歩

★ Anzan ― Daruma, Birth and Childrearing
安産, 子育てと達磨さん

★ Aritayaki ― Daruma of Arita Pottery
有田焼と達磨さん ― 焼物散歩

★ AYAME- Iris Daruma from Kashiwa  
菖蒲だるま 柏だるま 

★ Bentoobako ― Lunchbox with Daruma
だるま 弁当箱 ― 駅弁の散歩

★ Bizenyaki ― Bizen Pottery and Daruma san
備前焼とだるまさん ― 焼物散歩

★ Byoobu and Tsuitate - Daruma on a Screen
屏風, 衝立とだるま ― 美術散歩

★ Daruma Ichi - Daruma Markets in Japan
だるま市, ダルマ市 ― お正月散歩

★ Dorei - Clay Bells with Daruma
土鈴にだるま ― 玩具散歩

★ ENGI-MONO - Things for Good Luck  

★ Floriade in Holland - Daruma at the Flower Show
オランダのフロリアードと達磨さん― お花の散歩
not to be recovered

★ Fushimi Tsuchiningyoo - Clay Dolls from Fushimi
伏見人形とだるま ― 人形散歩

★ Fusuma - Daruma on a Sliding Door
襖絵とだるま ― 美術散歩

★ Goshiki Daruma and Color Symbols
五色だるま ― 色彩散歩

★ Haiku and Daruma
俳句とだるま ― 散歩より吟行

★ Hakata Dolls and Daruma
博多の人形と張子のだるま ― 玩具散歩

★ Hibachi - Daruma Brazier to Keep You Warm
火鉢とだるま ― 寒季散歩

★ Himeji no Daruma - Daruma from Himeji
姫路のだるま ― 張子散歩

★ Hyootan, Namazu and Daruma - The Gourd, the Catfish and Daruma
瓢箪、鯰とだるま ― 公案散歩

★ Ishi (1) - Stones and Daruma
石とだるまさん(1) ― 自然散歩

★ Ishi (2) - Stones and Daruma
石とだるまさん(2) ― 磨崖仏散歩

★ Jimotsu - What is Daruma holding?
持物 ― 達磨さんがなにを持っていますか?

★ Kakebotoke - Votive Plaques and Daruma
懸仏と達磨 ― 古美術散歩

★ Kamakurabori - Daruma and Laquerware
鎌倉彫り ― 漆の散歩

★ Kanban ― Shop Signs with Daruma
看板とだるま― 江戸商人の散歩

★ Kasukabe .. Kasugabe - Daruma Dolls from Kasukabe
春日部だるま ― 張子散歩

★ Kasuri - Ikat-Weaving with Daruma Patterns

★ Katana (1) - Daruma and the Japanese Sword
日本刀とだるま― 武芸散歩-1
★ Katana (2) - Tsuba, Menuki, Daruma and the Sword
刀、鍔、目抜きとだるま― 武芸散歩-2

★ Katsu!! ― Koan and Daruma
喝と達磨さん ― 公案散歩

★ Kimono ― Daruma as Cloth Design
着物とだるま ― 和服散歩

★ Koogoo - Daruma as an Incense Container
香合とだるま ― 香道散歩
★ Kooro - Daruma as an Incense Burner
香炉とだるま ― 香道散歩

★ Koraku-En and Daruma - An Autumn Walk
後楽園とだるまさん ― 晩秋の散歩
TEXT ... Backup only

★ Kumano and Nachi ― Hunting for Stone Daruma
熊野と那智のだるま狩り 自然散歩

★ Kurashiki and Daruma
倉敷とだるま ― 晩秋の散歩
TEXT ... Backup only

★ Kutaniyaki ― Daruma of Kutani Pottery
九谷焼と達磨 ― 焼物散歩

★ Matsu ― The Pine and Daruma
松と達磨 ― 古木散歩

★ Matsuyama no Hime Daruma - Princess Daruma from Matsuyama
松山の姫だるま ― 張子散歩

★ Me-ire - Painting Eyes for Daruma
達磨の目入れ ― 伝統散歩

★ Meoto Daruma and Takasago - Daruma and a Happy Couple (Part 1)
      夫婦だるまと高砂 ― 人生散歩

★ Meoto Daruma, Enmusubi and more Happy Couples  (Part 2)
夫婦だるま、縁結びだるま ― 人生散歩

★ Mikawa Daruma, Daruma from Toyokawa and Toyohashi
三河のだるま達: 豊川人形、豊橋人形 ― 人形散歩

★ Mimikazari ― Daruma and his Earrings

★ MINI Daruma and a Tiny Encyclopedia about Daruma
ミニミニ辞典 ― 知識散歩
. WHO is Daruma ?

★ Nagoya no Daruma - Daruma from Nagoya
名古屋のだるま― 玩具散歩

Nogata Daruma, Tsuyazaki Clay Dolls and Folkart of Fukuoka Prefecture
直方だるま、津屋崎土人形 ― 福岡県民芸散歩

★ Okinawa, Daruma and Folkcraft
沖縄の達磨 ― 民芸散歩

★ Oribeyaki ― Daruma of Oribe Pottery
織部焼と達磨 ― 焼物散歩

★ Ryokan san and Tamashima Daruma
良寛さんと玉 島だるま ― 歴史散歩

★ Sake and Shochu - Ricewine, Schnaps and Daruma
酒、焼酎と達磨 ― 晩酌散歩

★ Santa Claus and Daruma San -Merry Christmas!
サンタさんとダルマさん ― クリスマス散歩

★ Sanukibori ― Carving from Sanuki Area in Shikoku
讃岐彫り 四国の金毘羅さんの名産

★ Sekiri Daruma carrying one sandal

★ Senkootate - Daruma as an Incense Stick Holder
線香立てとだるま ― 香道散歩

★ Suiteki ― Water Dropper, Hiraga Gennai and Daruma
水滴,平賀源内と達磨 ― 文学散歩

★ Takamatsu Daruma ― Papermachee Dolls, Clay Dolls and Small Kites
高松だるま ― 張子、土人形とミニ凧

★ Takamatsu and Yakuri Daruma
高松張子、八栗だるま ― 張子散歩

★ Takeda no Hime Daruma - Princess Daruma from Takeda
竹田の姫だるま ― 張子散歩

★ Tako Kites with Daruma Design
凧にだるま ― 空の散歩

★ Tanuk i ― A Badger posing as Daruma
狸だるま ― 動物散歩

★ Te-aburi - Daruma as a Handwarmer
手あぶりとだるま ― 寒季散歩

★ Tokkuri ― Drinking Hot Sake with Daruma
徳利とだるま ― 焼物散歩

Tsurukame ― Crane, Tortoise and Daruma for Good Luck
鶴亀とだるま― 縁起物散歩

★ Uto no Hime Daruma - Princess Daruma from Uto
宇土の姫だるま ― 張子散歩

★ Wakasa Daruma ― Daruma of Laquer and Agate Stone
若狭のだるま― 漆と瑪瑙

★ Yakimono ― Daruma in Japanese Pottery

★ Yakko Daruma ― 奴だるまの津山の花見

★ Yukidaruma ― Daruma as a Snowman
雪だるま― 冬の散歩

★ Yunomi ― Drinking Tea with Daruma
湯のみとだるまさん― 焼物散歩

To the Daruma Discussion Forum 

To the Daruma Photo Album 
-- flickr.com/photos/gabigreve2000 ..

To Musings about Happiness, a Haiku Forum

Checking for DARUMA SANPO,
I found this little one taking its tiger for the new year for a walk !



Daruma Museum . . . NEW ABC INDEX



Cotyledon plant



Echeveria  エケベリア


This plant is also called

Lucky Daruma 福だるま Fukudaruma
福だるま(Cotyledon) コチレドン

Sempervivum (Houseleeks or Liveforever)

The top of the leaves is pink and looks almost like the claws of an animal.

© PHOTO : rosendorfsparie shoop

also called

CLICK for more photos

Daruma Fukumusume だるま福娘 / 達磨福娘
Lucky Daughter Daruma

CLICK here for more photos


. Fuku Daruma 福達磨(ふくだるま)Daruma for good luck

Daruma Museum
