
WKD - Black Daruma - charcoal

sumi 炭 charcoal
sumi 墨 Chinese ink for writing with the brush
for kigo, see below

Black Daruma 黒字の炭だるま
made with coal coating

source : ysp.gr.jp

sumi Daruma 炭だるま charcoal Daruma
Made with the wish for writing black figures in your business.

A Daruma Doll in a traditional way, made of paper, but the final cover is a coating of charcoal (eco-powder) which is supposed to do the following things:

Minimize evil influnence of magnetic waves
Keeps things fresh
Effect of infrared wavelength
Effect of fresh wood air
Regulates heat

CLICK for more SUMI coal daruma

. . . . .

. Charcoal Daruma from Nagano .


sumishi 墨師 making charcoal for writing

source : edoichiba.jp/. sumisi...

. sumiyaki 炭焼 (すみやき) making charcoal .



sumi 炭 (すみ) charcoal
mokutan 木炭(もくたん)charcoal
katazumi 堅炭(かたずみ)hard charcoal

shirozumi 白炭(しろずみ)white charcoal
often used in a decorative way for the tea ceremony
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
yokoyamazumi 横山炭(よこやまずみ)a kind of white charcoal

binchoo 備長(びんちょう)special charcoal from Wakayama
..... binchootan 備長炭 binchotan charcoal from Wakayama
(see below)

CLICK for more photos
hanazumi 花炭(はなずみ)flowers prepared as charcoal

suminaya 炭納屋(すみなや)shed for charcoal
sumi hiku 炭挽く(すみひく)sawing charcoal
konasumi 粉炭(こなずみ)fine coal, powder coal

sumikuzu 炭屑(すみくず)scraps of charcoal
sumi no ka 炭の香(すみのか)smell/fragrance of charcoal

Sakurazumi 佐倉炭(さくらずみ)charcoal from Sakura

Onozumi 小野炭(おのずみ)charcoal from the Ono area in Kyoto
This region was famous for its white coal for the tea ceremony.

keshizumi / keshi-zumi ni maki waru oto ka Ono no oku

Ono-zumi ya tenarau hito no hai zeseri

shirozumi ya ka no Urashima ga oi no hako

MORE - poems about charcoal by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. Ono no Komachi 小野 小町 .
The famous beauty.


sumiuri, sumi-uri 炭売(すみうり)charcoal vendor, charcoal seller

They sold charcoal in small amounts to the poor people of Edo.

sumiuri ni kagami misetaru onna kana

to the charcoal vendor
this woman shows
a mirror . . . . .

The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.

sumiuri ni hi no kurekakaru shiwasu kana

for the charcoal vendor
the sun is about to set
on the last day of the year . . .

The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.

kogarashi ya sumiuri hitori watashibune

withering wind -
only one charcoal seller
on the ferry boat

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

- - - - -

sumi uri no hito o nukumete mi wa samushi

the charcoal vendor
makes other people warm -
his own body cold 

anonymous from the Edo period


sumibi 炭火 (すみび) charcoal fire
sumigashira 炭頭(すみがしら)smoldering charcoal
..... iburizumi 、燻り炭(いぶりずみ)
hanezumi 跳炭(はねずみ)scattering charcoal
..... hashirizumi 走炭(はしりずみ)
joo 尉(じょう)white ashes (from charcoal fire)
..... okorizumi おこり炭(おこりずみ)

uzumibi 埋火 (うずみび) "hidden fire"
..... ikebi いけ火(いけび), ikezumiいけ炭(いけずみ)
Some charcoal is left under the ashes to smolder and provide a bit of warmth.

keshizumi 消炭 (けしずみ) extinguishing the fire
..... keshizumi 消え炭(きえずみ), ukizumi 浮炭(うきずみ), keshioki消燠(けしおき), hikeshitsubo 火消壺(ひけしつぼ) pot to extinguish a fire
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Gefäß, das über ein Holzkohlefeuer gestülpt wird, um es zu löschen.

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fukube, looks like Daruma san

sumitori 炭斗 (すみとり) basket to carry charcoals
..... sumitori 炭取(すみとり)
. . . CLICK here for sumitori Photos !
sumikago 炭籠(すみかご), sumibitsu炭櫃(すびつ)
sumihisago (hisago) 炭瓢(すみひさご)
sumifukube 炭ふくべ(すみふくべ)coal carrier in the form of a gourd
ubu 烏府(うふ)ubu coal carrier
. . . CLICK here for ubu Photos !
juunoo 十能(じゅうのう)metal ladle for carrying coals
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

sumibako 炭箱(すみばこ) box with charcoals

CLICK for more photos
sumidawara 炭俵 (すみだわら) sack for wrapping charcoal
..... sumigamasu 炭叺(すみがます), sumisugo 炭すご(すみすご), datsu だつ
sack for charcoal

tadon 炭団 (たどん/ tandon たんどん ) charcoal briquette
tadon hooshi 炭団法師(たどんほうし) producer of briquettes
tadondama 炭団玉(たどんだま)round briquette
tadon hosu 炭団干す(たどんほす)to dry briquettes
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

sekitan 石炭 (せきたん) coal, hard coal
..... tan たん、ishizumi いしずみ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
goheita 五平太(ごへいた)Kyushu dialect. Named after one Koheita, who first dug it out of the ground in Kita Kyushu.
iwaki 岩木(いわき)"cliff stone" type of coal

rentan 煉炭 (れんたん) small charcoal briquet, briquette
rentan hibachi 煉炭火鉢(れんたんひばち)brazier for small briquettes

CLICK for more photos
mametan 豆炭(まめたん)"small briquette" like an egg
Often used for the small burners for grilling fish and vegetables.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Hibachi, Braziers 火鉢  . Japan

. Jiko (brazier) and makaa (charcoal) . Kenya


. sumiyaki 炭焼 (すみやき) making charcoal  
a KIGO list

. sumigama 炭竈 charcoal kilns .
- and their legends


CLICK for more photos

Binchō-tan or white charcoal
or binchō-zumi (備長炭) is a traditional charcoal of Japan. It dates to the Edo period, when during the Genroku era, a craftsman named Bitchū-ya Chōzaemon (備中屋 長左衛門) began to produce it in Tanabe, Wakayama. The raw material is oak, specifically ubame oak (Quercus phillyraeoides), now the official tree of Wakayama Prefecture. Wakayama continues to be a major producer of high-quality charcoal, with the town of Minabe, Wakayama producing more binchō-tan than any other town in Japan.

The fineness and high quality of binchō-tan are attributed to steaming at high temperatures. Although it is often thought that binchō-tan burns hot, it actually burns at a lower temperature than ordinary charcoal but for a longer period of time. Because it does not release smoke or other unpleasant flavors, it is a favorite of unagi and yakitori cooks. Due to difficulties in identifying the producing region, the name binchō-tan has come into broader use to designate white charcoal generally, and even products from outside Japan, as well as those made of other species, have come to use the name. The amount of binchō-tan sold domestically in Japan markedly decreased following a 2004 export restriction promulgated for forest protection by the People's Republic of China.

To differentiate the aforementioned "non-pure" products, there is a movement to call binchō-tan produced in Wakayama Kishū binchō-tan.

Binchō-tan has found uses other than as a fuel. Because it has numerous small pores, it can absorb chemical substances. Bits can be added to rice during cooking to remove chalky flavor, placed in shoe-cabinets to absorb odors, and put in rooms to freshen the air. There are many more supposed benefits and health values of white charcoal. Currently there are a number of binchō-tan-based consumer products on the market such as socks, shirts, shampoo, cosmetic products, and many more.
Binchō-tan or white charcoal is harder than black charcoal, and rings with a metallic sound when struck. Wind chimes and a musical instrument, the tankin ("charcoal-xylophone") have been made from it.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Reference : Binchotan

binchootan makura sugashiki mushi no aki

my pillow of charcoal
just so refreshing -
autumn of the insects 
(tr. Gabi Greve)

Yooko 葉子
Insects and Kigo

joo atsuku kisete iru haru no binchootan

the white ashes
cover it thickly -
bincho coals in spring

Fuke Toshiko ふけとしこ (鎌の刃)
Tr. Gabi Greve


Black Daruma with Child


Yakiniku, beef grilled on binchotan charcoal

sumidawara amu 炭俵編む(すみだわらあむ)
making straw bags for charcoal

kigo for late autumn

Ash, ashes (hai) and related kigo

Check the WKD LIST of
. HUMANITY and Winter Kigo


More kigo with black KURO

. kurogeta 黒北風 (くろぎた, kurogita) north wind in spring  

. kuro mebaru 黒めばる(くろめばる)black rock fish
all spring 

. kuro suzumebachi 黒雀蜂(くろすずめばち)
black hornet
all spring

. kurohae, kuro-hae 黒南風 (くろはえ)
"black southern wind"

. kurogoma 黒胡麻(くろごま)black sesame  

. Kokutei 黒帝 Black Emperor  
deity of black and winter




"black ice"
which is the very dangerous condition of the roads, arising when it rains on a still-frozen surface.

The ice is not, of course, black, but transparent -- it is the black of the road surface that makes the ice invisible and causes many accidents.

Isabelle Prondzynski



black friday
the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.
On this day, many retailers open very early, often at 4 a.m., or earlier, and offer promotional sales to kick off the shopping season, similar to Boxing Day sales in many commonwealth countries. Black Friday is not actually a holiday, but many employers give their employees the day off, increasing the number of potential shoppers. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005 . . .
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sumi ningyoo 炭人形 dolls made from charcoal

from Tozawa village 戸沢村, Yamagata
Yaguchi dolls 矢口人形
Made from powder of paulownia coal.
A pun on words with the owl, fukuro
すみ福ろう(不苦労) fu kuroo - know no hardship
source : yamagata-np.jp

. Suwa no Sumi Daruma 諏訪の炭だるま .
from Suwa town, Nagano

. sumi ningyoo 墨人形 / 人形墨 dolls from Sumi writing ink .
sumi 墨 Chinese ink for writing with the brush

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .


. Black Dragon 黒龍 Kokuryu .

. Black Buddha Statues 黒仏 kurobotoke .

. Daruma Museum . TOP
- #sumi #charcoal -

Shogun Daruma Sanada


Shogun Daruma 武将達磨

In memory of the samurai Sanada Yukimura 真田幸村.

Daruma Doll with the six mon coins on the front
武将達磨 Shogun Daruma
CLICK for original LINK

pure silk strap for a cell phone
with Sanada Daruma

The town of Kudoyama 九度山 useses these goods fro promotion.

More about the
. Sanada himo 真田紐 Sanada-himo ribbon  
flat, braided cotton cord

Sanada Goods 真田グッズ


Sanada Masayuki (真田昌幸)
(1544 (1547?) - July 13, 1611) was a Japanese Sengoku period daimyo. He was the third son of Sanada Yukitaka, a vassal daimyo to the Takeda family in Shinano province. He is known as a master strategist. Sanada Nobuyuki and Sanada Yukimura were his sons.

Even though Masayuki was never able to expand his territories as well as other daimyo, he is nevertheless often considered a talented daimyo, doomed by misfortune and the inconvenient terrains which surrounded his home domain. Toyotomi Hideyoshi had called Masayuki a person whose inside did not match his outside, that his allegiance was fickle and not to be trusted. Nevertheless, it was exactly his drifting alliances that helped the Sanada clan survive the onslaught of hostile clans, and, since the Edo period, he has been more extolled than vilified.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Sanada Saemon-no-Suke Yukimura
(真田 左衛門佐 幸村)

(Sanada Yukimura, 1567–June 3, 1615) was a Japanese samurai, second son of the Sengoku period daimyo Sanada Masayuki (1544-1611). His proper name was Sanada Nobushige (真田信繁), named after Takeda Shingen's younger brother Takeda Nobushige (武田信繁), who was a brave and respected warrior. Sanada Yukimura was called "A Hero who may appear once in hundred years" and "crimson demon of war", and Shimazu Tadatsune (島津忠恒, arguably the best performer in the invasion of Korea) called him the "number one warrior in Japan." ("日本一の兵", 兵 means soldier originally, but here it is read as "tsuwamono" which means samurai or warrior, so it is not appropriate to translate it as soldier.)

A legend says that Yukimura had ten heroes who took an active role at the battles of Osaka Castle. They were called the Sanada Ten Braves (真田十勇士, Sanada Jūyūshi), a group of ten ninja.

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Ten Ninja Handtowel

Sanadamaru, Sanada Maru 真田丸 Drama by NHK
a small fortification attached to Osaka castle. It is famous for being impregnable and playing a key role in defending the castle in the winter of 1615. Later, it was forcefully destroyed despite being exempt from the reconciliation condition.
- ... The attack on Sanada Maru began on December 4. Yukimura and about 6-7,000 men defended Sanada Maru against Tokugawa forces of approximately 10-30,000 men. The Tokugawa forces were repeatedly repelled, and Sanada's troops launched a number of counterattacks, even breaking through the siege lines.
- source : NHK 2016 -

. Koodaiji 高台寺 Kodai-Ji . Kyoto
Nene prayed here for her husband, Hideyoshi.


Roku Mon, rokumonsen,
six MON coins of old money,
an expression for the money you have to pay at the ferry over the river Sansu to the other world. Many Japanese kept roku mon under their pillow, just in case they die and needed it over night.

Here they are arranged as Japanese family crests. Roku Mon was the family crest of the famous samurai clan of the SANADA. Sanada Masayuki is expecially famous, because he fought bravely against Tokugawa Ieyasu.

rokumonsen and Haiku

. Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川 River Sanzu, on the way to hell .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

真田石 and more
- source : nichibun yokai database -
44 to explore


This year the long NHK tv drama "Ten Chi Jin" features some young samurai and more SHOGUN DARUMA 武将達磨 have appeared

CLICK for original Link

Naoe Kanetsugu 直江兼続公
with the character AI 愛 on the helmet
© More NAOE in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Toyotomi Hedeyoshi 豊臣秀吉 .
Taiko Hideyoshi 太閤秀吉 (1537 - 1598)



鳴かぬなら 鳴かせてみせよう ホトトギス
nakanu nara nakasete miseyoo hototogisu

If the bird does not sing,
I will make it sing!

The famous comparison of three famous warlords
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu
and their approach to make a cuckoo (hototogisu) sing:

Here is the famous story to shed light on the temperament of the three most famous warlords in Japanese history:
When confronted with a nightingale in a cage, which would not sing, each had his own approach to this situation.

. Hototogisu and the three warlords  









Yamada san likes to travel in her Daruma costume.

In Taiwan

source . blog.livedoor.jp/yamadaruma/


Daruma Museum


Daruma Odori



Daruma Odori だるま踊り Daruma Dance

There are quite a few Daruma Dance variations in Japan.


ひょうきんだるま踊り  Hyookin Daruma dance
Kurata Hachimangu Tottori 倉田八幡宮大祭

On September 9, 2008.

It started with the sports event for children before WWII. Now 5 children dressed as Daruma dance in the compounds of the shrine and along the main street.

source : www.nnn.co.jp/news

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/coo - 林家楽


だるま踊り再び! revival of the Daruma Dance

At Temple Jindai-Ji
Acitivities of a group around Daru Chan.

source : daruchan.com/


盆踊り だるま踊りの 江戸時代

Bon Dance
Daruma Dancing in the
Edo Period


DARU CHAN だるチャン !  

Yobanashi だるま夜話 だるまよばなし
and the Dancing Daruma

Daruma Museum


Daru Chan Daruable


Daru Chan Daruchan  だるチャン

A homepage called DARU CHAN だるチャン !

Keiko Kiyama 貴山圭子

CLICK for originan LINK ... daruchan.com

Kiyama san lives near temple Jindai-Ji.
With friends they produce a lot of goods to get happy !

A special O-Bon Daruma Dance will be held at the temple Jindai-Ji !
. Daruma Odori だるま踊り Daruma Dance    

Darumari ”だる毬”Daruma Temari
A set you can buy and make your own ball, with a Daruma pattern.

だるちゃんプロデュース / だるまぐねっと

They also make other things with Daruma
Daruable 貴山圭子(だるチャン)


- twitter -


“だるチャンプロデュース”です。だるま市で知られる深大寺界隈の主婦たちが、いろんなアイデアを“だるチャン”に投入して人生を楽しんでいます。 だるまで面白いまちにしたいな♬ ◉全日本だるま研究会会員 ◉ゲゲゲ‥深大寺ロケエキストラ出演


Chofu Daruma - rice planting in Kijimadaira village


source : twitter.com/Daruable


darumagunetto だるマグネット Daruma magnet

Daruchan produce on facebook

- source : facebook.com/daruchan78 -


Darumanga だるまんが16 『だるチャンとだるまちばり』

source : daruchan.com/


Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight. Daruchan never falls down!!
Daruchan is born in Jindai-temple, Chofu in Japan.

Daruchan game “Daruttobi”
“Daruttobi” can be translated to “Jumping Daruchan”.
This is a board game. If you can get more territory than opponent, you be a winner!


“Daruchan” has been introduced on Japanese famous TV shows, news papers, magazines and so on!

- source : daruchan.com/english -


For the Soba Miso, check

strap daru mame strap だる豆ストラップ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

external LINKS

book cover ブックカバー
my hashi chopstick cover マイ箸入れ
hand towel, tenugui 手ぬぐい 
keyholder キーホルダー
Kintaro sweets 金太郎あめ 
mimikaki みみかき ear cleaner
soba miso そば味噌

soba miso そば味噌
だるチャングッズ Daruchan Goods



source : daruchan.com/


Jindai-ji - A Daruma Market and Sanskrit

- #daruchan -

Kawagoe exhibition



Daruma Exhibition at Kawagoe Museum

The 32th exhibition

More than 100 pieces on display.

From March 28 till May 10

1 だるまの起源と変遷
2 埼玉県のだるま
(1) 川越だるま
(2) 越谷だるま
3 全国のだるま
4 創作だるま
5 だるまグッズ

More Reference



Kawagoe Daruma ... 川越だるま 
Dolls and Daruma Market in Kawagoe Town

Daruma Museum



Tanaka Iichiro



田中偉一郎 (たなかいいちろう)
Tanaka Iichiroo, Tanaka Iichiro

© PHOTO : Tanaka Iichiro

Drop-eyed Daruma, 2002 - 06
Exhibition at Yuka Sasahara Gallery

Gallery Caption
田中偉一郎|TANAKA Iichiro

Born 1974, Aichi Prefecture

. . . CLICK here for more of his artwork !


Daruma Museum



mawashi sumo



Mawashi まわし(回し) wrestler's belt

keshoo mawashi 化粧まわし
Sumo wrestlers decorated belt

© PHOTO : www.asahi.com

Takamiyama, a famous sumo wrestler in his time, was in the news today and a Daruma keshomawashi was in the background of the photo.
He will retire in June from his job as OYAKATA.


CLICK for original LINK
© PHOTO : 2009 Nihon Sumo Kyokai


In sumo, a mawashi (Japanese: 廻し) is the belt that the rikishi (or sumo wrestler) wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a kesho-mawashi (see below) as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.

For top, sekitori, ranked professional rikishi it is made of silk and comes in a variety of colors. It is approximately 30 feet (9.1 m) in length when unwrapped, about two feet wide and weighs between eight and eleven pounds. It is wrapped several times around the rikishi and fastened in the back by a large knot. A series of matching colour, stiffened silk fronds, called sagari are inserted into the front of the mawashi. Their number varies from 13 to 25, and is always an odd number. If these fall out during competition the gyoji (or referee) will throw them from the ring at the first opportunity.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. . . CLICK here for Photos of sumo wrestlers belts!


CLICK for more photos

Takamiyama Daigorō 高見山大五郎
(born 16 June 1944 as Jesse James Wailani Kuhaulua in Hawaii, U.S.) is a former sumo wrestler, the first foreign born rikishi to win the top division championship (in 1972). His highest rank was sekiwake. He is also the first foreign born wrestler ever to take charge of a training stable, having been head coach of Azumazeki stable since 1986.
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In my very first year in Japan, a friend invited us to her home for lunch. Over the sofa was a large painting of a man. "Oh, you have an ink painting of Daruma san!" I was happy to have found a soulmate.
She laughed out loud. "Gabi san, you are the first to recognize this painting. Everybody else says: Is this Takamiyama, the famous sumo wrestler?"
We had a good laugh and ever since Takamiyama, who was at his best at that time, has been like a Daruma to me.
I am happy to find his Daruma Mawashi today in the news.

keshoo mawashi -
tsuwamono nara no yume no ato


all that is left
of a warrior's dreams -
his sumo belt

Gabi Greve, May 2009


Sumo Wrestling and related kigo

BACK TO the Daruma Museum





Daruma Cookies だるまクッキー

CLICK for more photos

From Gunma


CLICK for original ... darumaya.cc/catlog_cookie.html

with a lot of almonds

From Darumaya Sweets だるまやスイーツ
Darumaya Confectionery、Yamagata


chibi Daruma チビだるま small Daruma cookies



Two homemade Daruma cookies, one is the red ridinghood

CLICK for original LINK ... wagawagashi


開運だるまクッキー Good Luck Daruma Cookie

CLICK for more photos

CLICK for more photos
CLICK for more Daruma Cookies


CLICK for more images

Daruma Cookies from Nara


- - - MORE delicious Daruma kukkii at TsubameDo
- source : 焼き菓子 つばめどう日記


. Mingei Kukkii みんげいクッキー Mingei Folk Art Cookies .


和べっこう飴 Japanese Bekko Candy

Kitkat - Kit Kat キットカット Daruma


source : .. r/ghibli ...
Totoro Daruma macarons


More FOOD with Daruma ! in the Daruma Museum

Snacks with Daruma スナック Food

Tabemono 食べ物  Food with Daruma / Album


だるまパフェ Daruma parfait


- #food #cookies -



Tada Toshiko



Tada Toshiko

She studied Kaga Yuzen dying techniques for 16 years before trying her hand at pottery.

Most of her pieces are formed by hand and show the passing of the seasons.

A friend gave me this little Daruma!

Her Homepage
Ishikawa prefecture, Japan

多田 利子[ただ としこ]


Daruma Museum
