Maizuru Daruma Festival ... 舞鶴だるま祭
Beginning of November

From the "seven times fall over, eight times rise up" Daruma tradition, the "Daruma Festival" was conceived of in hopes of reviving the town. The first of these festivals was held as the Maizuru Daruma Festival around November 1, 1948.
Many events are held at this festival, including parades and stage performances.
source : www.pref.kyoto.jp
This is the Daruma Hall, Daruma Do 『だるま堂』
The festival is held with this hall at its center, but it is close to the shopping mall of East Maizuru. One small Daruma is added each year, so they represent the number of festivals held since it started.
On the night before the festival, there is a large "Night Market" where people can buy Daruma dolls and many other things.
The autumn festival was held at the same time at the shrine Shira-ito-hama Jinja 白絲濱(白糸浜)神社, but now they are on different days to give people time to participate in both.


© PHOTO : maizuru-walker.hp
Shiraito-Hama Shrine Autumn Festival

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Maizuru Town 舞鶴市
Maizuru is a city rich in nature, located on the scenic Maizuru Bay. Maizuru Harbor is located in Maizuru Bay, from which travel to Hokkaidō is possible via the Sea of Japan.
Maizuru's development was greatly spurred after the naval port was installed in 1901. In the Russo-Japanese War, many warships were based there, due to its proximity to the Sea of Japan. After the Second World War, Maizuru was a key port for returning Japanese servicemen and detainees from continental Asia for over 13 years. Today, Maizuru is a key district headquarters for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.
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Festivals in Maizuru
初日の出(五老ケ岳公園) [節句・年中行事]
Januaray 1
松尾寺の仏舞 [伝統芸能・舞踊]
大森神社まつり 大名行列 [行列・パレード]
みなと舞鶴ちゃったまつり [花火大会]
吉原の万灯籠 [火と灯の祭り]
穴観音秋の大祭 [節句・年中行事]
まいづる魚まつり [グルメ]
地頭太鼓 [伝統芸能・舞踊]
source : www.rurubu.com/event
. Cave Kannon Festival 穴観音 秋の大祭
Daruma Museum
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Tango Kaido 丹後街道 Tango Highway
From Fukui to Maizuru, Kyoto.
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