
Mito Komon


Mito Komon (Mito Kōmon, Mito Koomon)

© PHOTO : Orin

Look at more of her Daruma photos from Mito.


Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀
July 11, 1628 - January 14, 1701

was a prominent daimyo who was known for his influence in the politics of the early Edo period. He was the third son of Tokugawa Yorifusa (who in turn was the eleventh son of Tokugawa Ieyasu) and succeeded him, becoming the second daimyo of the Mito domain.

At age 27, he married a daughter of the kampaku Konoe Nobuhiro. He was responsible for assembling the Mitogaku scholars to compile a huge Japanese history, Dai Nihon shi. In it, Japan was depicted as a nation under the Emperor, analogous to that in Chinese dynasties. This helped the rise of nationalism in the late shogunate and in the Mito domain later.

In 1661, at age 34, he became the daimyo of the Mito han.

At age 63, he was awarded the court office of gon-chūnagon, or provisional middle counsellor. He posthumously received the court rank of junior first rank (1869) and first rank (1900).

In 1691, he retired to his villa, Seizanso. He died there a decade later.

He was also known as a gourmet of the Edo period. He is claimed to be one of the first Japanese to eat ramen as well as routinely enjoying such exotic food as wine and yogurt.

Mitsukuni had one son, who took the Matsudaira surname. Additionally, Mitsukuni adopted the son of an elder brother; this adopted son, Tokugawa Tsunaeda, became his heir.
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The real Mito sama could not walk around in all of Japan, but he once visited Kamakura and even made a painting of the Daibutsu statue.
He also planted a cherry tree at the temple 瑞泉寺 Zuisen-Ji.


Mito Kōmon (水戸黄門, Mito Kōmon)
is a Japanese jidaigeki movie that has been on prime-time television since 1969.
The title character is the historic Tokugawa Mitsukuni, former vice-shogun and retired daimyo of the Mito domain. In the guise of Mitsuemon, a retired crêpe merchant from Echigo, he roams the realm with two samurai retainers, fun-loving Sasaki Sukesaburō (Suke-san) and studious Atsumi Kakunoshin (Kaku-san). Episodes typically conclude with a brawl in which the unarmed, disguised protagonists better a crowd of samurai and gangsters, culminating with the presentation of the inrō (pillbox) that reveals the hero's identity.

Five actors have portrayed the lead character in the series. Eijirō Tōno created the part and appeared in 13 seasons. His successor was Kō Nishimura. Asao Sano followed, and Kōji Ishizaka took the role in two series, quitting for cancer treatments.

Kōtarō Satomi, has played Mitsuemon since 2002.

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Mito Komon travelling the Narrow Road to the North

The 40th installment of the series started in July 2009.
Some old friends showed up, like Ukkari no Hachibei and now a Hachibei in the second generation.
Another new face is ... you guess ...
Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉
(堺正章 Sakai Masa-aki (Masaaki)),
a ninja like Kasaguruma no Yashichi, and
Sora, another ninja haiku poet.

1628年 光圀誕生 Mitsukuni born
1644年 光圀数え年7歳。芭蕉誕生 Basho born
1690年 光圀隠居。芭蕉数え年47歳
1694年 芭蕉没す Basho death
1700年 光圀没す Mitsukuni death

Mitsukuni was in retirement 1690年から1700年まで,
just four years to meet Basho as a retired person.

Koishikawa Garden 小石川 
The construction was started in 1629 by Tokugawa Yorifusa, the daimyo of Mito domain, and was completed by his successor, Tokugawa Mitsukuni.

hito shigure tsubute ya futte Koishikawa

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


............ H A I K U

Haiku and Senryu by friends of the TV series ...
Tr. Gabi Greve

CLICK for more photos

水戸黄門 印籠もって 旅立った
Mito Koomon inro motte tabi datta

Mito Komon
shows his pillbox
and takes off

Ayachin あやちん

助さんが 15年目で 黄門様
Suke san ga juunenme de Mito Koomon

playing Suke san
for fifteen years ...
now Mito Komon

Koara コアラ
The actor Satomi Kotaro played Suke san for many years.

病室の どのテレビにも ご老公
byooshitsu no dono terebi ni mo go rookoo

in the hospital
from every television
Mito Komon

Hide san ひでさん


source : tukubaskecth.tsukuba.ch

The famous inro of Mito Komon occupied by manekineko !


Japan's longest-running historical drama series,
"Mito Komon" (TBS, Mon., 7 p.m.),
ends on Dec. 19, 2011

with a special two-hour farewell installment. The series started in 1969 and has been sponsored by the same company (Panasonic, formerly National) the whole time.

source : Japan Times

Look here for the last feature:
source : www.tbs.co.jp/mito/last


Mito Komon was my first teacher of Japanese.
When we arrived in Japan, I could not speak and understand much of the language.
I taped each program and re-run is so many times, until I fully understood what they were talking about.
As a consequence, I started talking like a Jidaigeki Japanese hero.

Plum Blossoms and Mito Komon

Maso Bosatsu 媽祖菩薩 and Mito Komon

Natto beans 水戸納豆 from Mito

. Folk toys from Mito and Ibaraki .

Daruma Museum



  1. AnonymousMay 29, 2008

    Gabi san,

    Sounds very cool! I wish I could watch it too.

    For a while, broadcast tv stations where I've lived were showing
    Abarenboo Shoogun, with English subtitles.
    I'd estimate I've seen
    about 100 episodes of that. But the broadcast stations where I've
    lived stopped showing it well before the series ended in Japan.


  2. AnonymousMay 29, 2008

    Thank you Gabi san for introducing Mito-koumon whom I like too.

    How many times have I see him in TV show?

    I always think why didn’t he show his Inrou ,symbol accessory to prevent excess killing peoples at early stage of drama?

    Don’t you think so?


  3. Important people of the Edo Period

    Edo - Blog

  4. 萬徳山 Mantokuzan 聖宝院 Shobo-In 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji
    墨田区立川1-4-13 / 1 Chome-4-13 Tatekawa, Sumida ward - Tokyo
    This temple was founded in 1610 by 宥鑁法印 priest Yuban Hoin.
    The main statue is 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai - Kawakami Yakushi 川上薬師, dedicated by
    徳川光圀 Tokugawa Mitsukuni.
    The statue was once venerated in a temple in the Hitachi domain of Mitsukuni. When the temple was raided by religious adversaries, the statue was thrown into the river 那珂川 Nakagawa by Mitsukuni, but instead of floating downriver, it moved upriver (kawakami) for a few kilometers to safety. Thus it became a favorite of Mitsukuni.
