
Sake flask (tokkuri)


Sake flask, tokkuri 徳利

A sake flask with the three gods of good luck and a small plaque with Daruma as decoration.
From the kiln 古青窯(Koseigama)
Kutani Pottery

Three Gods of Good Luck and Daruma

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Sent by our Daruma friend
Pierre Monteux
Daruma Forum


Tokkuri - Drinking Hot Sake with Daruma

Generic term for ceramic flasks used to warm and serve sake, usually with a narrow neck for retaining heat. Tokkuri come in all shapes and sizes. Usually holds about 360 ml. of sake. The most popular styles are Bizen, Iga, Shigaraki, Imari, and Mino. Click here to learn about each of these styles in our Pottery Guidebook. Choshi is another term for tokkuri, but most often choshi are made of metal and have a handle.

You can find all the necessaray information about Tokkuri and their various forms on this extensive HP of Robert Yellin.
The most common form is probably
the form of a scallion (rakkyoo 辣韮) ,
the head of a crane (tsurukubi 鶴首) or
in form of a turnip (kabura 蕪).


There is also an article about the ZEN of Tokkuri.

Robert Yellin has a lot more stories about Tokkuri.
... Search Robert Yellin Pages


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kayoi-tokkuri, kayoidokkuri, kayoi-dokkuri  通い徳利 
binboo tokkuri, binboodokkuri 貧乏徳利 for the poor
binboodaru 貧乏樽 bimbodaru, Tokkuri for the poor

This TOKKURI is a traditional Japanese item not only in the YAHO area but everywhere in Japan during the early Showa period. A KAYOI-TOKKURI was used to buy SAKE at a store and carry it home in the bottle. Usually it belonged to the store and had the name of the store in big Chinese letters written on it. The neck part was formed to hold back a string for carrying the bottle and nowadays it is closed with a cork.
This kind of tokkuri was also used for buying soy sauce.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. . . CLICK here for Photos of "Binbo Tokkuri"!

Even Daruma san has made its way on this tokkuri !

harusame ya binboodaru no ume no hana

spring rain -
some plum blossoms
in a poor man's sake flask

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

It might also be a plum blossom design on a sake flask.

spring rain -
some plum blossoms
on a poor man's sake flask


. Edo no shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

tokkuri shirushitsuke shokunin 徳利印付職人
craftsmen printing the name of the owner on the Tokkuri

source : edoichiba.jp/edoichiba . tokurisirusituke...


Atsukan 熱カン
Hot Rice Wine in a Tokkuri

When sake is served hot, it is put in a small pottery bottle called tokkuri. The tokkuri is placed in a hot bowl of water until the sake reaches the correct temperature (about 50 degrees C), although many Japanese use microwaves today.
You can read a lot more about making and drinking sake from the extensive HP of this Sake Museum.
There is also a Japanese HP.
source : www.yamasa.org


- source : kuramoto/hams


- source : cplus.if-n.biz/5000770/partysub


My articles

Kutani-yaki 九谷焼 <> Kutani Pottery, Kutaniyaki

Sakazuki - Small cups to drink Sake 杯 とだるま 

Sake and Daruma / My Photo Album

. Sake and Daruma San  

Tokkuri - Drinking Hot Sake with Daruma 徳利とだるま



kayoichoo、tsuuchoo 通帳 credit account book

shoogatsu ya genkin sake no kayoichoo

this New Year -
sake all payed for
in my credit account book

Kobayashi Issa

see Kayoi-Tokkuri 通い徳利  above.

The bills were usually payed before the New Year to have a clean account book.

. last payment of the year, kakegoi 掛乞 かけごい .


Sagara tsuchi ningyoo 相良土人形 clay doll from Sagara, Yamagata
. 大福帳持ち福禄寿 Fukuroju with an account book .

daifukuchoo 大福帳 account book
daichoo 大帳, honchoo 本帳, oboe 大宝恵

nagaki hi ya daifukuchoo o kari makura

a long day --
his account book serves
as a pillow

Tr. David Lanoue


oshoo mata tokkuri sage-kuru tsuki no yo

the priest comes again
with his sake flask dangling from his hand ...
night with a full moon

Kawabata Bosha (Kawabata Boosha 川端茅舎, 1897 - 1941)


. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

呑明て花生となる二升樽 - nomi-akete hana-ike to naru nishoodaru
呑明て 花生 にせん二升樽 - nomi akete hana-ike ni sen nishoodaru

drinking it all up,
let’s make it into a flower vase:
the four liter wine barrel.

Tr. Barnhill

Finishing our drink —
lets arrange these flowers in
this sake bottle—flower vase

Here Basho recollects a line of poetry from Tu Fu.
This sake bottle now changed into a flower vase. For a while Li Po and Tu Fu shared a brief friendship, exchanging poems with each other. Li Po is thought of as being earthy, while Tu Fu as that of the moon. Li Po is at his best when drunk and happy, like a lark singing at heaven’s gate. Tu Fu wrote his best poems when angry, like a nightingale singing with his throat against a thorn.
Nearly a thousand years passed and Basho helped perpetuate their poems in his own writing .

- Tr. and Comment : Bill Wyatt

. Matsuo Basho - Saga Nikki 嵯峨日記 Saga Diary .


- My Daruma and the mosquito


sakedaru 酒樽 sake barrels

they are often offered to Shrines and displayed there.
Here are two samples with Mount Fuji decoration.
Click on the photos for more!

source : Philippe on facebook


. Sake 酒 for rituals and festivals .




  1. 徳利の底から穿つ香りかな

    an empitied sake flask
    emits fragrance
    from the bottom

    Terippo Ishy

  2. Kobayashi Issa (tr. Lanoue)

    yo wa nagashi tokuri wa munashi hanare ie

    the night is long
    my bottle, empty
    my house, set apart

  3. Kobayashi Issa

    hitori i ya hito tokkuri no toshiwasure

    living alone--
    just one bottle
    for drinking away the year

    Tr. David Lanoue

  4. Kobayashi Issa

    shoogatsu ya genkin sake no kayoichoo

    This humorous spring hokku is from the tenth month (November) of 1817, when Issa was in his hometown, so it must be based on a memory. In Issa's time most creditworthy people rarely paid for things with cash unless they were traveling, going out, or making a special purchase. They bought what they needed for daily life on credit from local merchants, and merchant would bring a credit account book to their houses twice a year and sign it each time he made a delivery, though the customer sometimes carried the booklet to the shop to make a small purchase. Payment was due just before the Bon Festival of Returning Souls early in the seventh month and just before New Year's. A kayoi-chou, a kind of early credit card before plastic had been invented, literally means a "frequent visits book," a name that refers to the fact that the merchant would bring the small book to your house when he began to make regular deliveries during each new half-year.

    Issa's hokku evokes a time soon after lunar New Year's (in early February), when the plum trees are blooming and many people are in a drinking mood. Although most people are able to buy sake on credit from the local sake shop, Issa's credit account book has been marked "Cash only," which implies that he failed to pay his sake bill at the end of the previous year. People who paid their bills by the end of the year got a clean new credit account book at New Year's from the shop, but Issa seems to still have his old one, which the dealer will eventually take and then return to him as a receipt after stamping it as paid. Until Issa pays up, however, the sake dealer is willing to sell sake to him only if Issa pays in cash -- that is, if he does what poor people, strangers, and occasional customers are forced to do. The arrival of the plum blossoms, usually a joyous occasion, is this year no doubt celebrated with less sake than usual by Issa. Not only is the situation incongruous -- like showing your credit card in order to pay cash -- but Issa seems to be laughing at himself for temporarily becoming a "no-account" villager, which he already was to a certain extent as a haikai poet.

    Chris Drake


  5. - Kappa Tokkuri 河童徳利 "Kappa and the Sake Flask"
    Kappadokkuri -

    Kanagawa : Nishikubo, Chigasaki 神奈川県は茅ヶ崎の西久保

    Read the legend !
    and look at many Kappadokkuri samples !!

  6. Kobayashi Issa

    harusame ya bimbō-daru no ume no hana

    spring rain --
    on a cheap sake flask
    plum petals

    This hokku was written late in the first month (February) of 1811, when Issa was staying in Edo at the houses of various haikai poets. Issa and a couple of other haijin (blossom-viewing is usually a social affair) seem to be doing a little plum blossom viewing even in the cold rain and are keeping warm with flasks of sake, a common practice. In Issa's time Edo sake sellers had developed a system whereby even ordinary workers who couldn't afford to buy large kegs of sake could buy just enough sake to enjoy themselves. In their shops the sake sellers kept cheaply made sake containers of various sizes which customers could borrow and then return later. The shops called their repertoire of take-out flasks and containers "poor people's sake flasks," and the system became quite popular. The flask in this hokku is probably pottery or made of wood, and it holds about as much as a modern styrofoam cup of instant ramen noodles, though it probably has a lid over the opening at the top through which sake is poured in and out. There was a wide variety of styles, ranging from thin-necked tokkuri (or tokuri) bottles to flasks with wider openings, and they often had the name of the sake shop and the sake brand calligraphically written on them.
    In the hokku the rain is scattering the plum blossoms and making them stick to people and their implements. Still, even though it's a gray day, the wet petals make even the cheap flasks of the viewers seem worthy of the noble activity of blossom-viewing.

    Chris Drake

  7. Daikoku carries a daifukuchoo 大福帳 account book "for good luck".

  8. Legend from Chiba, Chiba 千葉県
    印旛郡 Inba district 酒々井町 Shisui town

    Pouring clear water into a tokkuri 徳利 Sake flask and place it near the daikokubashira 大黒柱 main pillar of the home would prevent fire.
    33 legends to collect
