


senryoobako 千両箱 money box
金千両 1000 Ryo of Gold Money

Vintage wooden Japanese Daruma dolls with money boxes on a cart.
Seven Daruma are on the money boxes/cart being pulled by the eighth.
It measures 4" long x 2" deep x 2-3/4" high.
- from kyototraditions ebay


source : amanaimages.com/info

寅 Lucky Daruma for the year of the Tiger


福助 Fukusuke and Senryobako


千両箱担狐(菱屋) Inari Fox carrying a box

狐馬引 Inari Fox leading a horse with a box

- source : d4.dion.ne.jp/~toshi-mr -


CLICK for more photos

senryoobako 千両箱 Senryobako
boxes to store one thousand Ryoo of gold coins

money chest

They were the symbol of the rich (and often corrupt) merchants of Edo.


江戸東京博物館 Edo Tokyo Hakubutsukan Museum

- source : 8mada.at.webry.info -


Ebisu and Daikoku leading a horse loaded with Senryobako.
The Lucky Deities visit to Enoshima
print by Utagawa Yoshiiku, 1869.

- reference : wikipedia -


Utagawa Toyokuni I

The famous child Sumo wrestler lifting a Money Box.
. Daidôzan Bungorô 大童山文五郎 Sumo .


Manekineko 招き猫 with Senryobako for good luck

CLICK for more photos !


. Coins (kozeni小銭) and money in Edo

Kanemochi, a rich Daruma holding money

Yamabuki-Iro, Yellow Daruma


Kokeshi こけし <> Wooden Dolls
Kokeshi (1) こけし..... Kokeshi (2) こけし ..... Kokeshi (3) こけし


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................... Aomori 青森県

五戸町 Gonohe
なめくぢの化物 The Namekuji Slug Monster

Once there was an actor with the stage name of タヌキ Tanuki. He got a message from his mother and was on his way home to visit her. On a pass where monsters come out at night it was already evening. A namekuji slug monster came out and took him for a real Tanuki badger. The monster asked him for something that he was most afraid of, so he answered 金 Gold Money . The next evening the slug, who thought to fight him to the death, threw a box of 1000 gold coins into his home.

source : 調布 妖怪通信

namekuji yokai なめなめくじくじ / 蛞抉、slug monster

. namekujira なめくじら slugwhale Yokai .

................................... Hyogo 兵庫県

In the 氷上郡 Hikami district
The father of a well-to-do family died and had one Senryobako buried with him in the grave. The second one he gave to his adopted child. The brothers of this man got envious, shape-shifted to エンマ大王 King Enma of Hell and dug the first Senryobako out of the grave. Then they went to the home of the adopted child. This had already been killed by other relatives who gave it some ぼたもち Botamochi rice cakes with poison.

................................... Kyoto 京都府

In 三和町 Miwa
A man called サンエモン Sanemon once met a fox. The fox asked him for something that he was most afraid of, so he answered "千両箱 a Senryobako ". Soon the fox threw one at him. Saemon got it and became a rich man after that!

................................... Niigata 新潟県

吉川町 Yoshikawa
貧乏神 Binbogami - Deity of Poverty
On the second day of the New Year villagers got special wood out of the forest and offer it at the House Altar. On the 15th day it is used to cook rice gruel.
Once a poor grandfather used fresh wood for the cooking, but the Binbogami who lived in the kitchen ceiling did not like the smoke and got angry. He asked the old man: "Grandfather, what do you dislike most?"
"Well, I have no money." replied Grandfather. So the Binbogami threw three Senryobako at him and left the house for good. Since then people use old wood cut on the second day.

miji-gusa 味地草 Michigusa and nurude ヌルデ Rhus javanica (laquer tree)

- - - - - a more detailed tale is told here
(How to get rid of Binbogami on the 14th day of the New Year)

- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com/modules/stories -

. binboogami 貧乏神 God of Poverty, Bimbogami .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. senryoo 仙蓼 , 千両 (せんりょう)
Sarcandra glabra, Chloranthus glaber
Plant. kigo for all winter


. Welcome to Edo 江戸 Yedo ! .




Mihara Tengoku


Mihara Daruma Tengoku

だるま天国・歩行者天国 「神明市」三原で開幕
Walkers Paradise in Mihara Town, with a BIG DARUMA

For three days of the duration of the New Year Celebrations and Market the road from the station to the Shrine will be a paradise for shoppers.


© Sanyo Shinbun 2008年2月9日

Golden Daruma Parades in Mihara


More about Mihara Daruma and the Daruma Museum there

CLICK for my Photo Album of Mihara Daruma
Gabi and Ishii san


日本郷土玩具博物館 夏の企画展

Exhibition from July 3 till August 31, 2009

協力・極楽寺 青山コレクション達磨記念堂
      社団法人 三原観光協会 三原だるま工房

source : www.footandtoy.jp
〒729 -0104広島県福山市松永町4丁目16-27

郷土玩具 / Japanese Toy Museum



one hundred Daruma



One hundred Daruma - Daruma Hyakutai

There is a famous collection of 50 Daruma dolls of various sizes.
It was made by Takeda Kasendoo. 竹田花川洞 who ws born around 1901. He was originally a painter.

Before the war, there was also a collection of one hundred Daruma, most probably selected by Kido Chuutaroo 木戸忠太郎.


Book: Daruma Hyakutai
Daruma in 100 different situations

達磨百態 (だるまひゃくたい)
鶴清気 Tsuru Seiki
  村田書店 昭53

There is also a set of 100 different Daruma clay dolls, made at the beginning of the Showa period.

And I found a haiku!


CLICK for a window full of Daruma Dolls

gankake no Daruma hyakutai sakurasoo

one hundred Daruma dolls
to make a wish -

Okuda san 奥田積 



Butsugai Fusen



Butsugai Fusen 物外不遷

CLICK for more photos

Takeda Butsugai 武田 物外(たけだ もつがい)
寛政7年(1795年)3月 - 慶応3年11月25日(1867年12月20日)

He was a teacher of martial arts, a Zen monk, painter and wrote haiku. He was also skilled in Ikebana, Igo and Go, Tea ceremony, Calligraphy and other fine arts of his time.

Founder of the Fusen-Ryu 不遷流 (ふせんりゅう) of martial arts, which is still practised in Okayama prefecture, Japan.

© Photo : www.mable.ne.jp 物外和尚

Daruma painted by Butsugai at the temple Sosen-ji (Soosenji 宗泉寺) in Matsue City.


© Photo www.cpustudy.net/karate

Japanese Reference


Takeda Butsugai (also known or spelt as Takeda Genkotsu Motsugi) was born in Onomichi 3rd March 1794 (end of the Tokugawa Shogunate era).

When he was 6, his parents sent him to Ryutai Ji (竜泰寺)where he lived until he was 12. When he turned 12 he left the temple and began his martial arts training under the tai jutsu instructor of the Gei Shu Han, master Takahashiihyoei Mitsumasa. He achieved Menkyou kaiden of Nanba Ippo Ryu.

From age 19 to 30, he traveled throughout Japan studying Buddhism sword and pen. At 31 he became the head priest of the Saihouji Temple (済法寺). At the age of 12 years, Butsugai became a monk at the Denpuku-ji temple in Geishu (present day's Hiroshima City), a temple of the Sodo sect of Zen. Where he was then known as Takeda Butsugai Osho (Osho is a term of respect for a monk).

Takeda Butsugai was a child of Miki Heita, a retainer of Matsudaira Okinokami and Lord of Matsuyama-han (present day's Ehime Prefecture). He studied Nanba-ippo Ryu with Takahasi Inobei Mitsumasa and official Taijutsu (unarmed combat) instructor of Geishu, for about seven years and was awarded “Menkyo Kaiden”.
After this Butsugai travelled around many parts of Japan and kept studying in both literary and martial arts until the age of 30. On top of Nanba-Ippo Ryu, he studied Yoshin-ryu, Shibukawa Ryu, Kito-ryu, Takenouchi-ryu, Yagyu-ryu, Sekiguchi-ryu, etc. and, by adopting strong points of each style and created his style “Fusen-ryu”.

Butsugai died in 1867.

Japanese Reference


His Grave at temple Saiho-ji (Saihooji)
Hiroshima, Onomichi

Genkotsu Osho 拳骨和尚
The temple also keeps a go board and the chain he liked to use.
The temple is in a cliff area and has many Buddha statues carved the cliffs.

 © PHOTO : 済法寺の紹介

極楽も 地獄も照らす初日かな
gokuraku mo jigoku mo terasu hatsuhi kana

the first sun -
shines on paradise
shines on hell

CLICK for original LINK.. Saihoji


. . . . . H A I K U

Memorial Stone in Onomichi, Temple Senkoji Park

CLICK for original LINK

are wa Io kochira wa Bingo haru no kaze

there is Io
here is Bingo
spring breeze

Io and Bingo are placenames of areas in Western Japan.
Butsugai was born in Io (now near Matsuyama, Shikoku), but spent his last years in Onomichi (Bingo), from the hills you can almost see Io on the other side of the sea.


CLICK for original
Look at one more scroll !
 © www.kihindo.jp

suzu haki ya dai ichiban ni hara no uchi

Year End cleaning -
first thing to clean
your own self


CLICK for original LINK
 © www.yamaguchi-bijutukurabu

淵明に ひとりではなし 菊の花
enmei ni hitori de wa nashi kiku no hana

with Enmei
I am not alone -
chrysanthemums in bloom

To Enmei, Chinese poet 365~427


furu ike ya nanman sodatsu kaeru no ko

this old pond -
home to quite a few thousand
little frogs

aki no kure shooji akete mo ware hitori

autumn evening
even when I open the sliding doors
I am all alone



yo o sei ni hitori tanoshimu hasu no hana

the world left behind
all alone I enjoy
the flowers of lotus

taki no oto tomete nakikeri hototogisu

the sound of a waterfall
stops and it sings ,
the little cuckoo



List of his haiku about SPRING

Tr. Gabi Greve


Tansaku by Butsugai, owned by Jake Benson
Introduced with permission of Jake, February 2008

CLICK for enlargement !
Click for enlargement !

Inscription on the back: Butsugai

Jake  Benson 01

Thanks to the kind help of Kiyoshi Imai and his father, Rev. Kazuto Imai, the haiku on the tansaku could be read and translated.


yuki daruma obi o tokite ware sutezu

snowman Daruma -
he wears no loincloth,
but has not lost his mind

その意味は 「雪達磨、下帯(ふんどし)も脱いでいるが、我(人間性)を失っていない。」ということではないか。

Imai Sensei, arigato! Jake, arigato!

Fundoshi Loincloth and Daruma


Not to mix Butsugai with another painter

Wakasa Butsugai Seigyoo

若狭 物外 成業(わかさ せいぎょう)

He was born in Akita Pref. in 1887.





Jamaica and Basho



Jamaica Daruma and Coffee Bean

Daruma Mouse and New Year

© 365日 だるまといっしょ♪

Living with Daruma for 365 Days ...
This LINK is not active any more since 2008.

Here is his Basho Daruma !

CLICK for original LINK

Basho Memorial Day (Basho-Ki) Japan







pintura, daruma, woodcut
Lushpix Illustration
Adicionar à Mesa de Luz

Look at many more
© www.fotosearch.com.br

CLICK for more

CLICK for more daruma clipart


From Russia

Ελληνική Φωτογραφική Τράπεζα

© Cultural Children's Games


Okinawa Clipart

© www.okinawankarateandkobudoinstitute.com



Incense Burner


Incense Burner

Kooro - Daruma as an Incense Burner 香炉とだるま

Incense burners for religious use come in various forms.
Pots with three or four legs with or without a lid (kooro, koro 香炉)

source : new.uniquejapan.com
Size: 22cm (8.6″) long

This bronze container shows Daruma reclining on a boat.
He is also carrying his szepter, which comes apart if you lift Daruma off his boat. The boat shows careful imprints of Sanskrit letters on both sides. The smiling Daruma is about 10 cm high. He is obviously enjoying some evening cool in China.


You can find some huge forms of this type in front of any temple. Most of these traditional containers take their form form old ritual implements of the Shang dynasty in China. They have been introduces into Japan by the Zen sect during the Kamakura period. Some have handles on both sides.

One special version of the Zen sect is a large metal bowl in a stand with six long legs and six small legs for decoration.

The long legs can be more than one meter long. This form is called as it looks, "incense burner with legs of an octopus"(takoashigooro 蛸足香炉).

The lid with many holes can be shaped in the form resembling a mountain and is then called "incense burner with a lid in mountain form" (hakusangooro 博山香炉).

This type comes from China and the oldest artefacts found were made of bronze during the Han dynasty.


Incense pans with a long grip (egooro, ekooro 柄香炉)

They are used to carry incense around (shuro 手炉) during religious ceremonies. The grip is usually about 20 to 30 cm long and can be made from wood with a laquer finish. The pan at one side is usually without a lid and at the insertion and the end of the grip there are artistic patterns, which give the article its name. We have incense pans with a little lion (shishichin egooro 獅子鎮柄香炉) or a small vase (byoochin egooro 瓶鎮柄香炉) or in the form of the tail of a magpie (shakuo egooro シャク尾柄香炉) at the end of the grip. Some others take the form of a
lotus flower with a long stem and a leaf on the grip (rengegata egooro


Incense trays (koo-inban 香印盤, jookooban 常香盤)

They have the form of a round tray modelled like a lotus flower used to burn incense for a long time in front of a Buddha statue. In this case incense powder is layed out in the form of complicated patterns or the Sanscrit syllables for the Buddha statue and the burning starts from one side. If the powder is layed out in a special pattern you could tell the time from the parts that had burned. These trays have
been used since the Nara period.


Two-layered incense burner (kasha 火舎)

This type is often used for special ceremonies of the Esoteric Buddhism on a large altar. During these ceremonies four burners of this kind are placed at the four corners of the altar and one in the middle. Usually it has a pot with three legs, a flat container and a lid with a knob in form of a wishfulfilling jewel or a little pagoda.
The lid has many holes in different artistic forms.
You can read a lot more about this and other Buddhist ritual implements in my German book about this subject, see below.


source : www.yamato-kottou.asia
with more photos

Satsumayaki pottery
with the family crest of the Shimazu family
薩摩焼 島津家紋在銘


CLICK for more Online Daruma Koro.


Small incense burner from Iron

Photo from my friend Ishino.



Meiji Period
In the form of Daruma seated on a large guardian lion.
Height 5". Length 6". Depth 4". Wood stand.

CLICK for enlargement !

© Robert C. Eldred Co., Inc. 2008


Kiyomizu yaki

from : Kiyomizuyaki
松韻 作
qutoe from .. kiyomizuyaki.noblog.net/


akoda koro 阿古陀香炉 melon-shaped burner


Photos from my friend Ishino
hight 13 cm, diameter 14 cm


My Photos to be added

Now let us look at some Darumas posing as incense burners. They are usually ment for private use during the tea ceremony, not for the use in temples.
These two come form a similar form and are made of Bizen pottery.
Daruma's beard and eyebrows are quite heavily modelled. They are 7 cm high and you can easily find them now in Bizen city.

These two are also from Bizen pottery. They are very similar, but the
openings at the back have different shapes. Also the nose of one is a
lot more rounded than that of the other one. They are 6 cm high and
you have to put them on a pottery plate to use them.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

This smiling fellow has a wide-open mouth as if he was laughing (not yawning as in the AKUBI story). His robe and the flywhisk (hossu) are nicely modelled. The plate is big enough to hold one of the mosquito coils used everywhere during the Japanese summer. He is 10 cm high.

The next two are bronze containers with Daruma.
They might have been used in a Zen temple for the private use of a priest. Daruma carries his priest's scepter (nyoi) and looks pretty serious.
The bronze of this seated Daruma is highly polished and shining. It is 11 cm high with two openings at the back and an open mouth. Daruma's robe is swung heavily around his forehead.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


The Incense Burner Virtual Museum - Kandaki

The incense burners are sorted in two main categories : ANTIQUES and PRESENT.
The other descriptors are
- source : kandaki.com/BP-Index -

source : facebook


Gefäße zum Abbrennen von Räucherwerk

1. Opfergefäße für Räucherwerk und Duftstoffe (koo kuyoogu)

Seit alter Zeit herrschte in Indien der Brauch, Räucherwerk zu verbrennen, weil viele Dinge in der feuchten, heißen Jahreszeit leicht verschimmeln und verrotten. Anfangs verwendete man Duftstoffe, um die Buddhastatuen, den heiligen Ort und den eigenen Körper zu reinigen, später kam dazu die Vorstellung einer Opfergabe an das Haupt-Heilswesen. Man unterscheidet zwischen Räucherwerk (kunkoo), das in Räucherbecken verbrannt wurde und Duftstoffen, mit denen der Körper eingerieben wurde.

. Opfergaben, Rauchopfer .

Buddhistische Kultgegenstände Japans
(Buddhist Ritual and Ceremonial Tools)
butsugu 仏具, hoogu 法具
ISBN 4-938864-05-3
Gabi Greve


All about Incense

Koo お香 Incense - Introduction

Senkotate 線香立 Incense Stick Holder

Koogoo - Incense Container 香合とだるま

Kooro - Incense Burner  香炉とだるま

. Incense in India ... HAIKU

CLICK for more beautiful samples.



- #kooro #koro #incenseburner #burner -