
Contents S




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Sable Cakes from Kawasaki 川崎大師名物 大人気 元祖ダルマサブレー

Sagawa Art Museum

Saigyo Hooshi (西行法師) and the Cherry Blossoms

Saijiki for Buddhist Events 俳句仏教歳時記

Sai no Kawara 賽の河原 <> The Limbo World for Dead Children
..... Part II

Salt and Pepper Shaker
Sankaku 三角だるま 三角ダルマ <> Triangular Daruma Dolls
..... Mini Gallery

Sankuro, Dondo Yaki and Spring Fire Ceremonies 三九郎とだるま (Sankuroo)

Santa Claus and Daruma San -Merry Christmas!  サンタさんとダルマさん

Santooka 種田山頭火 <> A Wandering Haiku Master, Taneda Santoka
..... Shinjin Datsuraku and the Begging Bowl

Sanukibori ― Carving from Sanuki Area in Shikoku  讃岐彫り 四国の金毘羅さん

Sara - Plates お皿にだるま

Saru - Monkey 猿とだるま

Satsuma-Yaki 薩摩焼 <> Satsuma Ware

SCROLLS with Daruma 掛け軸 と達磨

Sekiri Daruma carrying one sandal 靴を持っている達磨さん:隻履達磨

Senbei だるませんべい Rice Crackers

Sencha 煎茶 <> Tea with Daruma see > CHA

Sengai Gibon せんがい 仙厓義梵 <> Sengai and Zen and a Frog

Sengaku-ji Temple and the 48 Ronin Story

Senkootate - Daruma as an Incense Stick Holder 線香立てとだるま

Sensu 扇子 <> Hand Fans, Uchiwa 団扇 

Setsubun Festival .. Throwing Beans for Good Luck 節分

Shahai 写俳 Photo, Haiku and Daruma Dolls

Shakuhachi  尺八 <> Bamboo Flute

Shamoji しゃもじ <> Rice Spoon, Ladle

Shichifuku-jin 七福神 <> Seven Gods of Good Luck

Shikoku Henro 四国遍路 <> Shikoku Pilgrimage to 88 Temples see also > HENRO

Shimenawa 注連縄

Shino-Yaki 志野焼 <> Shino-Pottery

Shirakawa Daruma Papermachee Dolls 白川だるま張子

Shiroi Hotoke 白仏 <> White Buddha Daruma

Shishi-odoshiししおどし <> Deer Scarer in the garden

 Shishuu 刺繍 <> Stiching Paintings, Embroidery, Nishijin

Shizen 自然 <> Photoalbum with natural Daruma forms
..... Shizen . Natural Daruma Shapes .. Stalagmites, Ikura-Cave 井倉洞

Shutsuzan Shaka: Why is Daruma covering his hands with his robe? 出山釈迦

Sekiri セキリ <>Sekiri Daruma carrying one sandal
..... Sekiri Daruma II

Soba 蕎麦 そば <> Daruma Eating Buckwheat Noodles

Sokrates meets Daruma

Sokushinbutsu 即身仏 <> Miira, Living Mummies, Buddhist Mummies in Japan, 日本のミイラ
Haguro san, Dewa Sanzan, Northern Japan

..... Haguro San 羽黒出羽三山

Soroban, Abacus ..そろばん 算盤 Abakus

Special Purpose Daruma, an online store オンラインのお店

Spoon <> Silver Spoon with Daruma Handle (07/08)

Star Shrines .. Hoshi Jinja, Myooken Bosatsu (Myoken Bosatsu)

Strap with WinebottleFrom Carlo Rossi Vinyard, 2006. オリジナル ミニだるまストラップ

Suijinsama 水神様 <> The Gods of the Four Elements, the Water God
..... SUIJIN God of Water

Suika スイカ <> Daruma as a Watermelon

Suiteki 水滴 water drippers

Sumi 墨 <> Charcoal Daruma

Sumida Pottery <>Vase with Daruma

Sunafumi 砂踏み <> O-Sunafumi, Stepping on Sacred Sand
..... More about Sunafumi
..... Sunafumi <> Walking on Holy Sand (2)