
Tissue Paper Box chigirie


Tissue Paper Box

This is a box handcovered with paper in various auspicious patterns for the New Year.
The technique used is by tearing paper, chigiri-e ちぎり絵.


© ふうこさんの部屋


Chigiri-E Daruma from tearing paper

© 山田 えり子


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What is the meaning of Chigirie?
The Japanese word 'chigirie' is the combination of two basic words 'chigiri' and '-e'.
Chigiri' is the noun form of the verb'chigiru' which menas 'to tear' and '-e' is an art work or picture painted through tearing of Washi paper.

It should be said that because of this method of tearing paper, it brings about characteristic appearance of softness and tenderness when this method is used.
Of course cutting with knife or scissors is not prohibitted al all, especially when your finger tips cannot tear pieces that are too thin or too small, or even when you want pieces to be cut with sharp edge.

Read the details HERE !
© Japanese Paper Shop

More English LINKS about Chigiri-E


Chiyogami, decorated paper and Daruma


osanago no chigiri-e maneru iwashigumo

they look like
a torn-paper picture from a child -
mackerel clouds

Oono Fusako from Gifu 大野 房子

. Mackerel Clouds (iwashigumo)


tissue paper ティッシュ‐ペーパー
hanagami はながみ【鼻紙】"paper to blow your nose"

hana-kami ni hittsutsunde mo hotaru kana

wrap it up
in tissue paper --
it's still a firefly

Tr. Chris Drake

Above is the version of the hokku in the copy of Issa's Eighth Diary made by his follower Yamagishi Baijin (梅塵), found in Issa's collected works at 4.240. Below is the version of the hokku as it appears in the 4th month (May) 1819 section of Issa's own Eighth Dairy on 4.46 of his collected works:

hana-kami ni hittsutsunde mo botan kana

wrap it up
in tissue paper --
it's still a peony

The word botan (ぼたん), peony, in Issa's version has become hotaru (ほたる), firefly, in Baijin's copy. Both words, written in kana syllabary, are rather similar in appearance. Which is the authentic version? In one sense it's impossible to decide, since even Issa could have made a slip of the brush and not written what he was thinking, but whatever Issa had in mind, he actually wrote "peony," so Issa's diary version also ought to be quoted whenever Baijin's version is mentioned.

A year later, in the 4th month of 1820, Issa's Eighth Diary (4.113) has the following variant, which also appears in Baijin's copy (4.282):

fuki no ha ni hittsutsunde mo hotaru kana

wrap it up
in a butterbur leaf --
it's still a firefly

Issa seems to be saying something important, and this may have made him want to write a variant of the earlier hokku, whichever version it was. In Issa's time tissue paper (literally "nose paper") was made from recycled used paper, and it was fairly soft and thin, though not quite as soft and thin as modern tissue paper. It was also used to wrap things, such as cut flowers, but Issa warns against thinking that a cut peony is any less a peony than one growing on its stalk. Likewise, a firefly that has been caught and placed inside a piece of tissue paper folded into the form of a small bag is no less a firefly.

Of course the tissue paper allows a vague view of what's inside it, but I think Issa is addressing here the human habit of treating domesticated things differently from wild or "natural" things. He seems to he saying that after he and most people take a peony or firefly inside and put it in a stronger container, they look at it as a form of captive beauty to be reduced to their own needs and desires, thus diminishing the power of another living creature (such as a flower or an insect) to teach us things we didn't know and to show us unimaginable beauty. Of course Issa is also warning against treating any living beings, including plants, badly or disrespectfully as decorations or playthings. I think he's asking himself and others to be always aware of the precious nature of the things they so easily wrap and unwrap without much thought.

Butterbur leaves are about the same size as a piece of tissue paper but thicker, stronger, and not translucent Apparently they were used in England to wrap butter, and in Japan they were and are used to wrap rice, fish, and boiled food. It's easy to imagine a child catching a firefly and wrapping it inside one of these big leaves that was growing nearby, but Issa asks himself and readers not to treat the fireflies as if they were pieces of food or as any object at all. Issa speaks of wrapping the leaf up completely, so he may be worried about the firefly or fireflies getting enough air. At the same time he asks himself and us to stretch our minds and deal with fireflies, plants, and other beings with the respect and care they deserve.

Here are butterbur leaves being used to wrap rice balls.

Other uses for the leaves as well:

source : orchidcrossley.blogspot.jp

Chris Drake


. - - washi 和紙 Japanese Paper - -   .



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