
Ikkanbari Dolls


Ikkanbari Dolls

These dolls have been made since 1716 in Matsuyama Town, at the Dogo Hotspring.
They are made with the wish for the healthy growth of a baby.
They relate back to the empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后.

Details of the Matsuyama Pricness Daruma Dolls !

These come as a pair in blue for the Emperor and red for the Emperess. Both have the hairstyle of nobility. The face is especially inserted.

一閑張「姫だるま」は、享保の初め(1716頃) 道後温泉に滞在中だった五世泉王子定吉が、
 道後温泉でご懐妊の喜びを得られた仲哀天 皇と神功皇后が伊佐爾波の神に一対の木彫 の人形を奉げて、生まれてくる皇子の「健やかな成長を祈った」という説話から発想して、大型の張り子だるまを創作したものです。

© iyo-ikkanbari

. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 and Japanese Dolls .


Hiki Ikkan 飛来一閑 (ひき いっかん)
papier mache style lacquerer

His famliy is now in the 16th generation, Satomi, a woman, is now the head of this craft family.

For the tea ceremony of the Senke school, there is a special laquer technique of Ikkanbari also.

A wooden mold is carefully carved and tried, for more than 10 years. When the wood has settled down, just one layer of special Japanese rice paper (washi) is pasted on the wood. Then just one layer is applied on this paper base.

In this way, the first Ikkan, who was a poor man from China who had settled in Kyoto, could make tea utensils in a rather cheap way, but looking quite good.

Now the Ikkan family is one of the senke jisshoku, ten families of craftsmen that have traditionally served as craftsmen for the the Sen tea lineages.

Present day is Hiki Ikkan 飛来一閑 ひきいっかん

飛来 一閑(ひき いっかん)は千家十職の一つ、一閑張細工師の当主が代々襲名している名称。漆工芸の一種・一閑張の日本における創始者であり、また歴代千家に一閑張による棗や香合などの道具を納めてきた細工師の家系である。
当代は16代にあたり、12代・中村宗哲(故人)と並ぶ千家十職としては珍しい女性当主である 里美.

© Wikipedia

Senke Tea Family and Ikkan
The Ten Designated Craftsmen of hte Senke family

... ... ...

There is also a simple folk-craft type with paper and sap from the persimmons (kaki shibu)
一間張り、柿渋, 一貫張リ


source : otsue.com

Tray with Old Paper Ikkanbari technique


.................... External LINK

Shitai (paper substrate) = Successive sheets of washi paper are pasted over a mould with nori-urushi, a mixture of urushi and rice paste, or warabi-nori, a glue derived from bracken. Once the desired thickness has been obtained, the paper from is removed from the mould and lacquered. This is known as the harinuki method. When washi paper is applied to a wood or bamboo core and lacquered, the term ikkanbari is used.

Handbook for the Appreciation of Japanese Traditional Crafts

MORE in the Daruma Museum
. Folk Toys from Ehime .


Senooji Daruma Dolls 泉王子だるま

A tpye of Ikkanbari, made first by Senooji Osamu 泉王子(せんおうじ)治.
Now Watanabe san 渡辺  makes these dolls .

The Shop in Matsuyama

© PHOTO : 全国郷土玩具の旅

Here is a pair from Senoji Sensei

© PHOTO : kameshika.cocolog

One more is here in the Daruma News 18:
Senoji Daruma Dolls 泉王子だるま


一閑張(一貫張)Ikkanbari Bamboo Craft
Ikkanbari bamboo craft is designated as a traditional handicraft by Kagawa Pref. It is a kind of papier-mâché technique, in which washi paper is pasted on wooden or bamboo frames then coated with persimmon tannin. As Sanuki province (present-day Kagawa Pref.) is a hometown of Kobo Daishi Kukai, it is said that the lacquering technique to use persimmon tannin was introduced from China by Kukai.

This craft was, however, invented in the 17th century by Hirai Ikkan, a naturalized person from Ming dynasty China. Until plastic was introduced, persimmon tannin was used in many ways such as vessels or base for lacquering. The Ikkanbari product is very strong and durable because of the water-proof and antiseptic property of persimmon tannin. It is subdued in color and has staid gloss. At the present time, items such as baskets, plates and small boxes are being made.
Recently Ikkanbari is also favored as the material for Japanese-styled indirect lighting.
source : nippon-kichi.jp


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference .


rengyoo ni ikkanbari no tsukue kana

for the forsythias
a table made of

. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規

tsukue, might also be a desk.
rengyoo レンギョウ Forsythia suspensa
The combination of these often wild flowers on his Ikkanbari desk is quite charming.


Matsuyama and Haiku

Tea Ceremony Saijiki 茶道の歳時記 


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .



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