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- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/zero8gravity

- quote
is a Japanese idol girl group. As of November 2013, the group has 89 members.
The girls range in age from early teens to mid-20s. Produced by Yasushi Akimoto, it is one of the highest-earning musical acts in the world, with 2012 record sales of over US$226 million in Japan.It has achieved such popularity in Japan that it has been characterized as a social phenomenon.

AKB48 is named after Akihabara (Akiba for short), the area in Tokyo where the group's theater is located. The idea of AKB48's producer Yasushi Akimoto was to create a girl group that, unlike a regular pop group, which gives occasional concerts and that is mostly seen on TV, would have its own theater and perform there on a daily basis; the fans would always be able to go and see the girls live. AKB48 still performs at the theater daily, with tickets distributed by lottery.
Akimoto has also expanded the AKB48 concept to several sister groups throughout Japan, and all over Asia.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

AKB48 Homepage
- source : http://www.akb48.co.jp/





kinchaku bag

more about fukuromono 袋物/ 嚢物 bags and pouches below

kinchaku 巾着 drawstring bag、money pouch

some come with a bamboo bottom.

- source : www.face-p.com/30_TOKUSEN

to bring you good luck !

for takarabukuro 宝袋 "treasure bag"
and shinaibukuro 竹刀袋 - for bamboo sword, see below

- quote
Kinchaku is a traditional Japanese purses or handbags. It is a small bag, typically with a drawstring.

Kin means fabric and Chaku means to put on. This small drawstring bag was invented to carry personal things such as money, one’s seal impression, a lucky charm, medicine, cigarette and cosmetics close to your skin. It also was used to carry Bento (lunch box) and utensils around.

In Edo Era, Kinchaku became a fashion icon in rich people and high-end Kinchaku were made by professional crafters by using leather, imported woolen cloth and silk. It was a primary accessory to carry around. When Meiji Period arrived, the life style gradually became westernized as Sakoku (locked country) policy has ended and foreigners were free to come into Japan and Japanese finally got permission from government to travel to oversea. People were rapidly fascinated with western cultures and the Kinchaku was replaced with other types of bags.
- source : www.designbyaika.com/sashiko


- source : shopping.yahoo.co.jp/nadesiko/kazari

New Year Decoration and Good Luck !


Daruma kinchaku bag, sold at the store
Echigoya in Edomura, Nikko

source : ottaka.blog22

. Echigoya 越後屋 and Mitsui 三井 .


. Bakuchi doogu 博打道具入れ gambling tools .


- source : www.katsufujiya.com/

auspicious kinchaku for the New Year


Photo from Nakamura Daruma san.

だるま巾着 Daruma Kinchaku sweets

. sweets from Kyoto .


Nakatsu Town 中津市「くろかんくん巾着」kuro kan kun Kinchaku

In Memory of 2014
. Kuroda Kanbei Yoshitaka 黒田官兵衛 孝高 .


CLICK for more samples!


source : www.mingeijapan.com

- reference - kinchaku mingei bags


fuku kinchaku mamori 福巾着守 
lucky Kinchaku bag clay bell

To keep the "money", this bell does not have an opening at the bottom and does not make a sound.

from the temple 鷲尾山興法寺 Hoko-Ji

. Amulets and Folk Art from Osaka .


takarabukuro 宝袋 the treasure bag
as an art motive

. Hotei 布袋 Pu-Tai with the treasure bag .

Hotei is also called the ”Deity with the Treasure Bag” 宝袋尊.

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This bag often comes alone as a symbol for good luck and good business. May all the money gather in this bag.

. maneki neko, manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .

This treasure bag of the cat helps to win the lottery !

. takarakuji 宝くじ lottery .

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. hariko 張子 papermachee dolls .

A tiger embracing the treasure bag.

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. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

May the girl always have money in her purse and have a rich heart to embrace all good and bad things.

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. Hookaiji no takarabukuro omamori 宝戒寺の宝袋お守り - treasure bag talisman .
wooden votive amulets 板守 from temple Hokai-Ji, Kamakura, Kanagawa

. omamori 御守り amulets and talismans .

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. Clay Dolls from Fushimi - 伏見土人形 .

source : kyoudoningyou/fusimi...

宝袋持ち童子 child carrying a Takarabukuro


shinaibukuro 竹刀袋 cover for a bamboo sword

with Daruma design

source : store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/marusei

- quote
Shinai (竹刀) is a weapon used for practice and competition in kendo representing a Japanese sword. Shinai are also used in other martial arts, but may be styled differently from kendo shinai, and represented with different characters.
Not to be confused with bokken.
The word "shinai" is derived from the verb shinau (撓う), meaning "to bend, to flex", and was originally short for shinai-take (flexible bamboo). Shinai is written with the kanji 竹刀, meaning "bamboo sword", and is an irregular kanji reading.
In kendo, it is most common to use a single shinai, sometimes called itto style. Some kendoka choose to use two shinai.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Edo shokunin 江戸職人 craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

CLICK for more photos of fukuro-mono !

fukuromonoshi 袋物師 / 嚢物師 making bags and pouches

They use mostly cloth and leather to produce all kinds of small pouches for the fashionable Edokko.
Most important were money pouches and tobacco pouches. They often worked by order from a client to suit his taste.

「印籠と根付」Inro and Netsuke
- Look at more photos on this page :
- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/rakutyu_netsuke -

fukuromonoya 袋物屋 shop for bags and pouches
fukuromono tonya 袋物問屋 pouches wholesaler

One of the most famous one's was Echikawa 越川.

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

. tabako-ire 煙草入れ tobacco pouch .

'囊物の世界 : 江戶小物のデザイン・百楽庵コレクション = The fukuro-mono of Edo : traditional small puches of old Japan / Fukuromono no sekai : Edo komono no dezain, Hyakurakuan korekushon = The fukuro-mono of Edo : traditional small puches of old Japan'
by Tomoyuki Yamanobe; Hideo Hirano; Takeshi Fujimori

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CLICK for more photos !

江戶に遊ぶ : 囊物にみる粋の世界
Edo ni asobu : fukuromono ni miru iki no sekai

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嚢物の世界 Fukuro-mono :
he All-Encompassing Art of Edo
by Hideo Hirano 平野英夫

目次 - contents
○, 序文 手作り細工品の極地
○, 図版 燧袋 合提げ 巾着 袂落し お守り
○, 煙草入れ
○, 紙入れ
○, 鏡入れ 筥迫 華鎖り
○, 動乱 手提げ袋 銭入れ 薬入れ 魚袋
○, 江戸の総合芸術ー袋物の世界とその周辺
○, 工芸家系譜図
○, 職方分業図ー袋物ができるまで
○, 袋物各部名称図ーたばこ入れ・筥迫
○, 用語解説

An extensive page including more photos and books:
日本嚢物史 History of Japanese Fukuromono
- Materials used: 材料
○, 皮革
○, 嚢物材料としての革
○, 織物
○, 染物
○, 刺繍
○, 摺込繪
○, 貴金属
○, 寳石と貴石
○, 準寳石
○, 人造装飾物
○, 木竹牙角

江戸に遊ぶ -嚢物にみる粋の世界-
日本のおしゃれ 袋物
名物裂 布久路
- source : gobag.jugem.jp-

- reference : edo fukuromono -


mimibukuro 耳袋 Mimi Bukuro, Mimi-Bukuro "Tales Heard"
Japanese Edo period anthology of oral tales

"Mimibukuro" is a book written by Moriyasu Negishi in the Edo-period. M. Negishi (1737-1815) was a magistrate in the city of Edo.

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Medical treatment and folk medicine recorded in "Mimibukuro"
He was very much interested in listening to and recording many kinds of the stories, which were told by various kinds of people, such as public officers, samurais, merchants, doctors, etc. Among the stories of this book, there are found some stories concerning folk medicine, medicinal substances and charms. In this report, I studied such kinds of the stories. As the results of my studies, I have shown that some medicinal stories originated in the old Chinese medical books.
Other stories were supposed to have been popular among the people of Edo.
- source : ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed -

耳囊で訪ねるもち步き裏江戶東京散步 根岸鎮衛「耳囊」で訪ねる
江戶東京の怪・奇・妖 /
Mimibukuro de tazuneru mochiaruki ura Edo Tōkyō sanpo :
Walking the backstreets of Edo with the Mimibukuro stories.

- quote -
The Evolution of Yōkai in Relationship to
the Japanese Horror Genre

Adam J. Johnson
Mimi bukuro
In 2007, popular mystery author Kyōgoku Natsuhiko attempted to adapt a collection of random stories known as the Mimi bukuro or Tales Heard into kaidan, tales of the strange and mysterious for today’s readership. ... Chapter two analyzes and compares four of the original stories from the Mimi bukuro to Kyōgoku’s adaptation to understand what was scary during the Edo period, and what Kyōgoku deemed frightening in modern times. ...
- source : scholarworks.umass.edu/masters-

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Introduction -


. Mingei 民芸 Japanese Folk Art .

- #kinchaku #edobags #takarabukuro #fukurobag -


Nengajo 2014

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Nengajoo 年賀状 New Year Cards 2014

2014 is the Year of the Horse.

. The Year of the Horse - 馬年 - Information .
Mark Schumacher


. . . CLICK here for google Photos !


. DARUMA - Nengajo of all years .

bright sunshine
on the first day -
welcome twenty fourteen !


. WKD : Horse, Pony (uma 馬, ポニー) .

. bafunkaki 馬糞掻き, bafun tori 馬糞とり, bafun hiroi 馬糞拾い .
horse-shit collectors in Edo


歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige (1797–1858)

尾形月耕 Ogata Gekko (1859-1920)


Year of the Horse 平成14年 Heisei 14 - 2007

Year of the Horse 平成26年 Heisei 14 - 2014





Imai Ken

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Imai Ken Gooshoo 今井健(豪照)

ダルマをたずねて -写禅のあゆみー 
岐阜県連盟前理事長 今井 健(豪照)氏が

石田豪澄画僧との出会いから 作品に関する想いを綴られた書籍を自費出版され、愛知県連盟の有志に配布下さいました。

- source : shorinjikempo-aichi.com/osirase




Daruma Near

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Daruma Near 『だるマニア』

Look at a great collection HERE
- source : japan81.com/darumanear





Nengajo of all years


New Year Postcards.. Nenga 年賀状 Nengajoo 

. 2022 - Year of the Tiger .

. 2021 - Year of the Bull / cow .

. 2020 - Year of the Nezumi rat mouse .

. 2019 - Year of the Wild Boar .

. 2018 - Year of the Dog .

. 2017 - Year of the Rooster .

. 2016 - Year of the Monkey .

. 2015 - Year of the Sheep / Ram / .

. 2014 - Year of the Horse / Pferd .

. 2013 - Year of the Snake / Serpent / Schlange .

. 2012 - Year of the Dragon / Drachen .

. 2011 - Year of the Rabbit / Hare .

2010 - Year of the Tiger - THIS PAGE

. 2009 : Year of the Ox  

. 2008 : Year of the Mouse  

. 2006 : Year of the Dog

. 2005 : Year of ?  


CLICK for more photos

2010 Year of the Tiger



tora daruma 寅だるま tiger Daruma

from nenga.org

from nenga.org

from blog.goo.ne.jp
from blog.goo.ne.jp

from nenga.nifty.com

from kids.nifty.com

Click on the thumbnail for more !


from nengajou.biz/dl/temp/daruma/01/


. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


Daruma Otoshi だるまおとし

from kids.nifty.com



KIGO for the New Year

hatsudayori 初便り (はつだより) first written news
..... nengajoo 年賀状(ねんがじょう)New Year Postcard
..... gajoo 賀状(がじょう)
..... nenga yuubin 年賀郵便(ねんがゆうびん)
..... nenga hagaki 、年賀端書(ねんがはがき)
nenga haitatstu 賀状配達(がじょうはいたつ)first distribution of New Year postcards

The postman brings the lot on January first, there are many special delivery services for these postcards during the first three days of the New Year.


kesoobumi uri 懸想文売 vendor of love letters .
Kyoto, shrine Suga jinja 須賀神社

. KIGO : The New Year  


humanity kigo for mid-winter

nengajoo kaku 賀状書く がじょうかく writing a new year card


. Etegami 絵手紙
Postcards with Daruma

. 干支  eto, kanshi The 12 Zodiac Animals .
