Snowman Daruma, Yuki Daruma 雪だるま
Two Blind Men and Snowman
Katsushika Hokusai (1760 – 1849)
Before Daruma san became the representative of a SNOWMAN, the Japanese called it "Snow-Buddha", yukibotoke. Especially Issa made many haiku with this word.
- Snowman Daruma - and Haiku
Wintertime -a snowman in every yard! In Japanese these kind fellows are called "Snow Daruma"、maybe because their form resembles the tumbler doll of Daruma san. If you know another explanation, please let me know.
In the season there are of course many Snow Festivals, but only very few Snowman Festivals.
The Daruma Snowman Festival 雪だるま祭
There is a special festival called "Yukidaruma Matsuri" in Shiramine Village, Ishikawa Prefecture, close to Kanazawa City. The village is about 700 Meters above sea level and has more than three meters of snow. So since olden times the everyday life in winter is a battle with the snow masses. 10 years ago the people started to appreciate the snow as something positive and started this festival, where about 2000 snowmen are build all over the village for the visitors to enjyo the "Yukidaruma Week".
The village has only 1200 inhabitants, so there are more snowmen than people for a while! Most of the snowmen have a little hole in the stomac and at night a candle is lit there, as you can see on the picture. The candles last about four hours, so until nine in the evening the village is beautifully lit up by Snowman Daruma.
- source : http://experience-kanazawa.com
source : nichijou.wikia.com
source : flickr.com/photos/onlygemini
nano block toys
source : wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hirokage
dog stealing a workman's meal from a snow Daruma
Hirokage - Comic Incidents at Famous Places in Edo
(Edo meisho dôke zukushi - No. 22),
Snow 雪 Yuki
Utagawa Kunisada I (歌川国貞, Toyokuni III, 三代豊国, 1786-1865)
Kikukawa Eizain / Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Kobayashi Eitaku (1843-1890)
- source : Usaburo Kokeshi -
source : japaneseartsgallery.com/tag/hiyoshi-mamoru
Hiyoshi Mamoru
Children Making Snow-Man(子供遊び 雪だるま)
- Konobu Hasegawa
Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900)
Knock Daruma off the Pedestal Game
Masako Takanezawa 高根沢
Snowman Daruma - Beeso Daruma ベーそだるま
Look at more winter photos :
source : togakushi-jinja.jp/blog
. WKD : Togakushi Shrine .
source : jameelcentre.ashmolean.org
Snowman Daruma Festival
In Kanazawa, Northern Japan
(2008年1月28日 読売新聞)
© hokuriku.yomiuri.co.jp
CLICK for more photos !
. WKD : yukidaruma ゆきだるま,雪だるま、雪達磨 .
kigo for late winter
. Yukidaruma Bentoo Box .
- #yukidaruma #snowmandaruma -
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