. Aichi Folk Art - 愛知県 .
Daruma Doll Museum
Dolls from Mikawa - Aichi
- from Onishi - Ohama - Asahi
Onishi Clay Daruma 尾西のだるま Bisai Clay Dolls
Made in Aichi and Gifu prefecture. Strongly influenced by Inuyama clay dolls, they are a part of Okoshi Tsuchi ningyo 起の土人形, clay dolls that stand up. The maker, Nakashima Kazuo san, has learned the trade in Nagoya. He and his wife are the fifth generation of these clay doll makers, but both are very old now.

Nakashima and his wife
These clay dolls are sold at the local temple festivals, especially at temple Mie-Ji 美江寺 (Miedera).

. Mie-Ji Matsuri 美江寺祭り Festival at Temple Mie-Ji
Half way from Nagoya to Gifu is the shrine Ichinomiya, and Okoshi dolls started from there.
中島佐右衛門 Nakamura Sukeemon.
They represent mostly historical figures in rich colors.
Okoshi was a postal town on the Mino Road 美濃路の宿場町 and clay doll makers from Fushimi, Kyoto brought their art to it..

They also make amulets for the temple 美江寺 Mie-Ji in Gifu, especially clay bells.
冨田村中屋敷 Tomita village, Nakayashiki(現尾西市冨田) Bisai Tomita
source : kami510.town-web.net
愛知県尾西市富田 Aichi Bisai Tomita
江戸時代中期の頃 名古屋で製作技術を習得した陶工がこの地で創始したものと云う犬山の土人形の影響を多く受けているが 棚尾土人形の傾向で大型で歌舞伎物を題材とした物が多い現在は五代目の 中島一夫さんが製作されていたが高齢によりほとんど製作されていない主に岐阜の美江寺の蚕鈴のほか歌舞伎物 武者人形 が作られていた.

- source - 郷土玩具 Kyodo Gangu
More Clay Dolls from Onishi

尾西 Bisai / Onishi
............................. Other Daruma from this region
Ohama Clay Dolls / Oohama Tsuchi Ningyoo

© Osugiya / Wagashi
A lot are made by Negita san and his wife

Look at more of his dolls on this LINK :
© 郷土玩具 Kyodo Gangu
. Benkei 弁慶 .
. Daikoku 大黒 .
. Kagura dancer 神楽 .
. Kamuro 禿 child attendant .
. Kusunoki Masashige 楠木正成 .
. Soga Juro 曽我十郎 .
. Child carrying a karajishi 唐獅子童子 .
- reference source : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp... -
- photos - 美濃部泰作 Minobu Daisaku dolls -
Asahi tsuchi ningyoo 旭土人形 Asahi Clay Dolls
made by Takayama Hachiroo 高山八郎

. Masaoka and Tsuruchiyo 政岡と鶴喜代 .
. Sarashi Sanbaso 晒三番叟 dance .
. Taira no Atsumori 平敦盛 .
. Urashima Taro 浦島太郎 .
. komori 子守 / 子守り taking care of a baby .
. shachi 鯱乗り童子 child on a Shachi .

座り童子 seated child
about 21 cm high
- made by 高山市太郎 Takayama Ichitaro

舞い姿 dancer
about 30 cm high
- reference source : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp... -
- a large collection online 三河 旭土人形 Asahi Clay Dolls
高山八郎 コレクション
- reference source : ...kyoudogangu.xii.jp/asahi2.htm -
Mikawa Dolls 三河張子や土人形
. Aichi Folk Art - 愛知県 .
Daruma Doll Museum
- #okoshidolls #aichi -
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