
Etsuki Daruma Fukuura


Etsuki Daruma ... 江月だるまこけし
Wooden Daruma Dolls from Etsuki

source : takashi okawa.

A souvenir from Matsushima,
from the temple Zuigan-Ji and Godai-Doo 瑞巌寺と五大堂

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Kokeshi (1) こけし ..... Kokeshi (2) こけし ..... Kokeshi (3) こけし..... Kokeshi (4) Collection
..... Kokeshi Nesting Dolls (Matrioshka, Matryoshka)


The temple Zuigan-Ji has taken a lot of damage during the earthquake on March 11, 2011, but it is now a shelter for the survivors.
The souvenir Daruma doll from my father has become even more precious.

source : nogoma

My diary:
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake


Fukuura-Jima 福浦島とだるま石

Sigrid from Germany has asked about the many little figures of Daruma she saw on her trip to Sendai and from there to the small island of Fukuura (Fuku-Ura, Fukura). She saw them under fallen trees and in caves. Her Japanese friends did not have any explanation for this.

Fukuura-jima is a small island reached on foot over a vermillion bridge from the nearby temple Zuigan-ji. This island is a natural park where more than 250 different plants are growing. It takes about 1 hour 30 minutes to walk around the island.
FUKU means auspicious and URA is a kind of inlet where the sea is quiet.

Zuigan-Ji and Godai-Doo 瑞巌寺と五大堂
The temple Zuigan-ji was founded in 828 as a temple of the Tendai Sect of Esoteric Buddhism. It is now one of the most famous Zen temples in Northern Japan, well known for its beautifully painted sliding doors (fusuma).

The temple was restored to its present form by the famous feudal lord of Sendai, Date Masamune, around 1600.
As you can see on this link, there are a lot of wodden dolls (kokeshiこけし) in the temple museum.


O-Mikuji Daruma

Well, I have this explanation:
Zuigan-Ji is a famous Zen temple and even in the Benten-Hall they sell oracle papers hidden in a little wooden Daruma doll. Concerning the custom of buying an oracle at a temple or shrine, read this:

“Generally known as “God’s oracle” o-mikuji 御神籤, these messages written on a thin piece of washi, replies from Shinto or Buddhist deities, are used to tell the fortunes of those who visit shrines or temples with their problems. The visitor draws a numbered stick from the small opening at one end of a prism-shaped container and exchanges the stick for a mikuji of the corresponding number. If the fortune is less than favorable, the visitor customarily ties the mikuji around a tree branch or in a designated location near the temple or shrine in hope that circumstances will eventually improve.”

Since usually you leave your bad luck at the temple, I guess people tend to leave the Daruma dolls which carry the oracle too, to make sure all is left behind. I have a lot of these Daruma-kuji in my museum, they are all a little different in the painting, about 2-3 cm high and come in white, red or wooden color. Daruma-kuji are sold all over Japan, not only at Zen temples, and the dolls are not considered of any worth, they cost about 200 yen, maybe 20 cents only.

. Fortune-telling Daruma だるまみくじ 達磨御籤 .


Matsushima Basho Festival
and the National Haiku Contest

Basho is a great poet who composed many famous haikus about Matsushima. In the morning, a memorial service is held for Basho at Zuigan-ji Temple. In the afternoon, the National Haiku Contest is held and some famous local poets and renowned poets from central Japan select the best works. Later the winning poems are written on Byoobu (an ornamental folding screen) and exhibited at Kanrantei Matsushima Museum.

. WKD : Matsushima 松島 .







A pot called "Daruma Pot"

source: kakaku.ecnavi.jp


Daruma nabe pot for winter stew


Daruma Nabe Restaurant だるま鍋

In Tokyo, Shibuya

Ghengis Khan Nabe Stew

© PHOTO : blogs.yahoo.co.jp


Nabemen Daruma だるま鍋麺料理
Darumanabe Noodle Restaurant


source :  www.nabemen-daruma.com


Restaurant 鍋料理店

Kanazawa Town

source :  easy_shop.php MAP


Daruma Restaurant, Nabeyaki Ramen Soup



Winter food and Stews ... nabe ryoori 鍋料理

. . More . . . DARUMA Restaurants

Daruma Museum



Okaya Daruma Festival


Okaya Daruma Festival ... 岡谷だるま祭り
Okaya Daruma Matsuri

Okaya Town, Nagano Prefecture

The Daruma Matsuri is held every year in February at the city's Daruma Hall. A variety of large and small Daruma dolls are sold at the market and at the same time, the old Daruma dolls are purified by fire during a memorial service. The Daruma Hall is crowded with many people who want to share the good luck of the auspicious Nanakorobi Yaoki Daruma.
(Nanakorobi Yaoki = fall down 7 times and get up 8 times = this doll never gives up !)

Daruma Matsuri (Dharma Doll Festival)



Preparations for the Daruma Festival
Koikawa Daruma Hall


Old Daruma Dolls are burned in the ritual fire and people buy new ones for the New Year. People from Suwa and the Ina Plains of Nagano come here.
There are 17 different types and sizes of Daruma dolls (of the Takasaki type) and more than 1800 are sold.
source : www8.shinmai.co.jp


On the first day of the festival, a new eye is painted for Daruma.
On the second day, the old dolls are burned. 浄焼供養

source : 諏訪から発信


CLICK for more photos !
CLICK for more Daruma Festival Photos !

Danjiri だんじり祭り Festival Float

Divali Festival, Lakshmi and the Ramayana in India

Hoshitsuji Shrine Daruma Festival 星辻神社のだるま祭り

Maizuru Daruma Matsuri ... 舞鶴だるま祭 Daruma Festival

Setsubun Festival .. Throwing Beans for Good Luck 節分

Tanabata Daruma 七夕だるま <> Star Festival on July 7

Tengu Festival in Sakaide

MORE . . . . .

Daruma Festivals

Daruma Festivals and Events

Ceremonies and Festivals of Japan SAIJIKI


Daruma no pii pii 達磨のピーピー Daruma playing the flute

Darumatsuri だるまつり Daruma Festival 2015
「七転八起 だるまつり 2015」
at Tabineki Shop 旅猫雑貨店にて

- source : tabineko.seesaa.net





Suiseki stones


Suiseki stones ... 水石

Stones for Appreciation

CLICK for more Japanese photos CLICK for more English information

The Japanese name is derived from SANSUI, landscape painting with mountains and water ...

山水石 。。。 水石

JAPANESE : NHK, Bi no Tsubo, File 97


quote by Michael:
For centuries, hauntingly beautiful stones have captivated the imagination of collectors with their power to suggest a scene or object. The suggestive possibilities of suiseki are almost limitless, very much like looking at a cloud and seeing running stallions or angels, images unlimited by imagination. In the suiseki world, often heard is the term "wabi-sabi," referring to the deep spiritual understanding of /connection with a suiseki stone.

Prized suiseki are not replicas of natural objects they represent -- instead, they merely suggest the object and capture the object's essence with simple gestures; they awaken the imagination, inviting the viewer to complete the picture. They are simplicity, in accordance with Zen teachings. They are "less is more" captured in stone.

Aesthetic Qualities

Subdued Color
Wabi (inward, spiritual)
Sabi (aesthetics, art)
Shibui (restrained elegance)
Yugen (sudden perception of the elusive)

Learn more HERE:
source :  Suiseki.com ~ The Art of Stone Appreciation

More English Reference !


Basic Information about Suiseki
by Martin Pauli

Sansui ishi (landscape stone)
In Europe a typical mountain is such one like Matterhorn of sharp edged, vertically oriented shape. The ideal mountain in Japan is Mt. Fuji. A horizontally oriented, well balanced mountain with slopes descending softly to the ground, its peak surrounded by clouds.

Sugata-ishi (human shape stone)
If a person in the West will be approached by a stone representing a human shaped it would rather by a stone looking like a famous actor or a garden dwarf. A personage in the eyes of a Japanese person would rather be one of the 33 appearances of Bodhisattva Kannon or an appearance of Daruma, maybe a dancer from the Nara period.

Keisho ishi (object shape stone)
If a stone suggest us a boat, we see a steamboat or a sailboat, the Japanese see a vague suggestion of the treasure boat (takarabune), which plays an important role in Japanese history.

Dokutsu-ishi (animal shape stone)
Westerner sees a dog, a wolf, a dinosaur a cat just because of, it reminds us to it. Japanese do not have the same relation to dinosaurs or wolfs, they appreciate a vague suggestions of animals, which play a specific role in their culture and life. The fox (Inari) for example is one of the many commonly known ghosts (kami), if something goes wrong it must have been the fox.

First element: Shape (katachi)
This is the most important element in judging the relative qualities of a suiseki. The most common method of appreciation is to sit at some distance from the front of the stone and gaze at it. Any stone that has an unnatural feeling at the first glimpse is considered unsuitable. We can also mention the following about the ideal method of viewing a stone.

Three Surface Method (sanmen no ho)
This is considered to be the most basic approach to appreciating suiseki. Three surfaces (sanmen) refer to the front & back, the left & right, and top & bottom of the stone. A balance among these different surfaces is considered to be basic when viewing and judging a stone.

When viewing a stone from the vantage point of these three surfaces, there should be a balance in terms of mass and shape. An outstanding stone is also one in which there is a harmony regarding the size, thickness and shape of the three surfaces.

For an example, if there is a mountain foot on the front of a distant mountain stone (toyama ishi), there ideally should be a foot section on the back as well.

If the right side of the mountain protrudes out, there must also be an extension of some degree on the left side as well. The bottom of the stone is good when the stone „sits“ well in the center in relation to the whole. However, these are all ideals. In actual practice, the three surfaces should basically display a representative form and a certain degree of unity.

Left & right: Same like front and back, the mountains shall look harmonious and natural. The mountain food shall run out on the left side and on the right side. The peek of a mountain shall ideally stand one third from the left or right side, following the principle of the golden section

Top & bottom: Seeing from top, the stone should bend a little toward the viewer, as bonsai should. The stones middle section shall be deeper than its ends. The stones bottom should be - more or less - flat, natural, not cut (It’s allowed to remove a small protrusion if it makes it difficult to place it in the tray (suiban) or carved wooden stand (daiza).

Read more here:
source :  suiseki-beautifulstones.


Daruma Suiseki だるま水石、水石だるま


© PHOTO : kansyou-art.jugem.jp


Daruma Stone from River Abekawa, Shizuoka
安倍川鉄丸石 .. ダルマ石

PHOTOS : 猿投庵

. Abekawa, Abe-Kawa 安倍川 / 阿部川 - place names .


These ones looks like a Daruma to me !

CLICK for original in Wikipedia
© PHOTO : José Manuel Blázquez. Wikimedia

CLICK for enlargement !
© PHOTO : www.bonsaiinformation.com/


The appreciation of stone art began in China over 1000 years ago.
From there, it gradually found its way to Korea, Japan and other parts of the world. Nowadays, suiseki, like bonsai, has become an international phenomenon. Many suiseki clubs, often associated with bonsai enthusiasts and bonsai clubs, have sprung up around the world.

Suiseki was first known to have been introduced to Japan during the reign of Empress Regent Suiko around 600 A.D. as a gift from the Chinese imperial court. The Chinese stones, now known to the West as scholar's rocks, were of abstract shapes with bizarre and strange looking but awe inspiring. These stones were fantastically and beautifully shaped often in vertical positions, twisted forms with dramatic overhangs, large and small perforations with projecting terraces and deep crevices with sometimes heavily eroded surfaces.

The appreciation of Chinese stones became popular in Japan, but over the years as the time passed, Japanese connoisseurs of stone slowly moved away from the Chinese styles. Japanese adapted their own aesthetic values as more subtle and horizontal in shapes and depicting the forms of landscape such as of mountains, hills or plateau, or objects such as human, animals or plants. Thus the classification of suiseki was developed.

Suiseki can be classified by shape, surface patterns, place of origin or colors. Suiseki in many aspects is representations of mini-universes surrounding us resembling landscape, objects or others. A stone is just a stone until it has been found and perceived with artistic inspiration. The beauty of the stone can be a matter of a personal taste or can be subject to the rules of the classification such as in suiseki.

Look at more here:
source :  www.luckywonders.com

CLICK for more Scholar's Rocks

More about Scholar's Rocks


Elegant Stone Artifacts, The Best Collection of Dianbai Golden Wax Stone. 
Yangchun Malachite.
Zhonggo juhuashi. Chinese Chrysanthemum Stones.
Complete Collection and Appreciation of Chinese Fantastic Stones.
Introductory Level Encyclopedia of Stone Collection. 
Fine Elements and Cream Developed Over Time.
An Assemblage of High Quality Lingbi Stones in Baocheng Museum in China.
Lingbi of China.
Wax Stones of Southern China (Lingnan Cerostone of China).
China Chaohou Wax Stone Collection.
Malachite in China.
Chinese Stone Appreciation Masters.
books available on Chinese stone appreciation
source : www.vsana.org

Kernels of Energy, Bones of Earth :
The Rock in Chinese Art

Hay, John

Worlds within worlds

Robert D. Mowry


spring melancholy -
the scholar's rock
on my desk

The desk as the symbol of the life of a recluse or Daoist saint.


Exhibition of Stone Art 水石展 だるま 

CLICK for more photos

CLICK for more photos
Daruma stones

In Suruga、Shizuoka town 駿河、静岡市
August 2008


Timeless Fascination:
Scholar’s Rocks at the Musée Guimet

This spring, the Musée Guimet will present the exhibition ‘The Roads of Art in China and Scholar’s Rocks’ (28 March-26 June, 2012).
First used in the Han dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) to mimic the mountain islands of the immortals in imperial gardens, then set in illustrious elite gardens that imitated the entire universe, rocks weathered by nature into unusual forms were first collected for the studio in the Song dynasty (960-1279). ‘Scholar’s rocks’, as they came to be known, exerted a peculiar fascination as ‘living’ witnesses of the innumerable transformations of the primordial energy, qi, through the ages.
source : www.orientations.com

Rochers de lettrés, itinéraires de l'art en Chine

Au total, une centaine d’objets seront exposés, car outre les pierres seront présentés d’autres objets, ceux qui accompagnent depuis toujours les activités des lettrés, peintres et calligraphes de par leur formation, bien sûr, mais aussi et surtout du fait de leur sensibilité personnelle : pots à pinceaux, pierres à encre, pose-pinceaux etc.

Les pierres qui portent en elles les forces telluriques de l’univers, ont reçu des noms poétiques comme « racines de nuages » ou encore, « os de la terre » On dit aussi qu’elles étaient des pans de la voûte céleste tombés sur notre sol.
source : www.guimet.fr


Daruma stones ...
this view of coolness
in my garden

Stones and Daruma 石、岩とだるま だるまいし、達磨石、石達磨

Daruma Museum



Restaurant Odawara



Restaurant Daruma だるま料理店

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Fish fresh from the Sea !

It is one of the oldest Restaurants in Japan. It was opened first in 1893.
The owner's name was TATSUMA, written with the characters for "Daruma 達磨", hence the name of the establishment.

History of the Building
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A look at the Food !

達磨(たつま)弁当 / Tatsuma Lunch Box



CLICK for enlargement


Restaurants named : DARUMA

Daruma Museum



Broach, badge and Pin


Broach .. ブローチ
ブローチ だるま / だるまブローチ

© Kijidokoro Sato . 佐藤誠孝

More -From the same maker, Sato Nobutaka
Ireko Nesting Dolls 入れ子だるま


CLICK for more broaches with Daruma !


Pin .. ピン / Badge バッジ

CLICK For original zazzle.co.nz

source : zazzle.co.nz

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availabel in various colors for various purposes
This one is for becoming pregnant - kodakara 子宝


CLICK for more badges
Daruma chan and Tengu chan as badge
also available with kaminari chan, tora no ko chan and daikoku chan.
. Little Daruma and Little Tengu  


copper pin from Kogeiya, Nogent-sur-Marne, France.


Pin ピン needle / Stecknadel

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Maizuru Daruma Festival


Maizuru Daruma Festival ... 舞鶴だるま祭
Beginning of November

From the "seven times fall over, eight times rise up" Daruma tradition, the "Daruma Festival" was conceived of in hopes of reviving the town. The first of these festivals was held as the Maizuru Daruma Festival around November 1, 1948.
Many events are held at this festival, including parades and stage performances.
source :  www.pref.kyoto.jp

This is the Daruma Hall, Daruma Do 『だるま堂』
The festival is held with this hall at its center, but it is close to the shopping mall of East Maizuru. One small Daruma is added each year, so they represent the number of festivals held since it started.
On the night before the festival, there is a large "Night Market" where people can buy Daruma dolls and many other things.

The autumn festival was held at the same time at the shrine Shira-ito-hama Jinja 白絲濱(白糸浜)神社, but now they are on different days to give people time to participate in both.


© PHOTO : maizuru-walker.hp


Shiraito-Hama Shrine Autumn Festival

CLICK for more photos !


Maizuru Town 舞鶴市

Maizuru is a city rich in nature, located on the scenic Maizuru Bay. Maizuru Harbor is located in Maizuru Bay, from which travel to Hokkaidō is possible via the Sea of Japan.

Maizuru's development was greatly spurred after the naval port was installed in 1901. In the Russo-Japanese War, many warships were based there, due to its proximity to the Sea of Japan. After the Second World War, Maizuru was a key port for returning Japanese servicemen and detainees from continental Asia for over 13 years. Today, Maizuru is a key district headquarters for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Festivals in Maizuru

初日の出(五老ケ岳公園) [節句・年中行事]
Januaray 1

松尾寺の仏舞 [伝統芸能・舞踊]

大森神社まつり 大名行列 [行列・パレード]

みなと舞鶴ちゃったまつり [花火大会]

吉原の万灯籠 [火と灯の祭り]

穴観音秋の大祭 [節句・年中行事]

まいづる魚まつり [グルメ]

地頭太鼓 [伝統芸能・舞踊]

source : www.rurubu.com/event


. Cave Kannon Festival 穴観音 秋の大祭

Daruma Museum
