
Shusse with Daruma

. Amulets for SHUSSE .

Career with Daruma, Shusse Daruma 出世だるま

Men were expected to be successful in life (risshi shusse 立志出世) and to fulfill their duties to the State . ...

© maruyosi store

A glass wind chime for SHUSSE !


Gilded Daruma 合金製 出世ダルマ

© rakuten.co.jp/takeyu
東京都 足立区 西新井 3丁目 11番 7号


A famous Kabuki Play
Kagekiyo Victorious (Shusse kagekiyo 出世景清)

CLICK for more photos


to pray for a good career is very important for many people in Japan. There are various temples and shrines where you can do that.
Here I will introduce some of them.

Shusse Inari Shrine, Kyoto 出世稲荷神社

Hideyoshi prayed here for his career, so this is a famous spot. In 1587, when Hideyoshi became regent of Japan, he had many shrines for Inari, the Fox Deity, erected in the country. Even the Tenno visited this particular Inari shrine and gave it the special name of "Shusse". Aristocracy and Feudal Lords came to pray here later. There are more than 329 torii gates, given as presents from people who's wishes for sucess and a career in life came true.

© PHOTO : digistyle-kyoto.com

Here you can buy talismans for 10 different wishes in your life and career.
This clay bell looks almost like our Daruma !

Shusse Inari dorei 出世稲荷土鈴 clay bell from Shusse Inari

. Kyoto no dorei 京都の土鈴 clay bells from Kyoto .

. Inari Jinja 稲荷神社 Fox Shrines and their amulets .


Koma-jinja 高麗神社 Koma Shrine "Korea Shrine"

The enshrined deities are Koma no Koshiki Jakko, Sarutahiko no Mikoto and Takenouchi no Sukune (a legendary statesman).
The shrine was founded in 716 by an emissary from Goguryeo, Koma no Koshiki Jakko, as the head shrine to guard the Koma district (present-day Hidaka City). It was originally named Shirahige Myojin and is the headquarters of all the 55 Shirahige and Shirahige Myojin shrines in the Musashi province (present-day Saitama Prefecture), from which it is also called Koma Soja Shrine (the head shrine).

CLICK for more photos In the precinct are a lot of cultural properties including the Old Koma Family Residence. Since the Meiji period, a lot of people, who had visited this shrine to offer a prayer, became powerful politicians including prime ministers, the shrine has been worshipped as Shusse Myojin 出世明神. Koma Shrine is also famous for cherry blossoms in spring and chrysanthemum flowers in fall.
© nippon-kichi.jp

source : HA facebook

Hidaka town 日高市

天下大将軍 / 地下女将軍
Two deities from Korea

Koma jinja no shoogun hyoo 高麗神社の将軍標
memorials for Korean Deities

. Koorai, Kŏrai 高麗 Korai, Koma - Korea .

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
高麗王若光(こまのこきしじゃっこう) Koma no Koshiki Jakko
- reference : komajinja.or.jp -


Shusse Yakushi 出世薬師

CLICK for more yakushi

. Matsuyama 小谷山医座寺 Iza-Ji .

- - - Shusse Yakushi - My Reference - - -


Shusse Kannon 出世観音

CLICK for more photos

Shusse Kannon Reference


Shusse Jizo at the Ginza 銀座出世地蔵尊

銀座4-6鎮座。銀座三越9階 9th floor rooftop of Ginza Mitsukoshi
The statue was moved from 三十間堀 Sanjikkenbori to Mitsukoshi in 1968.
Next to it is 三囲神社 Mimeguri Jinja.
Jizo is venerated for making a good successfull career, and also for general good luck, prosperity in business and a long life.
People come especially on the auspicious days for Jizo, on the 7th, 18th and 29th of each month. At that time there were special roadside shops 銀座八丁 but all was lost during WWII.

. Pilgrimage to 10 Shrines and Temples in the Ginza .
- 銀座八丁神社めぐり -


Other Shusse Jizo

Dotonbori Osaka
CLICK for different Shusse Jizo ...


Shusse Fudo 出世不動

CLICK for more Photos

Japanese Reference

More in my BLOG
Shusse Fudo Myo-O 出世不動尊

. shusse uo, shusseuo 出世魚 career fish .
Well, as they grow up they change their name, and some say, the flavor when used in food, they have noticeably distinct flavor profiles as they mature.


- quote -
Shussebora  出世ボラ / 出世螺 Shusse Horagai
..... In Japan, there are kinds of fish called shusseuo. This is the same shusse as we see in shussebora, and it means “promotion” (uo means “fish” and bora comes from hora which is short for horagai, or “giant triton“). Shusseuo are a strange concept: they are fish who are called by different names at different stages of their lives. As they age, they “promote” from one creature to the next.
..... this is some kind of horagai that “promotes” into a different creature. The illustration depicts a dragon, and to evolve from giant triton -> dragon seems like a pretty awesome upgrade to me! It’s a play on words that would seem natural and probably be instant

The only question that remains is why on earth would anyone come up with a sea snail that lives in the mountains and migrates to the sea to become a dragon? Well, part of that goes back to a play on the word hora. Hora is also a word for caves that are left behind after mudslides and avalanches. With earthquakes being quite common in Japan, and with the whole country being covered in mountains, it’s easy to imagine that new caves would be uncovered relatively frequently. The hora (shell)/hora (cave) pun would not be lost of clever yokai readers back in the day. The implication is that the caves were the nest spots of big horagai, and are left behind as the tritons migrate from mountain to sea.
..... here’s a theory: the tops of Japan’s mountains were once located underwater, and it is possible to find shell fossils high up in the Japan alps, so 150+ years ago, someone digging in the mountains and coming across a shell would have no idea how it got there. If he or she found enough shells, they’d think they were the shells of creatures that naturally live in the mountains. Adding a bit of credence to that theory, yamabushi—the ascetic monks who live deep in the mountains—often carry large conch shells which they use as trumpets. A lay person seeing such a monk might just assume that the monk got the shell from deep in the mountains as opposed to the sea…
And thus, you have things like shellfish and tritons originating deep in the mountains!
- source : matthewmeyer.net/blog -

. jinkai (陣貝), horagai (法螺貝 conch shell .
- Introduction -

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters – ABC-List .


Fuurin 風鈴 Furin - Wind Chimes

Inari 稲荷 The Fox God Cult Kitsune, the animal fox.


- #shussecareer #careershusse -


  1. Taira no Kagekiyo 平景清
    famous Kabuki play
    Kagekiyo Monogatari
    Kagekiyo mo / hanami no za ni wa / Shichibyōe

    Matsuo Basho

    using names of persons in hokku

  2. Takenouchi no Sukune 武内宿禰 Takeshiuchi no Sukune
    竹内宿禰 Takenouchi Skune, Takeuchi Sukune - 建内宿禰 Takeshi-Uchi
    (? - ?) he lived for 317 years
    Maybe born during the reign of Emperor Keikō 景行天皇 Keiko Tenno (13 BC - 130 BC) .


  3. shusse Daruma statue at the temple
    Koorinji 香林寺 Korin-Ji, Kanazawa, Ishikawa

  4. Sugoroku for Success in the First Sale of the New Year
    (Hatsuakinai Shusse Sugoroku 初商出世双六)

