
Daruma Odori



Daruma Odori だるま踊り Daruma Dance

There are quite a few Daruma Dance variations in Japan.


ひょうきんだるま踊り  Hyookin Daruma dance
Kurata Hachimangu Tottori 倉田八幡宮大祭

On September 9, 2008.

It started with the sports event for children before WWII. Now 5 children dressed as Daruma dance in the compounds of the shrine and along the main street.

source : www.nnn.co.jp/news

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/coo - 林家楽


だるま踊り再び! revival of the Daruma Dance

At Temple Jindai-Ji
Acitivities of a group around Daru Chan.

source : daruchan.com/


盆踊り だるま踊りの 江戸時代

Bon Dance
Daruma Dancing in the
Edo Period


DARU CHAN だるチャン !  

Yobanashi だるま夜話 だるまよばなし
and the Dancing Daruma

Daruma Museum


Daru Chan Daruable


Daru Chan Daruchan  だるチャン

A homepage called DARU CHAN だるチャン !

Keiko Kiyama 貴山圭子

CLICK for originan LINK ... daruchan.com

Kiyama san lives near temple Jindai-Ji.
With friends they produce a lot of goods to get happy !

A special O-Bon Daruma Dance will be held at the temple Jindai-Ji !
. Daruma Odori だるま踊り Daruma Dance    

Darumari ”だる毬”Daruma Temari
A set you can buy and make your own ball, with a Daruma pattern.

だるちゃんプロデュース / だるまぐねっと

They also make other things with Daruma
Daruable 貴山圭子(だるチャン)


- twitter -


“だるチャンプロデュース”です。だるま市で知られる深大寺界隈の主婦たちが、いろんなアイデアを“だるチャン”に投入して人生を楽しんでいます。 だるまで面白いまちにしたいな♬ ◉全日本だるま研究会会員 ◉ゲゲゲ‥深大寺ロケエキストラ出演


Chofu Daruma - rice planting in Kijimadaira village


source : twitter.com/Daruable


darumagunetto だるマグネット Daruma magnet

Daruchan produce on facebook

- source : facebook.com/daruchan78 -


Darumanga だるまんが16 『だるチャンとだるまちばり』

source : daruchan.com/


Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight. Daruchan never falls down!!
Daruchan is born in Jindai-temple, Chofu in Japan.

Daruchan game “Daruttobi”
“Daruttobi” can be translated to “Jumping Daruchan”.
This is a board game. If you can get more territory than opponent, you be a winner!


“Daruchan” has been introduced on Japanese famous TV shows, news papers, magazines and so on!

- source : daruchan.com/english -


For the Soba Miso, check

strap daru mame strap だる豆ストラップ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

external LINKS

book cover ブックカバー
my hashi chopstick cover マイ箸入れ
hand towel, tenugui 手ぬぐい 
keyholder キーホルダー
Kintaro sweets 金太郎あめ 
mimikaki みみかき ear cleaner
soba miso そば味噌

soba miso そば味噌
だるチャングッズ Daruchan Goods



source : daruchan.com/


Jindai-ji - A Daruma Market and Sanskrit

- #daruchan -

Kawagoe exhibition



Daruma Exhibition at Kawagoe Museum

The 32th exhibition

More than 100 pieces on display.

From March 28 till May 10

1 だるまの起源と変遷
2 埼玉県のだるま
(1) 川越だるま
(2) 越谷だるま
3 全国のだるま
4 創作だるま
5 だるまグッズ

More Reference



Kawagoe Daruma ... 川越だるま 
Dolls and Daruma Market in Kawagoe Town

Daruma Museum



Tanaka Iichiro



田中偉一郎 (たなかいいちろう)
Tanaka Iichiroo, Tanaka Iichiro

© PHOTO : Tanaka Iichiro

Drop-eyed Daruma, 2002 - 06
Exhibition at Yuka Sasahara Gallery

Gallery Caption
田中偉一郎|TANAKA Iichiro

Born 1974, Aichi Prefecture

. . . CLICK here for more of his artwork !


Daruma Museum



mawashi sumo



Mawashi まわし(回し) wrestler's belt

keshoo mawashi 化粧まわし
Sumo wrestlers decorated belt

© PHOTO : www.asahi.com

Takamiyama, a famous sumo wrestler in his time, was in the news today and a Daruma keshomawashi was in the background of the photo.
He will retire in June from his job as OYAKATA.


CLICK for original LINK
© PHOTO : 2009 Nihon Sumo Kyokai


In sumo, a mawashi (Japanese: 廻し) is the belt that the rikishi (or sumo wrestler) wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a kesho-mawashi (see below) as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.

For top, sekitori, ranked professional rikishi it is made of silk and comes in a variety of colors. It is approximately 30 feet (9.1 m) in length when unwrapped, about two feet wide and weighs between eight and eleven pounds. It is wrapped several times around the rikishi and fastened in the back by a large knot. A series of matching colour, stiffened silk fronds, called sagari are inserted into the front of the mawashi. Their number varies from 13 to 25, and is always an odd number. If these fall out during competition the gyoji (or referee) will throw them from the ring at the first opportunity.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. . . CLICK here for Photos of sumo wrestlers belts!


CLICK for more photos

Takamiyama Daigorō 高見山大五郎
(born 16 June 1944 as Jesse James Wailani Kuhaulua in Hawaii, U.S.) is a former sumo wrestler, the first foreign born rikishi to win the top division championship (in 1972). His highest rank was sekiwake. He is also the first foreign born wrestler ever to take charge of a training stable, having been head coach of Azumazeki stable since 1986.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


In my very first year in Japan, a friend invited us to her home for lunch. Over the sofa was a large painting of a man. "Oh, you have an ink painting of Daruma san!" I was happy to have found a soulmate.
She laughed out loud. "Gabi san, you are the first to recognize this painting. Everybody else says: Is this Takamiyama, the famous sumo wrestler?"
We had a good laugh and ever since Takamiyama, who was at his best at that time, has been like a Daruma to me.
I am happy to find his Daruma Mawashi today in the news.

keshoo mawashi -
tsuwamono nara no yume no ato


all that is left
of a warrior's dreams -
his sumo belt

Gabi Greve, May 2009


Sumo Wrestling and related kigo

BACK TO the Daruma Museum





Daruma Cookies だるまクッキー

CLICK for more photos

From Gunma


CLICK for original ... darumaya.cc/catlog_cookie.html

with a lot of almonds

From Darumaya Sweets だるまやスイーツ
Darumaya Confectionery、Yamagata


chibi Daruma チビだるま small Daruma cookies



Two homemade Daruma cookies, one is the red ridinghood

CLICK for original LINK ... wagawagashi


開運だるまクッキー Good Luck Daruma Cookie

CLICK for more photos

CLICK for more photos
CLICK for more Daruma Cookies


CLICK for more images

Daruma Cookies from Nara


- - - MORE delicious Daruma kukkii at TsubameDo
- source : 焼き菓子 つばめどう日記


. Mingei Kukkii みんげいクッキー Mingei Folk Art Cookies .


和べっこう飴 Japanese Bekko Candy

Kitkat - Kit Kat キットカット Daruma


source : .. r/ghibli ...
Totoro Daruma macarons


More FOOD with Daruma ! in the Daruma Museum

Snacks with Daruma スナック Food

Tabemono 食べ物  Food with Daruma / Album


だるまパフェ Daruma parfait


- #food #cookies -



Tada Toshiko



Tada Toshiko

She studied Kaga Yuzen dying techniques for 16 years before trying her hand at pottery.

Most of her pieces are formed by hand and show the passing of the seasons.

A friend gave me this little Daruma!

Her Homepage
Ishikawa prefecture, Japan

多田 利子[ただ としこ]


Daruma Museum




. Fuku no Kami Legends 福の神 .

Fukusuke 福助だるま

CLICK for more photos

He is almost like a god, helping people to make good business.

It is the figure of a man seated on his knees on a cushion, with a big round shaven head.
The origin was a god of good luck (fuku no kami 福の神)
called Kanoo Fukusuke 叶福助 in Edo.
. . . CLICK here for Kano Fukusuke Photos !

Fukusuke would grant a wish (kanoo, kanaeru 叶える) and was popular with the tea shops and courtisans.


Fukusuke would also bring long life and prosperity to a loving couple.

A model was probably the farmer Sataro from Settsu province 摂津国西成郡安部里の佐太郎 in 1802, who did not only live long but was of a small body with a large head (probably from a disease) and often the aim of people's laughter. He went off to Edo for a better life, got caught by a dealer (in human beings) near Odawara and was made a showpiece in a curio show in Kamakura, and later brought to Edo.
A disabled person was a fugu suke ふぐ【不具】, later read as Fukusuke, FUKU being a pun with "good luck".

A certain noble Hatamoto bought Fukusuke from his owner for 30 ryo of gold and gave him to his daughter as a playmate. The new owner family prospered and Fukusuke was able to marry the servant of the home, Risa りさ.
They started a small shop in Nagai-Cho and sold Fukakusa yaki 深草焼 pottery. He even made dolls of his own figure and sold them for good luck items.

Well, that is quite a story of a long, eventfull life of a disabled person!

Click for more photos ... Walton antiques The original might also have been a merchant of Kyoto during the Edo period, who sold cloths.

His ears are quite big (fukumimi).

His wife is O-Fuku (Ofuku お福、O-Tafuku, Otafukuお多福) and his dauther is a Fukumusume 福娘. (but only in the curio shops).

He sits at the entrance of the store and welcomes visitors with a deep bow.

おじぎ福助 ojigi Fukusuke

Gott der Händler. Puppe mit großem Kopf.


Fukusuke from Hirado pottery 福助 平戸

Yabase clay doll, Akita 八橋人形


. Daruma Museum
Fukakusa-yaki 深草焼, Clay Dolls from Fukakusa

CLICK for more photos

To our day, there is a store in Tokyo selling tabi socks with a big toe.
Tsujimoto Fukumatsu established the Fukusuke Tabi company in 1885.

English Reference Fukusuke Tabi

Fukusuke is also the name of a type of chrysanthemum
Fukusukegiku 福助菊
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Fukusuke with a family crest of radishes

Click for more auspicious FUKUSUKE photos !


Fukusuke as a baby
like a Daruma Doll

Daruma Museum : Otafuku, O-Fuku Daruma
お多福だるま、お福達磨, お福だるま

fuufu Fukusuke 夫婦福助 the couple of Fukusuke and his wife
Sendai hariko 仙台張子 papermachee dolls from Sendai

Fukusuke, Daruma and
other auspicious items for the New Year


Fukusuke on a spring horse 春駒持ち福助
© PHOTO : Nakamura Sakuo

© Reference


Fukusuke no o-jigi wa eien ni yuki ga furu

the servile bow of Fukusuke
is with us for ever . . .
it is snowing

鳥居真理子 Torii Mariko (Torii) (1948 - )

. WKD : Gendai . Modern Haiku   


source : zenmaitarow

Fukusuke and O-Tafuku as kokeshi
福助 - お福こけし


fuku no kami 福の神 god of good luck

source : ameblo.jp/shigeoh14

Maybe the most popular are Ebisu and his companion Daikoku

. Ebisu えびす 恵比寿  .

Hotei, one of the "seven gods of good luck" is another great candidate
. Hotei 布袋 Pu-Tai .

A red Daruma doll is also seen as
"always happy to brind good luck to the family
いつも明 AKAるい 家庭に宿る福の神
. Daruma Dolls in 10 colors / カラーだるま .


ko-bashira ya ono ga yozamu no fuku no kami

small post,
you're my god of luck
this cold fall night

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the eighth month (September) of 1810, when Issa was staying in the city of Edo and in the area just east of Edo. This is a year in which Issa made a vigorous attempt to return to his hometown, where he hoped to establish himself as a self-supporting haikai teacher. At the end of the fifth month, he made a trip from Edo all the way back to his hometown to discuss sharing his inheritance with his brother, but his brother refused, and Issa got no farther than the entranceway of the house left by his father, even though the house was half his. (See the 8/23/2013 post for some other hokku from this period.) After Issa returned to Edo, he was dispirited but even more determined to return to his hometown, a dream he realized in 1813.

The present hokku seems to have a double tone of frustration and resolve. Issa is traveling around and staying at different people's houses, so the post near the house where he is staying tonight is not literally his. He simply chooses it as his god. Autumn is beginning to deepen, and the night is sharply colder tonight, though not yet freezing. The temperature also probably suggests Issa's own sense of his situation at the moment. In Japanese, gods are traditionally referred to as pillars or posts (hashira), presumably because in Japanese shamanism gods were believed to descend down trees when they manifested themselves in this world. Also traditionally, there are seven gods of good luck or good fortune, and so when they are counted individually, they are "seven pillars/posts."

A single god, when counted, is "one pillar/post." Relying on this usage, Issa decides that a nondescript, small post in a street or a garden will be his own god of good luck in this season of increasing cold. It has no tradition, individual name, or special characteristics, but it seems to have continued to stand where it is for some time, and its ability to endure and be a post suggests it is blessed with good fortune. Issa wants to do likewise. I take the hokku to be his address to the post, telling it he respects it and hopes the post will show him how it's been able to be so lucky and endure so long.

The two hokku placed immediately before this hokku in Issa's diary also shed light on Issa's thinking when he wrote this hokku. First the hokku placed two hokku earlier:

tsuyu-tsuyu ni nagasaresou naru hashira kana

surely that post
will be washed away
by the dew

The post seems so weak and fragile that it looks as if it will soon be carried off by the daily and nightly dew, which in comparison seems to be stronger than the post. And then this hokku placed just before the first hokku translated above:

furusato ya kore mo yosamu no nyorai-sama

my hometown --
on a cold fall night
you, too, my Buddha

Issa always prays to Amida as his special Buddha among many Buddhas, but on this cold autumn night he also prays to his hometown as another personal Buddha. This is not an unusual form of worship in Japan, where the souls of ancestors are even now in rural areas often called "Buddhas" or "gods." Issa feels a strong spirit coming from his hometown and from the spirits of his dead father and mother and others, and he vows to maintain his reverence for his hometown on a spiritual level even though his brother and stepmother continue to refuse to meet him. The intensity of Issa's identification with his hometown in this hokku could indicate that the post referred to in two of the three hokku is a post standing near the house left by his father in his hometown.

Since Issa often wrote several hokku a day, the weak post in one hokku and the small post in another are probably the same post, a post that wouldn't appear at first glance to be a prominent candidate for being a god of good luck. But to Issa small, weak things are often very powerful in their own way and worthy of great respect. And if the post stands in front of the house where Issa was born, then it is a very powerful post -- and god -- indeed.

Chris Drake

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/fukushima...

Aizu Fukusuke 会津福助

. Fukushima Folk Toys .
会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu


. Hi no yoojin 火の用心 fire prevention Fukusuke .

WASHOKU - Folk Toys and Food  


. Fuku no Kami Legends 福の神 .

