
WKD - Orchids Ran


Orchid "Daruma"

Purple Rain‘Daruma’

ブラソレリオカトレヤ(ポーツ・オブ・パラダイス ‘グレネイリーズ・グリーン・ジャイアント’× パープル・レイン ‘ダルマ’)‘ジェントル・ブリーズ’

© nishiguchi BLOG


Purple Rain DARUMA
パープル レイン ダルマ

© aiaipark.com


commonly referred to as the Orchid family, is a morphologically diverse and widespread family of monocots. It is currently believed to be the second largest family of flowering plants (only the Asteraceae is larger), with between 21,950 and 26,049 currently accepted species, found in 880 genera.
The name comes from the Greek "orkhis", literally meaning "testicle", because its root has a similar shape. The term was introduced in 1845 by John Lindley in "School Botany".
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Japanese orchid garden shows, Orchid Japan


Fûkiran, fuukiran (富貴蘭)
is a Japanese orchid and is translated as
"Orchid of the rich and noble"
, as it was collected by daimyô and samurai. The common name is fûran (fuuran, wind orchid) and the genus/species is 'Neofinetia falcata'. All of these three names are used interchangeably.

These Japanese orchids are grown for the entire plant, not just the flower, with the foliage being the most admired part of the plant. The shapes, patterns, and coloration of the foliage are the most important attributes. The mind-set required to enjoy the delicate variations in shape or stripe of the leaves rather than esteeming the flowers may have something in common with the Japanese taste for the quiet and simple.

Shared by Steve Weiss
Joys of Japan


Dendrophylax lindenii, the Ghost Orchid
- not to be confused with the
Eurasian Ghost Orchid (Epipogium aphyllum) - is a perennial epiphyte from the orchid family (Orchidaceae). Other common names include Palm Polly and White Frog Orchid. Formerly classified under Polyrrhiza this orchid has recently been moved to the genus Dendrophylax.
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in the rotted hollow
of a tree stump the ghost orchid

- Shared by Alan Pizzarelli -
Joys of Japan, 2012

host orchids
by the cemetery gate –
I think of monkfish

- Shared by Stella Pierides -
Joys of Japan, 2012

. Anglerfish, angler fish (ankoo 鮟鱇) monkfish .



kigo for early summer

iwachchidori, iwa chidori 巖千鳥 (いわちどり)
"rock chidori birds"
Amitostigma keiskei

shiran 紫蘭 (しらん) "violet orchid" bletilla
Bletilla is a temperate, terrestrial genus of orchids containing 9 species distributed through China, Japan and Taiwan and Vietnam.
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suzuran 鈴蘭 (すずらん) "bell orchid"
..... kimikage soo 君影草(きみかげそう)"plant of your shadow"
lily of the valley. Convallaria keiskei. Maiglöckchen

tsukubanesoo no hana 衝羽根草の花 (つくばねそうのはな)
Paris tetraphylla. kind of herb Paris
very seldom plant.


kigo for mid-summer

sekkoku no hana 石斛の花 (せっこくのはな)
..... sekkoku 石斛(せっこく)Japanese Stone Orchid
Dendrobium moniliforme


kigo for late summer

chidorisoo 千鳥草 (ちどりそう) "Chidori bird plant"
Gymnadenia conopsea. テガタチドリ

fuuran 風蘭 (ふうらん) "wind orchid"
Neofinetia falcata, Angraecum falcatum
Neofinetia falcata is a species of orchid found in China, Korea, and Japan.

gankooran 岩高蘭 (がんこうらん) Empetrum nigrum
var. japonicum

kochooran, kochoo ran 胡蝶蘭 (こちょうらん)
"orchid like a lake butterfly", moth orchid
..... uchooran 羽蝶蘭(うちょうらん)
Orchis graminifolia
iwaran, iwa ran 岩蘭(いわらん)"cliff orchid"
Arima ran 有馬蘭(ありまらん) "orchid from Arima"


kigo for mid-autumn

ran 蘭 (らん) orchid
shuuran 秋蘭(しゅうらん)autumn orchid
..... ran no aki 蘭の秋(らんのあき)autumn of the orchid
ran no hana 蘭の花(らんのはな)orchid flower
ran no ka 蘭の香(らんのか) fragrance of an orchid
Fam. Orchidea. Orchidee


kigo for all winter

katorea カトレア cattleya

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


kigo for early winter

kanran 寒蘭 (かんらん) orchids in the cold


yoru no ran ka ni kakurete ya hana shiroshi

white flowers
hidden in its fragrance -
evening orchids

Yosa Buson


ran no aki kokoro hanayagu gogo no cha

flamboyant orchids in autumn
tea in the afternoon

source : tokino


orchid show
an eclipsed moon
follows me home

source : paula


. rangetsu 蘭月(らんげつ) "orchid month"  


Wild orchids in my area, Ohaga, Japan

Photo Gabi Greve, 2010

Click on the photo for more pictures.


. Philippines SAIJIKI  

is a genus in the orchid family (Orchidaceae) which, although not large (about fifty species), is one of the most important florally. This genus and it allies are considered to be the most highly evolved of all orchids within Orchidaceae. The genus is very highly prized in horticulture for its showy, fragrant, long lasting, and intensely colorful flowers.
The name "Vanda"
is derived from the Sanskrit name for the species Vanda tessellata.
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August daybreak...
peach Vanda blooms exude
brilliant colors

Willie Bongcaron


as if mocking
the red tongue of the Vanda
sticks out

the most popular Vanda variety here is the Vanda sanderiana, or locally known as the

- Shared by Bos Tsip
Joys of Japan, 2012



Some orchids bloom only in March-April, others all year round and some after or with the rainy season.

orchid, just like this, is therefore a
TOPIC for haiku in Yemen.
specially named orchids could become a kigo.

clouds gather
amid the mountains
orchid fragrance


climbing up
Jabel Raymah..
scent of orchids


grounded in Yemen..
Arabian orchid


responding to orchids..
the bee
the man

Heike Gewi
Kigo Hotline, September 2010

Reference : Orchid Arabia


In the case of this particular Ophrys, that animal is a relative of the bumblebee. The orchid offers no nectar or pollen reward; rather, it seduces male bees with the promise of bee sex and then insures its pollination by frustrating precisely the desire it has excited.
The orchid accomplishes its sexual deception by mimicking the appearance, scent, and even the tactile experience of a female bee. The flower, in other words, traffics in something very much like metaphor: This stands for that. Not bad for a vegetable.
source : nationalgeographic.com

hito iyashiku ran no atai o ronji keri

Men are disgusting.
They argue over
The price of orchids.

Tr. Alex Kerr

Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規


. PLANTS in all seasons - SAIJIKI




  1. 蘭の名はマリリンモンロー唇々々
    ran no na wa maririn monroo kuchi kuchi kuchi

    the name of this orchid
    is Marylin Monroe -
    mouth mouth mouth
    Tr. Gabi Greve

    . Yamaguchi Seison 山口青邨 .
    Look at the photo !

  2. Matsuo Basho

    mon ni ireba sotetsu ni ran no nioi kana

    when I enter the gate
    there are sago palms and
    the fragrance of orchids . . .

    Written in autumn of 1689 元禄2年秋, visiting Ise shrine after the trip to Hosomichi.
    This hokku had the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
    From Oi Nikki 笈日記

  3. Matsuo Basho

    ran no ka ya choo no tsubasa ni takimono su

    fragrance of orchids -
    it clings to the wings of a butterfly
    like incense

    Tr. Gabi Greve

    Discussion of this poem and more translations -
    incense and haiku

  4. Matsuo Basho


    ka o nokosu ranchō ran no yadori kana

    Basho about fragrance -
