
Oribe Pottery


Oribeyaki 織部焼 Daruma of Oribe Pottery

My chawan tea bowl with Daruma


Oribe pottery is not named after an aera, like most Japanese ceramics, but after the person who started the tradition.
Lets meet Furuta Oribe 古田織部 (1544 -1615).

He was a samurai and also a famous tea master. He was born in Mino (today Gifu Prefecture). He lived during troubled times of Japanese History and served Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and also Tokugawa Ieyasu. But then he sided with the Toyotomi Clan and was ordered to commit seppuku by Ieyasu in 1615.

Oribe's tea master was the famous Sen no Rikyu, but the eccentric Oribe soon started his own way of serving tea, the Oribe Way (Oribe-ryuu) and also tought the Tea Ceremony to Ieyasu's son, Hidetada.

He soon began to make his own tea utensils and other pots and plates to serve food in a unique pottery style with a green glaze and unusual forms to suit his whims. His most famous disciples are Kobori Enshuu and Hon-ami Kooetsu.

CLICK for more samples

He produces many warped pieces (yugami)
沓形(くつがた) kutsugata pieces
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. shiki matsuba 敷松葉 (しきまつば) spreading pine needles  
was invented by Oribe for his tea garden, to give it a warm and elegant touch in winter.

. . . . .

More about Hon-ami Kooetsu.
. Reference .

Oribe Pottery is part of the Mino tradition.
. Mino Pottery Reference .


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Click for more examples

There are many types of ORIBE pottery.

 ・ 青織部 …Bluegreen Oribe 器の一部に緑釉を施し、余白に鉄絵文を加えたもので、量 的な点から織部を代表する作品群。
・ 黒織部 …Black Oribe 緑釉の代わりに黒釉をかけたもの。
・ 総織部 …All Glazed Oribe 器物全体、あるいは大半を緑釉で覆ったもの。
・ 絵織部 …Oribe with Pictures 白地に鉄絵だけで文様が施されているもの。
・ 鳴海織部 …Narumi Oribe 緑釉と染め分けの余白の地が白地でなく赤土となっている。 
・ 赤織部 …Red Oribe 赤土を素地とし、それに鉄絵文・白泥を加えたもの。
・ 弥七田織部 …Yashichida Oribe 素地は薄手で繊細な絵付けを施し、薄い発色の緑釉を細く紐状にたらし掛けしたもの。
・ 伊賀織部…Iga Oribe 美濃伊賀・織部伊賀とも呼ばれ、大胆な形としヘラや印刻でアクセントをつけ白泥と黒褐色の飴釉を流しかけたもの。
・ 唐津織部 …Karatsu Oribe 絵唐津風な作品で織部と唐津の繋がりを感じさせるものです。
・ 志野織部 … Shino Oribe 志野と織部の中間的な性質を帯びたもの。   
一口に織部といってもこのようにたくさんの種類がありわかりにくいと思います。 織部釉の青が掛かっていなくても織部焼の範疇に入ります。

- quote -
tetsue, tetsu-e 鉄絵 iron glazing
For iron glazing, designs are painted with pigment containing iron oxide (rusted iron), then coated with a glaze that turns transparent during firing, and fired at a high temperature. This is a basic method of producing decorative ceramics, utilizing the way iron changes colors when fired. When ceramics are painted with the iron oxide pigment, the design appears as painted after firing, but the color can be adjusted to be anything from the original red-black to yellow-brown or pitch black, depending on the temperature of firing and the ingredients of the pigment.
- source : galleryjapan.com/locale... -


CLICK for more photos

Talking about Oribe, I should mention the Tea Ceremony, but I keep that for a different story.

. WKD : Tea Ceremony Saijiki

Just as I am writing this, on May 26, 2002 The Japan Times featured some articles about Green Tea and the Tea Ceremony, so you might have a look.

Tea to soothe the soul

   The pick of the crop

   Art and life in a bowl

The great green elixir?


Oribe Matsuri 織部祭り
In the town of Toki, there is a special Oribe Festival on August 3 and 4, 2002.
. Reference : Oribe Festival .


CLICK for more photos

There is a Museum with Oribe and Shino Pottery.


Turning point :
Oribe and the arts of sixteenth-century Japan

Miyeko Murase; Mutsuko Amemiya; Metropolitan Museum of Art

"Ceramics are closely connected to the tea ceremony and central to Japanese culture. In this context Oribe wares represented a unique and major development, since they were the earliest Japanese ceramics to carry extensive multicolor decoration. Boldly painted with geometric and naturalistic designs, they display sensuous glazes, especially in a distinctive vitreous green, as well as a whole repertoire of playful new shapes.
These dashing wares matched the vigorous, extroverted, rapidly changing world of the warlords. Their genesis has traditionally been ascribed to Furuta Oribe (1543/44-1615), a warrior and the foremost tea master of his time, who appears to have played a crucial role in redefining the aesthetics of Japan. Over seventy engaging vessels of Oribe ware, along with striking examples of other types of wares produced in the same milieu, make up the heart of this catalogue."

"During the era of Oribe, a common aesthetic language bound all the visual arts more strongly than at any other time in Japan before or since, and intimate working relationships existed among artists in different media. The forces that nourished this creative energy, the transformations that occurred, and the splendid works that resulted - together constituting the subject of this catalogue - are discussed by twenty distinguished scholars."
- source : worldcat.org -


Now have a look at my Daruma in Oribe style, standing a tall 21 cm high. His little toes are showing under the robe and his face has the eccentric features of Old Oribe himself. Daruma statues in the Oribe style are very seldom.

Daruma with an Oribe robe 


Another typical piece of Oribe pottery are the oil dishes (aburazara 油皿), to be put under a portable room lantern (andon 行燈). They were frequently used in every household until the electric light took over.

In the following interesting article in English you get an overview about the illumination during the Edo period.

. Choochin, Andon, Japanese lanterns and Daruma

Here is a typical oil dish from Miyoshi san:


Finally the oil dish of my collection. The little Daruma is painted with a few abstract strokes only, the body almost forming a spiral. Diameter 21 cm.


Oil Dish : Mouse and Bread
and my haiku

Yakimono Pottery ... General Information

Incense and Daruma

Kobori Enshuu Student of Furuta Oribe


Oribe bina chichi ni no musume chigo o daku

Oribe dolls -
holding my baby girl
which looks like papa

source : mahoroba shahai



- #oribe #yakimono #tetsue -


  1. abura uri 油売り oil vendor
    in Edo

  2. Oriebe 織部 web site--
    “Oribe especially avoided perfect and symmetrical wares and sought asymmetrical harmony and eccentricity.
    He even went so far as to favor bowls warped and distorted by throwing or firing accidents. ”
