




.................................. December 2008

Shaka Nehanzo, Temple Anaoji "Buddha entering Nirvana" to rub with your sorrows

Oxherding Pictures, Searching for the Ox
2009, the YEAR OF THE OX

Minamoto Kitchoan 源 吉兆庵
Seasonal Sweets and Daruma sweets, Kamakura

If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!

Kazunoko 塩数の子 厳選だるま Salted Herring Roe selected by DARUMA

Daruma Manju だるま饅頭 (Daruma Manjuu)

Nanakorobi yaoki 七転び八起き
seven times down, eight times up

Yomogi Manju with Daruma san ... よもぎまん from Kawasaki Daishi

Red Beans, "small beans" (azuki 小豆 ) and DARUMA

Somin Shorai (Somin Shoorai) 蘇民将来 だるま

Shoochuu だるま焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps with Daruma

.................................. November 2008

Yakimochi Fudoo Son 焼き餅不動尊Gunma, Ota Village

Daruma Yakkyoku だるま薬局 Pharmacy

Gennoo 玄能 hammer with two round sides

Koohii 黒だるまコーヒー Black Daruma Coffee

Iwakamutsukari no Mikoto 磐鹿六雁命 God of the Kitchen Knife and Cooking
高家神社 Takabe Shrine, Chiba

Manga Daruma マンガ ダルマ Anime Daruma アニメダルマ

Ramen, raamen ラーメン Chinese noodle soup Daruma Ken, Ramen Shop in Sapporo

Ainu Food and Ainu Daruma

.................................. October 2008

Ogata Korin Memorial Day (koorin ki)RINPA .. Exhibition in Tokyo, October 2008

Kannon for your Eyes ... at Nara, Tsubosakadera 壷阪寺(南法華寺)

Camera, Crime prevention camera だるま型防犯カメラ Bohan Kamera

Inkstone, 翡翠硯(すずり) suzuri with Daruma face !

.................................. September 2008

Kai-awase shell game 貝合わせ

Chawan ご飯茶碗 rice bowl

.................................. August 2008

Udon Daruma Udon ... 招福だるまうどん

Kasa ... 笠 ... Straw Hat Suegasa ... Sedge hat 菅笠

Shamoji ... しゃもじ / 杓文字 Rice paddle, scoop, rice spoon, ladle

Etsuki Daruma ... 江月だるまこけし Kokeshi wooden doll from Etsuki town, Miyagi pref.

Nabe ... だるま鍋 ... Cooking pot and restaurant "Daruma Nabe"

Kokawa-Dera ... 粉河寺 Temple Kokawadera, Wakayama

Okaya Daruma Matsuri ... 岡谷だるま祭り Daruma Festival at Okaya, Nagano

The Legend of Kirimomi Fudo and Saint Kakuban ... 覚鑁[1095~1143]

Asekaki Fudo ... 汗かき不動 Sweating Fudo. Also Sweating Kannon, Asekaki Kannon 汗かき観音

.................................. July 2008

Tobi Fudo ... 飛不動尊... Flying Fudo at temple Shobo-In (Shooboo-in 正宝院)

Kuyoo Mon ... 九曜紋 ...Nine Stars Crest ... and Taira no Masakado 平将門. Kuyo Mon

Stone Carving of Fudo Myo-O, Temple Miroku-Ji ... 弥勒寺

Asakayama ... 安積山 Mountain near Koriyama, Fukushima pref.

Daisho Fudo (Daishoo Fudoo) . 大聖不動明王 Holy Fudo, Incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai : 大日大聖不動明王

Yamaguchi Fudo Pilgrimage to 18 Temples ... 十八不動三十六童子霊場 山口県

Umegafuchi Fudo Hall ... 梅ヶ淵不動堂 Kagoshima

Kimon Konjin 鬼門金神 and Kitamuki Fudo ... 北向き不動... Fudo facing North. also Kitamuki Kannon, Kitamuki Jizo and others. the "Demon Gate", kimon 鬼門

Kuniyoshi, Utagawa Kuniyoshi ...歌川国芳 (1797 - April 14, 1861). Woodblocks

Suiseki ... 水石 ... Stone Appreciation .. だるま水石

Raito, Daruma Raito ... だるまライト ... Light and Lamps Design

Konoita Fudo Fire Walking Festival ... 高板山不動堂 Yashima, Shikoku. Hiwatari Matsuri

Kihara Fudo Fire Walking Festival ... 木原不動尊 Kumamoto. Hiwatari matsuri.

Io-Ji ... 医王寺
Kyoto, Ayabe. Statue of Daruma Daishi

Bijoo ... 尾錠馬具  ... Buckle for a horse stirrup

Buroochi Daruma ... Broach .. ブローチ だるま / だるまブローチ

Kihara Fudoson ... 木原不動尊 Kumamoto, Tomiai Town. 長寿寺

Sandai Fudo Son ... Three Most Famous Fudo . 三大不動尊

Nezumi Fudo . 鼠不動 . Mouse Fudo

Konpira Daigongen . 金毘羅大権現 Kompira Daigongen . Kotohira, Shikoku

Akiba Gongen ... 秋葉権現現Akibagongen at Mt. Akiba

Byaku-I Gongen ... 飯山白衣権現White Kannon Gongen, at Ii no Yama

Iizuna no Gongen 飯網の権現 ... at Iizuna Mountain, Izuna Gongen

Namiwake Fudo ... 波分不動明王 ... At Dainichibo, Yudono 大日坊

Nekotsuki Fudo ... 猫突不動明王... Fudo stabbing a cat. At Temple Saisho-In, Hirosaki
Including the Bakeneko, Monster Cat.

Asao Fudo Daruma Market ..... 麻生不動だるま市 Tokusa Fudo 木賊不動.

Beads Daruma ... ビーズ だるま Beads kit to make your Daruma

Kushikatsu Daruma ... 串カツ『だるま』 Restaurant in Osaka

Restaurant for Fish in Odawara ... だるま料理店 Oldest in Japan.

Kaisen Daruma ... 海鮮だるま Fish Restaurants

Maizuru Daruma Festival ... 舞鶴だるま祭 Maizuru Daruma Do

Me Dashi Daruma ... 目だしダルマ Daruma with protruding eyes. Me ga deru, to have good luck!

Plastic Art Dolls ... DCTO Jibun Project

Mimikazari ... 耳飾りと Daruma as an Earring !

Koshu Daruma ... 甲州だるま ... Shingen Daruma 信玄だるま (Takeda Shingen), Yamanashi Daruma

Kewpie Daruma Dolls ... だるまキューピー Daruma Kyuupii

Sake ... Ricewine ... named FUDO... from America

The world of TEA and Daruma

19 Characteristic Signs of Fudo Myo-O . 不動十九観

Invoking Fudō
for Pure Land Rebirth
article by Karen Mack

Memyo Bosatsu 馬鳴菩薩. Ashvagosha. Also kaikogami, sanjin 蚕神 and other versions of this deity

Akakura Fudo ... 赤倉不動 Akakura Daigongen

Shikoku Fudo Pilgrimage 四国三十六不動尊霊場
The 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O

Fukusuke 福助 Dolls

Takarakuji ... 宝くじ Lottery tickets and papermachee Daruma doll

Pilgrimmage to 33 Temples in Akashi, Kobe 明石西国33ヶ所

Mei-O Temple , Mei-O Ji 明王寺 Statue of Fudo Myo-O

.................................. June 2008

Gyooten ... びっくり仰天 Looking toward heaven

Imo Daruma ... いもだるま Potatoes and Daruma, sweet potatoes, satsuma imo

Keshigomu ... 消しゴム Eraser

Shamisen ... 三味線 Shamisen, musical instrument

Dragon carving from gon kuzu camphor wood 黄金樟

Edo Daruma ... 江戸だるま / 江戸達磨 Papermachee dolls from Edo / Tokyo

Sunglasses papermachee doll from Taiwan

Mokuzai geijutsu 木材芸術 Wood Art

Taiwan and Daruma 台湾のだるまさん

Hyoosatsu ... 表札 Nameplate, Name Plate

Himawari ... 向日葵 (ひまわり) Sunflower Daruma Doll

Hyootan ... 瓢箪 Gourds as Daruma Dolls

Kawagoe Daruma ... 川越だるま  Dolls and Daruma Market in Kawagoe Town

Golf Bag ゴルフバグ ... Golf Ball . ゴルフボールだるま

Usagi ... だるま抱き卯 with Daruma, Daruma Usagi, Usagi Daruma うさぎだるま

Big Fish Catch ! Tairyoo 大漁

Mikan ... みかんだるま Orange Daruma

Matsuyama Kinten Daruma ... 松山の金天だるま Matsuyama with a golden head

Tanuki ... 狸々だるま Tanuki from Takamatsu

Uwajima Papermachee Doll 宇和島だるま Uwajima Daruma with Headband

Tosa no Tako ... 土佐の凧 Tosa kites

Takuma no Tako ... 詫間だるま凧
Takuma Daruma kite

LOGO and Daruma Banners

Parfait Daruma ..... パフェだるま Food Art

Daruma News ... だるまNEWS Vol. 18 Magazine of the Study Group
Zen Nihon Daruma Kenkyu Kai 全日本だるま研究会

Konosu Papermachee Dolls 鴻巣達磨Saitama prefecture

Hibuse Daruma ... 火防達磨 Fire and war preventing Daruma. Temple Junshin-Ji

Omodaru, Ayakashikone and Dairoku Tenma O 第六天魔王

Hina ningyo 雛人形, Darumabina だるま雛  Hina Dolls with Daruma

Jooge e ... 上下絵Two-way pictures and faces. Trick pictures, karakuri zuan 江戸からくり図案

Tamago ... 卵だるま, たまごだるま, タマゴダルマEggs and Daruma

Violett and Purple : MURASAKI 紫 Daruma

Kyoto Buddha Statues Workshop 京都仏像工房

Sagemono ... 提げ物
"Things to hang from the belt"

Hikifuda ... 引札 Advertising Prints and circulars

Shrine Tada Jinja ... 多太神社 ... and Matsuo Basho

Toji, Temple Too-Ji 東寺 in Kyoto

Hodai-In, Temple Hoodai-In 鳳台院Kasama. Huge Daruma Statue of 10 meters !

Cho-o-Ji, Temple Choo-Oo-Ji 長翁寺 .. and nearby hill: Daruma Zuka だるま塚
Narumi-Juku of the Tokaido 鳴海宿

Konoe Nobutada 近衛信尹 Painter. 1565 - 1614

Enpuku-Ji, Temple in Yahata. 円福寺 Daruma Temple

Mokugyo Daruma ... 木魚達磨 Fish Gong Daruma

Mori Family of Sculptors 森彫刻所. With a Daruma statue.

相州だるま  Sooshuu Daruma / 相模だるま  Sagami Daruma

Hakuin Ekaku ... 白隠 慧鶴

Shimomura Kanzan ... 下村観山 (1873 – 1930)

Anchin and Kiyohime and the Dragon 安珍・清姫伝説

Altar Scrolls with Fudo Myo-O

.................................. May 2008

Butsudan ... 仏壇 Buddhist Family Altar

Restaurant DARUMA in Durban, South Africa

Uchishiki ... 打敷 Altar Cloth with Dragon Design

Mito Kōmon .. 水戸黄門 Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀

Chisho Daishi Enchin 智證大師 圓珍

Naki Fudo .. Weeping Fudo, Crying Fudo 泣き不動絵巻

Amagoi Fudo Son ... 雨乞い不動 Fudo for Rain Rituals. "Nitta Fure Fudo Son" 新田触不動尊.

Shusse Daruma 出世だるま .. Career with Daruma

Shusse Fudo 出世不動尊
Career with Fudo Myo-O

New Year Arrow (hamaya) 破魔矢 (はまや). Hamayumi 破魔弓 (はまゆみ)

Yonago Temple Town 米子、寺町

Namu Jizo Daibosatsu .. 南無地蔵大菩薩

Mizoguchi (Mizokuchi)  溝口 .. Town in Tottori Prefecture with many ONI Demons

Tokuitsu (Toku-Ichi) Priest Tokuitsu 得一 徳溢 and Yakushi Nyorai in the Aizu Area

Garden (niwa 庭), Park (teien, tei-en 庭園) Japanese Garden, Zen Garden ...

Storehouse, warehouse (kura 蔵, dozoo 土蔵)

Gokoku hojo .. 五穀豊穣 (gokoku hoojoo) Prayers for a Bountiful Harvest of the Five Grains

Sakurai Hanako and her Daruma Bords

Nezumi ねずみだるま ... Mouse Daruma for 2008

Jomo Karuta (Joomoo Karuta) 上毛かるた. A card game from Gunma prefecture

Shoorin-Zan, Daruma-Ji Takasaki ... 高崎少林山 Shorinzan

Ryotan-Ji (Ryootan ji 龍潭寺) Hikone, Shiga pref.

Teien, tei-en .. 日本の庭園 Japanese Gardens

.................................. April 2008

Owls, Daruma, Red and the Edo period 浮世絵のなかの江戸玩具
Book about Edo Toys and Woodblock Prints

Kawanabe Kyosai (Kawanabe Gyoosai, Kyoosai) 河鍋暁斎. Painter, (1831-1889)

Yakushi-Ji Temple, Nara 法相宗大本山薬師寺
National Treasures from Yakushi-Ji Temple / Exhibition

Fukuda, Prime Minister Fukuda福田首相 as a rice cracker character and
more rice cracker, Daruma Senbei だるま煎餅

Temple Daijo-Ji and Jojiri Fudo Myo-O よぢり不動. 醍醐寺

.................................. March 2008

Mokujo (Mokujoo) 目定 . 目定上人. Sulptor of the Edo Period. Mostly Hokkaido

The Old Tea Road from Yunnan to Lhasa
茶馬古道(ちゃばこどう) Chaba Kodoo

Matsushima 松島Japan
.. Fukuura-Jima – Insel Fukuura with Daruma Dolls
... 福浦島とだるま石

Higashiyama Kaii 東山魁夷 (1908-1999)

.................................. February 2008

Daikokuten ... 大黒天 and Tama Daruma Dolls

Murakami Takashi 村上隆 ... the "Warhol of Japan"

Senryobako ... 千両箱 Money boxes with Kokeshi dolls

Utsu no Yama, Mount Utsu, Mt. Utsu ... 宇津の山near Okabe in Shizuoka
Tsuta no Hosomichi 蔦の細道

Shimizu Ryukei (Shimizu Ryuukei) 清水隆慶 Sculptor of Buddha Statues

The Dragon's Gift: The Sacred Arts of BhutanFebruary 2008

Mihara Daruma Tengoku Festival ... だるま天国 「神明市」三原

Pilgrimage to 49 Temples of
Yakushi Nyorai in Western Japan

Hyakutai 達磨百態Daruma Hyakutai in 100 different situations

.................................. January 2008

Toribeno Cemetery in Kyoto Japan 鳥辺野

Butsugai Fusen 物外不遷 ... 1795~1867 Takeda Genkotsu Motsugi

Clipart with Daruma

Hirashimizu Pottery from Yamagata 平清水焼 Heikichi Kiln 平吉窯

Irezumi 刺青 <> Tatoo (Tattoo) Horimono 彫り物

Tatebanko Diorama Toys ... 立版古

Takamatsu Toshitsugu 高松寿嗣 Master of Martial Arts

Juuni Shinshoo 十二神将 Twelve Heavenly Generals, 12 Warrior Generals

Bishamonten 毘沙門天

Kabuki : Narukami Fudo Kitayama Zakura. Ichikawa Danjûrô 雷神不動北山桜 / 市川団十郎

Issa and O-Take Nyorai お竹如来

END of 2008


TOP of Daruma Museum


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