



Frontispice (kuchi-e)

(あんせい けんもん し)
from the magazine "Ansei kenmonshi"


"安政見聞誌"「口絵の達磨」 一登斎芳綱?画
source : www.ne.jp/asahi/kato

Illustration from 歌川芳綱 Utagawa Yoshitsuna
Ittosai Yoshitsuna 一登斎芳綱

The magazine "Anzei 安政" was first published around 1856. It is a reportage of the effects of the earthquake of October 1855. It showed the destruction and detailed maps of Edo.
The magazine was also called 垣魯文編 .
It had illustrations by Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川 国芳(うたがわ くによし) and others.

CLICK HERE for the Japanese Version of the Magazine:


Ansei (安政)
was a Japanese era name (年号,, nengō) after Kaei and before Man'en. This period spanned the years from 1854 through 1860.
The reigning emperor was Kōmei-tennō (孝明天皇).

Ansei 2 (November 11, 1855):
Great Ansei Earthquake in Edo, one of the Ansei Great Quakes, with resulting fire damage and loss of life.
Epicenter -- (Latitude: 36.000/Longitude: 140.000), 6.9 magnitude on the Richter Scale.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : National Museum of Japanese History

Namazu-E of the Ansei Earthquake


Namazu to Daruma 鯰とだるま Catfish and Daruma

The Black Ships and Earthquakes

Daruma Museum


1 comment:

  1. Ogata Gekkō (尾形 月耕, 1859-1920 ), kuchi-e 口絵
    (illustrations inserted in books and magazines following the title page or at the beginning of a featured article). The following Gekko web site described "kuchi-e" as follows:
    Kuchi-e are loosely classified as handmade multicoloured prints made for book frontispieces. They generally have 2 or 3 folds in the print as they were tucked into the book. At times it can be difficult to link the scene depicted to the actual story told. Gekko did the illustrations for a number of kuchi-e, the majority of images shown here are woodblock prints, the last one is a lithograph. Many of Gekko's kuchi-e were produced for the magazine Bungei Kurabu (Literary Club).
    : http://www.ogatagekko.net/Kuchie.html
