
Silk Cocoon Mayu Dolls


Mayu Daruma Silk Cocoon Dolls
繭だるま / まゆだるま / 繭達磨

Another association, at first glance surprising, is that which, in the Kantoo region, connects Daruma with silkworms, and transforms him into a talisman for sericiculture: the white cocoons have the form of a Daruma, or perhaps one should say that Daruma is cocoon-like.

One still sells today as engimono cocoons called mayu Daruma, on which Daruma features are painted; and this is perhaps related to the fact that, as we will see, both Daruma and the silkworm were symbols of gestation. However, this embryological symbolism, which connects Daruma with the silk-worm, refers also perhaps to the practice of the mushi-okuri or “insect-dispatching”: it may be a kind of funerary rituals for these creatures, which are sacrificed in large numbers during the spinning process, and of which one may have fear that they would become “resentful spirits.”

Read more HERE !
Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red, the Double Life of a Patriarch
Article by Bernard Faure


- 小橋煕作 Collection of Kobashi san


With small stones inside, so they stand up properly.

- Collection of Kodaruma san


From Nagano Prefecture. They are about 1,5 cm high.
- 2000 工房夢舞


Learn how to make them yourself here :
- source : Satoyama


. mayu 繭 まゆ cocoon  
and many related KIGO  

Memyo Bosatsu, O-Shirasama and other Silk Deities
馬鳴菩薩, おしらさま, "Silkworm God", kaikogami, sanjin 蚕神...

- - - - - Fukushima - - - - -

. Kawamata Silk 川俣シルク  .

. mayu koogei まゆ工芸 toys from silk cocoons .


mayu ningyoo まゆ人形 dolls from silk cocoons


source : tamanets

12 zodiac animals まゆ人形十二支

CLICK for more silk cocoon dolls !

. Toys and Talismans from Japan . 


- #mayu #silkdolls -

1 comment:

  1. ===============================================
    Tibetan Silk Brocades from Banaras

    For Illustration: http://www.exoticindia.com

    What is a Silk Brocade?

    It is a richly patterned silk fabric characterized by the use of
    gold and silver thread. Silk Brocades are luxury textiles.

    Showcased at http://www.exoticindia.com/textiles/Fabrics/

    In the Tibetan language, the word for silk brocade is gya-ser,
    this term being widely prevalent even today amongst the textile
    traders of Varanasi. There are however regional names also; for
    instance, in both Ladakh and Bhutan, it is called gos-chen.
    literally meaning the "great garment."

    Tibet's Connection with Silk:

    The gift of silk was first brought to Tibet from China; by the
    Chinese princess who married King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet in the
    first part of the seventh century. Slowly, this fascinating
    textile penetrated all aspects of Tibetan daily life, developing
    into an integral part of their religious and secular ethos.

    Traders belonging to the Marwari community - from Rajasthan and
    well known for their business acumen - settled in Kalimpong (near
    Sikkim), first took the samples of this Chinese brocade to
    Varanasi. Some people believe it was the Nepalese traders who
    took the initiative. Over time, Varanasi brocades overtook their
    Chinese counterparts in popularity.

    The reasons for the partiality towards the brocade from Varanasi
    were (are):

    a). The quality of the gold was better.

    b). The fabric was thicker.

    c). In modern times, brocade from Varanasi is still entirely
    hand-woven whereas the Chinese brocades are now machine made.

    d). The Indian merchants take even small orders while their
    Chinese counterparts insist on orders for large quantities.

    Uses of Silk Brocade in the Religious Life of Tibet:

    1). For the design and decoration of shrines as altar (chos-kyap)
    and seat coverings, drapes and canopies (u-lep) marking the seat
    of a high religious person.

    Illustration: http://www.exoticindia.com/artimages/canopy.jpg

    2). Used for pillar covers (ka-phen) and door hangings (cheb-le).

    3). For framing thangka paintings -

    4). For adorning images of deities.

    5). For making dance costumes -

    6). As altar over hangs for the seats of high lamas.

    Patterns range from the eight auspicious Buddhist symbols to stylized depictions
    of clouds and flames, mountains, scrolling flowers and dragons,

    The Kasim family of Varanasi - A 200 Year Old Institution:

    The Kasim Family of Varanasi are virtually synonymous with
    Tibetan Brocade and were the first to manufacture these at
    Varanasi, more than 200 years ago.

    Since then it has been a constant passion with the family and the
    only time production fell was in the early 1960s when China
    occupied Tibet. Reminiscences one of the Kasim brothers:

    "Our father was adamant that we will not give up gya-ser weaving,
    He said that this brocade is connected with someone's religion
    and religion never gets over."

    Slowly, a revival began around 1965, when the Tibetans in exile
    sought out gya-ser brocades again to decorate the monasteries
    being established in India. There was a further demand from
    Tibetan communities spread around the world as well as from
    Buddhist pilgrims who came to Sarnath and Bodhgaya, sacred cities
    near Varanasi, highlighting the continued importance of silk
    brocades in the lives of Tibetans.

    The contribution of the Kasim Family was acknowledged by the
    Dalai Lama himself when he introduced them at a gathering by
    saying "These are the people who make the fabric of our

    Illustration: http://www.exoticindia.com/
