
Traffic Safety - Kotsu Anzen


Traffic Safety Talisman :: Kootsuu Anzen
交通安全 お守り

Kotsu Anzen

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 


原作 加古 里子 Satoshi Kako

© PHOTO : darumad.hp.infoseek.co.jp



Gift from my friend Ishino.


This one comes with a little sucction to plop it on the car window.

© From Temple Nishi Arai Daishi


Sparkling for your safety !
Inside the car or fix it to the back of your bicycle.


Sparkling in the night !



On the roof of a taxi in Sapporo


© 平岸ハイヤー 札幌 


Prayer for 1000 days without a traffic accident



水沢警察署 交通課長祝辞
Police officer during a speach for the event

© Iwate Education


From the Kyoto Motorcycle Show
October 9, 2005

© 京都モーターサイクルショー


I found a big Daruma at the gate of a police station in Kyoto.

- Shared by Esho Shimazu
Joys of Japan, March 2012


Kumamon (くまモン)
is a mascot created by the government of Kumamoto Prefecture,...
A large part of Kumamon's success can be attributed to its cuteness.[
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


CLICK for more samples of stickers ! 交通安全 ステッカー


Bike Helmet sticker from Temple Shorinzan

Photo from Ishino San

With the family crest of the Tokugawa clan

© PHOTO : minkara.carview.co.jp


Another Sticker

GOOGLE for more stickers


MU JIKO ... 無事故だるま
Road Safety Daruma Doll

The eyebrows in the form of MU
The beard in the form of the two syllables JI and KO.

© ~um8d-tmzk


jitensha, baiku 自転車・バイク用交通安全守り traffic safety for bicycle or motorbike
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

jidoo tsuugaku 児童通学お守り safe way to school
They are in the form of small Japanese school backpacks (Ranzen) for children.


Kaijoo anzen 海上安全 safety on sea
Many temples and shrines along the coast of Japan sell them.

from Kumano Shrine, Wakayama

CLICK for more photos.

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 


交通安全 / 無事故 無災害お守り kootsuu anzen / musaigai
for traffic safety and protection from catastrophies and fire

from shrine Shirasaki Hachimangu 白崎八幡宮
〒740-0017山口県岩国市今津町6-12-23 Yamaguchi

This shrine is long known for its amulets about traffic safety. The daimyo of the Kikkawa clan during the Kamakura period started to pray at this shrine. Traffic saferty changed from horseback to ships, to railway and later to aeroplanes.

The deity 白崎大神様 Shirasaki Ookamisama protects all who posess his amulet.
source : sirasaki-hp.shop-pro.jp

hi no yoojin 火迺要慎 "beware of fire"
. Atago Jinja (愛宕神社) .
shrines worshipping the deity of fire,
Homusubi no mikoto 火産霊命 Deity of Fire


Motorbike Helmets with Daruma
koutuanzen kootsu anzen

. Traffic Safety with Fudo Myo-O  不動明王 

Click for more !

LINK with many Kotsu Anzen stickers
source : morikichi


Japan’s new traffic cones come with built-in Jizō Bosatsu,
the protective deity of travellers

- quote -
Created by Fusao Hasegawa, the “Jizō Cone” features a moulded image of Jizō Bosatsu, the guardian deity of children and travellers. Known in sanskrit as “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”, Jizō, which literally translates to “earth womb”, is usually depicted as a robed monk with his hands clasped in prayer.
... The cones will be available in red, green, blue and yellow varieties. ...
- source : en.rocketnews24.com/2016 -

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .


Kaeru omamori カエル 蛙 Frog Amulet - Frosch

The word for frog is pronounced "kaeru."
It is a pun with the word "return home."
Therefore travelers carry a small frog amulet with the intent of returning safely to their family.

. Kaeru omamori カエルお守り  蛙 Frog Amulet .


. shrine Kibitsu Jinja 吉備津神社, Okayama .
amulet with crane and turtoise "tsurukame" 鶴亀

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 



  1. jidoosha fudoo son, jidōsha Fudōson 車不動尊 stone statue of "Fudo in a car"
    to pray for the safety on the road (kootsuu anzen 交通安全) is the latest addition of our modern times.

    Nr. 33 会津薬師寺 - 高田不動尊 Takada Fudo Son
    Aizu Yakushi-Ji - Takada Fudo Son

    And a shrine to pray to the god of traffic safety 交通安全の神様 
    Michinushi no Mikoto Jinja 道主命神社 道主命(みちぬしのみこと)
    Chinushi no Mikoto -

    at Isasumi Jinja 伊佐須美神社

  2. Chiba
    飯縄寺 Iizunadera Temple

    Iizuna temple is known as the 天狗の寺"Tengu Temple".
    People come here to pray fpr fire prevention, safety on the sea, prosperous business and health.
    The temple treasure is a wood carving of about 4 m length and 1 m hight by the famous carver 波の伊八 Nami no Ihachi.
    It shows 牛若丸と天狗 Ushiwakamaru and the Tengu.
    At the 仁王門 Nio-Mon entrance gate is a carving of a Tengu riding the waves.
