Fragrance bag 匂い袋 Duftbeutel, Sachet, sache
nioi fukuro にほひ袋

© PHOTO : kimonofukushima.com
Read this first
Koo お香 <> Incense and Daruma
These small bags are filled with fragrant wood chips, clover chips or dried flowers or other fragrant items. You can put them in the sleve of a kimono to smell well or in your handbag. They are made from colorful brocade and come with a string to hang them.
Many traditional housewifes use three of them in each box with their kimonos, as preservatives to keep off the insects. When you wear a traditional Kimono, you usually do not use Western perfume, but the smell from the sachet is enough to make the kimono smell. You can also wear one more in the sleeve or hang it from the belt.
In Kyoto there is a special traditional shop 石黒香舗 Ishiguro Koohoo selling only these bags. You can choose your own pattern and the owner will fill it with a choice of your favorite fragrance. Usually 10 different ingredients are mixed in one sachet.
If you hang a bag on your handy, you can smell while you talk.
. . . CLICK here for Photos 石黒香舗 in 京都!
. . . CLICK here for Photos of Matsuei-Do in Kyoto!
匂袋 姫だるま (紫花)
Princess Daruma

source : yamadamatsu.shop-pro.jp

source : www.kaori-jin.jp
kigo for all summer

kakekoo 掛香 かけこう "hanging fragrance"
..... nioibukuro 匂袋(においぶくろ)fragrance bag
tagasode 誰袖(たがそで) fragrance to put in the sleeves (of a kimono)
In summer, fragrance satchets are hang on the walls to ward off evil influence and bad smell.

kunoekoo, ku no e koo 薫衣香 くのえこう
fragrance for summer robes
..... kunuekoo くぬえこう
..... kune koo 薫衣香(くんえこう)
..... hyakubo koo 百歩香(ひゃっぽこう)"100 steps incense"
kokuhoo (kuroboo) 黒方(こくほう) "black incense"
. Fragrance and Kigo
byoojoo no nioibukuro ya asaki haru
the fragrance bag
on my sick bed -
spring just beginning
Tr. Gabi Greve
der Duftbeutel
auf meinem Krankenbett -
. WKD - Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .

. . . CLICK here for more SACHET Photos !
Koo, o-koo お香 <> Incense and Daruma
1 comment:
a bag
of fragrances --
Ciao... chibi
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