
Takasaki Daruma

- Jomo Karuta, see below - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Takasaki Daruma 高崎達磨
and Jomo Karuta, see below.


Takasaki Temple Shorinzan Darumaji 少林山達磨寺
Book to collect stamps at temples

御朱印帳 - 納経長

The temple where the Daruma Dolls originate!

Homepage of the temple
source : www.daruma.or.jp/

More in the Daruma Museum
- Takasaki, Temple Shorinzan 少林山 -


Takasaki Town Mascot

The town of Takasaki, famous for the Shorinji-Temple and many Daruma goods, has choosen its new town mascot, Taka Maru Daruma. He wears a blue headband and has lively eyebrows.
His hands take the pose of the "Scissors, Stone and Paper", a popular game in Japan.




表彰式は午後三時半から。午前十時からの 達磨まつり では、同組合員が手掛けるさまざまな表情のだるま五十二体を紹介する大型ポスターを掲示するほか、法要やチャリティーオークション、七弦琴しちげんきん奉納演奏などが行われる。
© www.jomo-news.co.jp


Takasaki Daruma no Hi - Day of Daruma 9th of August
高崎だるまの日 8月9日

高崎だるまの日 2020


Walking from the Station ... with Daruma San
Spring 2008 Campain


© ctec3.blog.so-net.ne.jp

More PHOTOS of the Shorinji Nanakusa Matsuri
Festival of the Seven Herbs of Spring with a Daruma Market

yuubin posuto 郵便ポスト post box, mailbox


Jomo Karuta (Joomoo Karuta)

© 財団法人群馬文化協会

It took our ancestors many ages to establish a nation of kindred race and language, to endeavor to be a morality-loving people, to declare this sun-rising country Japan, and to fly the national flag.

In World War II in which Japan fell victim to the atomic bomb for the first time in the world, burned-out cities were in ruins, war victims and unemployed people overflowed into the streets, many war orphans survived.

The Gunma Relief Association, the predecessor of the present Gunma Cultural Association, was active in supporting war victims, fighting its way in bitter life, with local love and national pride, under the flag of two white pegeons face to face on the background of the green earth.The homegrown "Jomo Karuta cards" was published with two sets of 44 reading and picture cards and accompanying explanations of the Karuta cards, under the slogan "Let the wise provide wisdom, the able ability, and the rich riches", by the cooperation of many people who answered the appeal for contribution.The Jomo Karuta was produced in accordance with the enactment of the Juvenile Welfare Law, and was recommended as a cultural asset under the Law.

Children in those days learned from the reading and picture cards in their little case the existence of noted places, historical spots and heroes unknwn to them, and must have yearned for them.

The card game of old Japanese tradition was used as a substitute for textbooks on history, geography and moral education because they were temporarily curtailed by the Allied occupation forces after the war. Gunma's First Jomo Karuta Game Championship started two months after the publication of the cards.

Read more HERE
© www.jomokaruta.org

More Photos:
© Jomo Karuta

Map of the Cards from Gunma Prefecture

© www.jomokaruta.org

................... え Little Daruma is up here

engi Daruma no Shoorin-Zan ... is the text on the right

© blog.ota-city.net

CLICK for more photos
Click for more KARUTA !

. Karuta from 護国院 Gokoku-In, Kashima .

Moriya Furusato Karuta ... 守谷のふるさとかるた

組み立て式だるま build your own Jomo Daruma !

source : www.jomo-news.co.jp/ns


 だるまる DARUMARU ... new version 2009  

Takasaki Daruma Lunchbox ... Bentobako
..... Modern Takasaki Daruma Lunchbox .....

Daruko, also Naruko だる子又は鳴子 from Takasaki.

Karuta, Uta Karuta 歌留多 and Haiku


Photo by Saori Shiraishi, on FB.

高崎 女性被害相談所
Office for female victim counceling in Takasaki


source : higeraku.blog

Daruma after the Great Tohoku Earthquake

At the station all the shops were closed, even the bento lunchbox shop.

My Diary since March 11, 2011

. Japan after the BIG earthquake

Ganbaro Japan! Ganbaro Nippon! がんばろう日本


Daruma dolls produced in 5 Olympic colors
- NHK world news - September 12, 2013

Lovers of Japan's traditional red daruma dolls can now buy them in the 5 colors of the Olympic rings.
One Takasaki-based maker has produced the set to commemorate Tokyo's successful bid to host the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Takasaki is the city where most daruma dolls are manufactured. And the firm has been producing them in unconventional colors for the past 15 years.

Six craftsmen were busy on Thursday drawing the signature mustache on the dolls and boxing them for shipment.
CEO Sumikazu Nakata said he hopes the product can help enhance expectations for the Olympics.

source : www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/


. Folk Toys from Gunma .

. Nakasendoo 中山道 The Nakasendo Road .

- #takasakidaruma #darumatakasaki #jomokaruta #karuta -

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