
Mickey Mouse Disney


Mickey Mouse Disney

達磨 ダルマ だるま ミッキー&ミニー

The dolls are about 7 cm high.

Little Yellow Daruma Cuddly Doll

Photos from my friend Ishino.


Maybe Daruma ?
Cuddely soft dolls like Daruma.
だるま風? ディズニーベビー ミッキーマウスぬいぐるみ





© Disney Resort Journey BLOG


New Year Greating Card for the Year of the Ox
MOO Mickey Mouse
Tokyo Disneyland


Daruma Be@rbrick Puzzle ハズレダルマ
ベアブリック シリーズ01

The Daruma Be@rbrick is quite beautiful, and that is why it is sought after by most collectors. it belongs to Series 2, and is considered a 'secret' or a 'chase' Be@rbrick – a surprise bonus design that is rare and unadvertised.

BE@RBRICK Beaburikku Series 01
ベアブリック シリーズ01 Photos


Be@rbrick is a collectible toy designed and produced by MediCom Toy Incorporated. The name is derived from the fact that the figure is a cartoon-style representation of a bear, and that it is a variation of MediCom's Kubrick design. The at sign in the place of the letter a is a visual device that is a part of the Be@rbrick brand, and as such, a trademark of MediCom Toy.

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Mickey and Minnie in a Bento Lunchbox

Click for more !


Mouse and Daruma ... Nezumi Daruma ねずみだるま. For the Year 2008 !

Tokyo Disneyland

Gangu 玩具 <> Toys with Daruma



yukati said...

hi!I like Mickey very much.
Daruma Mickey is very cute!Daruma is Japanese,Mikey is foreign.this mix is radical new design.cool^^

Gabi Greve said...

Thanks a lot, Yukati san!
Cultural mix brings a lot of new flowers!

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that you really made my day, it's wonderful when you just look around the web
and find something like this, reminds me of that ''How to make a dinner for a romantic...'' by Elsa Thomas.

James M. San Mateo